The Consciousness Landscape

past present future

By  Openhand

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Do the past and the future really exist?

Have you ever wondered why you can’t remember the exact details of your past lives?

Have you also ever contemplated why even though you may be able to expand into the higher realms, you still can’t see deep into the future?

As we ‘walk the path’ it may seem as though apparent chance coincidences are aligning to a destined journey. So if you can touch the cosmic library of all-knowing, why can you not see what’s on that journey? Further still, why can we not predict the so-called ‘sacred contracts’ that are intended to light up that journey?

It all boils down to how we truly process the consciousness of the moment.

The past no longer exists

Everything within the universe consists of energy – pure consciousness – which is continually shaping and reshaping like some vast, amorphous jelly fish. It is a phenomenon that the great scientist Einstein called “space time continuum”. Since everything is interconnected through this consciousness field, everything is influenced by what we are being right now, in this moment – including the past.

For this reason, the past – as it was when a particular event took place – no longer exists as it did back then. The whole field of space time continuum has evolved and changed into something else. Certainly there are still pieces of this past jigsaw in the current picture, but now the picture has morphed into something else. As a part of that new reality, we carry forwards the influences, energy and memories within our consciousness.

To me, this is why when people begin to touch past life karma, they never truly remember the full details of the events that took place. Often what they ‘see’ are hazy metaphors of attachments they are still holding.

Authentic living is all about presence

Let me be clear, what we are holding from the past is still vitally important. Our experiences are like the roots of a tree, creating a foundation upon which to evolve and grow. But also keys to the future are held, the karma that distorts our connection to the moment, and must shed if we are to have a clear view of reality. It is this karma that limits our ability to shape the present according to a higher state of harmony our beingness is moving to unveil. It is this that limits our authenticity.

It is all about the degree of presence we bring into the moment. How present are we being? If our consciousness in this moment is clouded by energy of the past, then we can’t possibly bring full presence to our creations here and now.

So how much are you actually resisting what you are creating? How much do you want it to be a certain way? If we find ourselves in this place, then we are limiting our ability to bring maximum presence to the moment and then shape it according to the highest, most perfect expression of us.

The future unfolds out of the moment

So what about the future? People on a path frequently speak of ‘sacred contracts’ – that we incarnate with pre-destined agreements to meet up and carry out various engagements with one another designed to reveal something. And also, that when we follow the path, things just seem to magically click into place as if they had always been intended and shaped that way. How does this work if there is no such thing as the ‘future’?

We are multi-dimensional beings changing and evolving moment by moment to learn and grow. We co-create reality together and our vibration draws those sentient beings to us with whom we most need to connect – this is the Law of Attraction. Not only do we attract the ‘good stuff’, If we are holding some kind of blockage or karma for instance, then we will draw people to us holding this energy as well. It happens so they can act as a mirror to us. So yes, in a way, this is how and why these ‘sacred contracts’ are formed. We are drawn together in the higher realms and then incarnate together in various roles. If we keep responding to our inner pull, then we are sure to connect with those ‘contracted’ beings at some point.

So to be clear, it is not as if the future is already laid out, it is just that the energy we hold within keeps shaping magical acts of synchronicity if we allow it to guide us. Chance meetings and ‘coincidences’ conspire to shape a continually evolving ‘pathway’ through a continually reshaping space time continuum.

The consciousness landscape

So to me, there simply is no past nor future. Instead, consciousness is continually shaping and reforming as a continually updating, never stationary, never ending landscape. Within that landscape are parts of a jigsaw that still belong to the past influencing the present. There are also parts of a possible future that will click into place when the conditions are right for it to do so.

Within that landscape, we each have our own individual ‘story’. The story is shaping according to what we are holding of the past and the parts that are dropping in as our present (what we may perceive as the ‘future’).

And how do we shape that future for the best outcome? In answer we don’t! It would be an identity trying to do that and any identity, no matter how well intentioned, is always going to be behind the wave of what is being created and thereby actually retarding our wave because we are losing presence with it and therefore attention and therefore consciousness and therefore energy.

Continual rebirth

So our consciousness landscape invites full presence in the moment. It invites us to continually let go of the past – the constrictions that bind us – because it doesn’t exist anyway. It invites us to embrace what is naturally shaping and dropping into our consciousness field. It invites us to sink deeper and deeper into the moment by surrendering all.

If we can continually do this, then we’ll bring maximum focus and power to the moment. We’ll be a strongly catalytic force for change. We’ll bring into being exactly what is meant to happen according to our true state of consciousness.

So can you continually die to the past and be reborn in the moment? If you can, not only will you find a greater degree of inner peace, but your life will be the most successful it could possibly be.

From my heart to yours,

(on behalf of Openhand)

Previous articles by Open:

About the author:

Openhand  is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step. Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.

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