Nature of Reality – More Evidence Suggesting Our Universe is Illusory

August 23rd, 2024

By Paul A. Philips

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Not so long ago, I wrote a blog exploring the nature of reality. Using compelling supporting evidence, I put forward that we live in an illusion, a holographic universe. The universe’s holographic nature is just one of a number of aspects giving rise to the illusory nature of reality.

The “observer effect”

Further fascinating supporting evidence is inextricably tied to the idea that the fake reality world/universe we live in requires our participation for it to manifest. This has been called the “observer effect.”

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First, let’s examine the following fascinating aspects that question the nature of reality. Then, I’ll explain how this all comes together. It’s inextricably tied to the idea that the universe is illusory and requires our participation to manifest the illusion. Hence, the term “observer effect.”

The computer games analogy

The principle that we live in a simulation can be likened to a computer game.

For example, let’s say you are playing the part of a racing driver in a computer game. What you see on your computer screen is the virtual view you’re getting as a driver traveling at speed on the road of a busy city, with all the surrounding details you’d expect in this built-up area.

However, at this point, all other aspects outside of your window in the computer game (program) do not exist as they are not rendered. Each element only becomes rendered and visible on your computer screen when you turn to this virtual area in the game.

For instance, if you take a sharp left turn, the new area you now see in your window to interact with is only made possible because the data making up this new area of the game becomes rendered and replaces the old…

If the computer program had all the existing aspects of the game readily rendered for viewing, this would be too much computational energy to handle. So, to save energy, the computer engine only renders data to what the driver/player turns his or her attention to and observes all the existing details at this point.

In other words, this moment-by-moment virtual reality existence is generated by the participating driver/player consistent with the term the “observer effect.”

The double-slit experiment

The “observer effect” is also demonstrated when waveforms from various sources, such as electron beans, go through a double-slit:

In our example, if single electron beams go through double slits in a straight line, they will remain waves and produce wave interference patterns when hitting a back screen. However, when humans using a detector observe the beam, the waves generated from the beam go through double-slits and then change into particles, producing clumping patterns instead when hitting the back screen.

It’s as if the observer has created the nature of reality. Simply by being present, the waves change into particles!

Note: It has been said that this double-slit experiment has been debunked. However, the debunking is only done when the setup becomes more complex and more detectors are used. The mind-blowing basics still remain: The more straightforward setup still demonstrates the “observer effect,” where, when a human is present, the waves change into particles.

How this comes together

The computer game analogy (above) has been used to describe the nature of reality in our universe.

Consistent with the computer simulation theory, our so-called reality, what we perceive in our surroundings, only becomes “real” to us because it has been generated (rendered) due to our presence in an area at a given time. This is how we get to see our surroundings.

Therefore, according to the simulation theory, anything outside your surroundings doesn’t exist!

Tied into quantum mechanics, the double-slit experiment is a confirmatory example showing that our presence changes the fundamental particles making up matter.

Yes, it has been said that we are living in an A.I generated an illusion.

And there’s more. Everything within this illusory world we live in, and its aspects are also fake!

Consider the implications!

For one of many examples, consider the idea that when you look out at the stars in the sky, even if it’s a clear nighttime sky, the stars only manifest due to your presence, participation, and interaction with the highly advanced A.I computer-generated fake virtual reality universe program you live in. The stars are just an illusion!

A philosopher once said: …Let’s say there’s a remote area and nobody around. There’s a nasty storm going on in this area. Then, suddenly, a tree gets blown down by the storm. The tree falls and spreads over a main road. The fact that there’s no one there to witness this roadblock has it actually happened?

Well, the philosopher may have a point here based on the unknown simulation theory during his time!

Some people may have a hard time with the idea that we are living in a highly advanced A.I generated a computer simulation universe. For all of you, all the truth-seekers out there, I strongly recommend that you not just take my word for what I have written. Go and do your own research on this fascinating subject of the nature of reality.

There is much to go down the rabbit hole with!

This article was first published on

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About the Author:

My blogs, along with the related alternative news website, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.

I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.

However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’

From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!

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