Foundational Mindfulness: Breathing Techniques for Every Age

April 3rd, 2024

By Wake Up World

In an era overwhelmed by digital chaos and the relentless pace of life, Wake Up World proudly presents “Mindful Meditation for Kids: A Practical Guide for Adults to Empower Kids with the Gift of Inner Peace and Resilience for Life.” This transformative resource is designed to instil mindfulness in adults and children, merging over 30 accessible practices with strategies for daily mindfulness integration and solutions for challenges such as resistance and ADHD. By fostering emotional resilience and deeper connections, this essential guide stands as a beacon of calm in a world bustling with distractions. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for those seeking to introduce mindful living to the younger generation—and themselves.

As part of our dedication to empowering future generations without compromising our free content, we invite you to support our mission by embracing this opportunity to enhance your journey and the lives of the children around you. Moving away from screen distractions towards tangible growth and tranquility, today we’re thrilled to share a glimpse into this invaluable resource. Highlighting key breathing techniques that form the cornerstone of mindfulness practice, this selection serves as accessible tools for both young and old to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and awareness. Join us in nurturing a mindful, resilient world—one book, page, and breath at a time.

Breathing Techniques: Foundation Exercises for All Ages

Breathing techniques are a cornerstone of mindfulness practice. They are accessible and effective for all ages. These foundational exercises are designed to help children and adults center themselves, regulate their emotions, and cultivate a deep sense of presence. Here, we introduce a variety of breathing exercises, expand upon their benefits, and offer detailed instructions to ensure they can be easily incorporated into daily routines.

The Five-Finger Breathing Exercise

This tactile exercise guides deep breathing visually and physically, making it particularly appealing for children who benefit from engaging multiple senses.

How to Practice:

Spread one hand wide to represent the five senses. With the opposite hand’s index finger, start at the base of the thumb. Slowly inhale and trace up the side of the thumb.

Pause briefly at the top, then slowly exhale as you trace down the other side of the thumb. Repeat this process for each finger. This methodical tracing encourages slow, deep breaths and provides a calming, focused activity.


Besides promoting relaxation and focus, the Five-Finger Breathing Exercise helps manage moments of stress or anxiety by providing a simple, grounding technique that can divert attention away from distressing thoughts or sensations.

Balloon Breathing

Balloon Breathing is an imaginative exercise that helps visualize the process of deep breathing. It is ideal for encouraging diaphragmatic breathing in a fun way.

How to Practice

Ask the child to imagine their belly as a balloon that inflates with each inhale and deflates with each exhale. Place hands on the stomach to feel the rise and fall. Inhale slowly through the nose, imagining the balloon expanding, then exhale through the nose, picturing the balloon gently deflating.


This exercise promotes deep abdominal breathing, which reduces stress and improves oxygen flow to the brain, enhancing overall calmness and mental clarity.

Square Breathing

Square Breathing, also known as Box Breathing, is a simple yet effective technique that children and adults can easily remember and practice.

How to Practice

Visualize drawing a square. Start by slowly exhaling all the air. Then, inhale through the nose to a slow count of four while “drawing” the first side of the square in the imagination. Hold the breath for another count of four as you  “draw” the second side. Slowly exhale through the nose to the count of four on the third side and hold the breath out for a count of four on the fourth side. Repeat several times.


Square Breathing is particularly useful for calming the nervous system, improving concentration, and helping manage acute stress moments. It’s a versatile technique that can be practiced almost anywhere, from a classroom setting to a stressful situation, and it offers immediate grounding.

Scented Breathing

Incorporating a sensory element, Scented Breathing uses pleasant aromas to enhance the breathing experience, engaging the sense of smell alongside the practice of mindful breathing.

How to Practice

Introduce children to various scents using flowers, herbs, essential oils, or scented candles (with adult supervision). Ask them to close their eyes and focus on the smell, taking deep breaths and describing the scent and any feelings or memories it evokes.


This activity enhances sensory awareness and emotional memory, creating a calming and enjoyable mindfulness experience. It also introduces the concept of using aroma as a tool for grounding and relaxation.

These breathing techniques offer a range of options to suit different preferences and situations, making mindfulness practice versatile and adaptable. By teaching these foundational exercises, we empower children and adults to access tools for self-regulation, awareness and tranquility at any moment, fostering a lifelong skillset for managing emotions and stress.

Dive deeper into the world of mindfulness and equip yourself and the children with over 30 breathing and mindfulness techniques designed to foster inner peace, resilience, and emotional intelligence. “Mindful Meditation for Kids: A Practical Guide for Adults to Empower Kids with the Gift of Inner Peace and Resilience for Life” is not just a book—it’s a journey towards a more mindful, serene existence in our fast-paced world. Embrace this unique opportunity to transform your approach to life’s challenges and enhance the wellbeing of the next generation. Purchase your copy now and start building a foundation of mindfulness that will last a lifetime. Let’s create a more mindful, compassionate, and resilient world together, one technique, one breath, and one moment at a time.