The Great Wave – Astrology Forecast 3rd – 10th March 2024

March 3rd, 2024

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


A heads up. The extraordinary astrology of March, April and May is galactic in scale, not just solar-planetary, offering the potential for personal and collective breakthroughs on a large scale. Not only are there two Aries/Libra eclipses – one on March 24th, the other on April 8th – but the Aries Solar eclipse will cast its dark shadow right across Canada and the USA from SW to NE – in a mirror image of the Great American eclipse of August 2017 that went NW to SE.

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This is on top of the approaching Pisces Super Moon, Node of Fate conjunct Chiron in Aries, the auspicious Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April followed by Jupiter entering Gemini in May – all amped up by the high-frequency electricity of Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune square the karmic Galactic Centre.

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This week, unpredictable Uranus at 19° Taurus is in Trickster mode in cahoots with Venus, Mercury and Mars, shaking up and shaking out any complacency, comfort zones and entitlement.

Make a note of the March 10 Stealth Super New Moon’s enhanced tide, storm and seismic potential between March 7-13th. Apart from its geophysical footprint, expect a powerful bioelectric/hormonal surge from its conjunction. All the major planets are direct, nudging you to move forward with faith.

This Super New Moon at 20° Pisces is conjunct Saturn and Neptune, trine Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. All the major planets are direct, nudging you to move forward with faith.

Choose the higher side of this potent Pisces energy to free your imagination and intuition to seed the New and to collaborate with What Will Be:

  • free yourself from limbic hijacking – create oases of digital detox

  • don’t be a consumer who never evolves into a creator

  • start a project that requires both imagination and visualisation

  • be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy or chaotic parts of yourself

  • engage in peaceful and restorative activities

Chandra Symbol New Moon PISCES 21: Pagan fire worshippers dancing.

“Trance states. At home in psychic realms and other realities, abandoned to the tribe–to the sweep of the moment, to the energies that arise. On fire with longing and poignant, bittersweet reflections. A throwback, a native, a primal soul. Emotional, depths-centred, superphysical, you are energized tremendously by special occasions, extraordinary meetings, unexpected miracles and tragedies. Expectant and waiting for something wild and unknown to break through. Mediumistic and charged with a life force that must be followed. A certain distinctive fate to be at times disappearing and gone and at other times resurgent and mighty–all depend upon the tides of fortune. And it will constantly change in unpredictable, exciting, disorienting, and multiple ways.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

Each year, during the weeks just before your birthday month, your solar batteries are low and need re-charging. Not by rushing around being a human doing, but by taking some quiet time alone wherever feels like home or a private sanctuary. Chiron in Aries meets the Node of Fate, so old unhealed wounds may re-emerge for resolution. Sunday’s Super New Moon in Pisces is in your hidden 12th House of old dreams, ancestral inheritance and unconscious drives.

In a personal ritual of completion, put whatever is finished into your dustbin of history.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

As a solar Taurean, you have enormous momentum with Pluto on your Mid Heaven until 2043, transforming your life’s purpose or praxis, as well as expansive Jupiter – and Awakener Uranus in your sign. You are being given the power to influence, so use it wisely. Not for self-promotion but to make a difference to those in your orbit, whether virtually or in real life. Next Sunday’s Super New Moon in Pisces is a green light for collaborating with others on your wavelength, setting up new communication platforms and reaching out.

Prioritise what truly matters.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

Master teacher Saturn has been on the pinnacle of your solar chart in Pisces since March 2023 and will stay until 2026. Saturn in your 10th House is usually a time to claim the rewards of the previous 28 years of Saturn travelling around your chart, as long as life lessons have been learned. Claim your experience, your wisdom and your perspective then, allied with Jupiter and Uranus in your 12th House, make a plan – how with whom and where are you going to invest your precious time and energy?

Plant the seeds at the Super New Moon in Pisces on March 10th.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

If you are an extra-intuitive Cancerian, you may already be sensing the approach of two eclipses on the horizon. They will activate two angles or underpinnings of your solar chart – the first on March 24th affecting your home and family, and the second on April 8th, your career. Knowing this in advance, spend next Sunday’s Super New Moon in Pisces withdrawing, dreaming and having quiet private time, allowing whatever needs completion to depart.

Let your imagination roam free conjuring up hopeful visions of better times ahead.

Leo Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

Think about how much life has changed in the last few years, then gaze into your crystal ball and intuit the near future. The Super New Moon on March 10th with Saturn, Sun, Moon and Neptune in Pisces is a nudge to complete a financial and emotional inventory. Think about your legacy, your shared assets, outstanding taxes or debts. Then sit with what you find and let it percolate for a while, before paying down debt, investing more wisely or adding an extra income stream.

 One life phase is completing, a new one needs both seeding and funding.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

For you as a solar Virgoan, the current astrology is shining a light on your relationships. This includes the personal and intimate as well as the purely transactional and professional. With Master Teacher Saturn allied with Sun, Moon and Neptune at next Sunday’s Super New Moon in Pisces, it may be time for certain associations to complete and then fade out of your life. Not everyone is meant to stay forever.

Just allow the changing of the guard to happen in its own time.

Libra Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

Your astrology suggests that it’s either all work or all play at the moment. Until next Sunday’s New Moon, focus on getting things done, on teamwork, collaboration and planning. Update your workplace, your systems and your document trail. Keep an eye on your physical well-being and avoid burning the candle at both ends. By March 10th, it’s time for leisure, pleasure, fun and enjoyment.

Do something you love just for the sake of it.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast:3rd – 10th March 2024

With so much activity in Pisces-a Water sign compatible with Scorpio-you should be feeling lighter than for several months. A stellar lineup of Saturn, Sun, Moon and Neptune at the Super New Moon on March 10th are gifting you with both imagination and practicality-the perfect mixture for seeding a creative project, setting up an exhibition or discovering a new passion or pastime. With Pluto in your 4th House, someone in your family may want to be involved.

Seize the day.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

Looking at your astrology, you might be feeling overstretched, as if you’re having to juggle too many balls in the air at the same time. It seems to be connected to what’s going on at home and to communications generally. This entire week is leading up to a Super New Moon in Pisces, your angle of family and belonging. Master Teacher Saturn is conjunct the Sun/Moon and Neptune, so if you have plans for renovation or relocation, make sure your blueprint is both accurate and costed.

Don’t try to do everything yourself, call in reinforcements.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

You currently have very supportive astrology in place to help you draw money towards you. Whether that’s through rewards for hard work, winning the lottery or an inheritance doesn’t matter. What does matter is what you do with it. The seismic window of next Sunday’s Super New Moon is open all week activating your Pisces 3rd House and making communication more sensitive than usual. Focus on completing a study program, finishing your manuscript, booking that trip before March 10th.

Tying up loose ends to create space for the new.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

With Venus and Mars in Aquarius alongside transformer Pluto, throw a spanner into your well-oiled routines and take some quiet time to really think about how you can lighten your life and regain a sense of pleasure in simply being alive. Which passions, pastimes or activities have fallen by the wayside over the years? Do any still have a spark? Fortunately, the Super New Moon on March 10th has the potential to boost your income giving you the means to finance your new plans.

At every choice point, choose the road less travelled.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th March 2024

The welcome news is that Pisces will be in the heart of the celestial dance this year for longer than the usual month. That’s thanks to Neptune in your sign between 2012-2026 as well as Guru Saturn from March 2023- 2026, both joined by Venus and Mars from March 12th and 23rd. These are once-in-a-lifetime transits, a time to evolve, mature and find creative ways to blend your superpowers of intuition and imagination with practical ingenuity.

Channel March 10th’s Piscean Super New Moon power into under-promising then over-delivering.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and a former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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