The Aftermath of the Alien Love Bite, Soul Types and Predators


September 10th, 2016

By Eve Lorgen

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Many of my clients and correspondences are from people who experienced some form of anomalous trauma, especially “hyperdimensional interference” issues and Dark Side of Cupid “love bite” relationships.

Many are disillusioned from the reality that these kinds of things even exist, where interference on levels “unseen” can predate upon our life force in a way that can either cause the person to “wake up”, or fall into unimaginable grief, confusion, embittered disillusionment or worse. In fact, I often refer to a “love bite” experience as a kind of spiritual initiation, where you are thrown in a surreal, emotionally intense love connection, where a characteristic drama unfolds, causing such obsessive love, ecstatic highs, crashing lows and a deep psychic soul connection, that you believe you have met your soul mate or twin flame.

Soul Loss and Waking Up from the Illusion

The flip side of the ecstatic highs and blissed out soul connection is deep emotionally wounded rejection, energy loss and incomprehensible grief so deep that it can throw one into a delirium of madness, or even sustained soul loss. And in some cases, a kind of partial possession or entity infection can take place, if the Dark Side of Cupid love bite partner was “hosted” by a malevolent inter dimensional entity, who fed off of your energy for an extended period of time – or if you literally gave up to this predation, not understanding the consequences.

The more severe kinds of after effects have been reported, when, for example, the love bite partner was in actuality a practicing black magician, sorcerer or “reptilian host”. When this occurs, I believe the love connection was intentioned as a strategic orchestration by the “vampiric attached entity” or sorcerer themselves because they seek to feed off of your energy.

This can give them power, expanded psychic abilities and awareness, and a great sexual partner/lover who will most likely fall in love with the hosted energy vampire. The sad part about this, is that when such a cunning predator manages to link into deep levels of your being, such as the chakras, they can catalyze blissful energy sensations, elicit a profound love obsession, heart chakra expansion or even spontaneous kundalini activation. When ones energy centers are blown open this way, there can be positive side effects, such as kundalini rising, blissful energy in various parts of the body. One may experience expanded psychic awareness, love and other emotions. The sex drive can go through the roof. There can also be unpleasant emotional lability and a triggering of all ones inner psychological wounds all at the same time. And when ones energy centers are exuding all this bliss kundalini energy it can also attract other beings in your life.

It’s actually quite amazing what people have reported to me about how magical things happen once their energy centers are open with more energy flowing and especially love. They may find themselves suddenly being noticed “by the opposite sex” when they had not really been noticed before. They may have animals react to them differently, such as coming close to them for longer periods of time, instead of flying or running away. Things they think about may manifest more quickly, while experiencing telepathy or spontaneous remote viewing ability. They may also start to notice feeling more exhausted, while at the same time feeling almost drugged with a kind of energy bliss, where the desire to meld and have sex with the partner is nearly constant. It is akin to a powerful love spell—and perhaps that is exactly what it is.

As the relationship progresses, and depending on the degree of energy vampirism, emotional drama and narcissistic abuse factors, the soul energy loss and emotional wounding increases. It may get to the point where a break up has to occur or ill health or possible death can result from this kind of soul loss and extreme emotional damage.

It is usually in the aftermath of such a relationship that a client will contact me, seeking healing and some explanation for how and why this can happen. Many hold on to the hope that they will reconnect with their partner, believing that their unconditional love can change or “heal” the partner who is either narcissistically wounded or carries within them an attached entity, or both. The desire to hold on to the illusion of the “soul mate/twin flame” partner is very strong in such situations, even despite abusive behaviors and consuming ill health. It is like an addiction that we grasp onto because having a connection like this is unlike any other. Barbara Bartholic, my early mentor in my alien abduction research days, used to call this the “love drug” effect. The drama of the love obsession seems to be proportional to the degree of how ones energy centers were melded and opened up, creating lots of bliss as if we were one soul. Our level of earlier emotional childhood wounding can also exacerbate the vulnerability we have for getting into such a love bite. If we never really knew “true love” we often fall for the counterfeit and not perceive that it’s orchestrated.

Karmic Connections

We may even have spontaneous past life memories surface, when we meet or connect more deeply to our “love bite” partner. (Of course this can happen in non-love bite connections too.) In fact, a very aware friend of mine had ET beings communicate to her during an abduction event, that one of the reasons they orchestrate such “love connections” is because the energy produced is a delicacy to them. And for one of these catalyzed love relationships to work, they often need to have former “karmic connections” between the targeted partners. These past life connections will often manifest as fine energy tendrils that will link up and in-between the people involved. So that the more karmic connections, the stronger or more effective a “love bite” will be. It is not necessarily so, however, sometimes even when all the conditions for the orchestrated set up are present, some individuals just don’t “bite back” or generate strong feelings that result in a love connection.

A Strange Side Effect: Continued Energy Vampire Predations and Interdimensional Handling

One of the unfortunate things that can happen with someone who had an initial Dark Side of Cupid relationship, is that from that point forward in their life, even after they have broken up with that person, is that other “predator energy vampire” types will continue coming to them. It is as if some magnetic “switch” has been flipped, or a kind of virus, that enables them to be found by other energy vampire types of people. It makes one wonder if such “hosted” energy predators belong to a sort of hive mind egregore such that they can find these “prized” spiritual energy people by some kind of invisible network. This is an observation with the more “high frequency” people who have innate spiritual gifts and a kind of high quality spiritual energy. I will have to add also, that this is not the only explanation, because for those people who have not taken responsibility to do their own healing and recovery process for early life emotional woundings, they may fall into patterns of running into the same kinds of dysfunctional relationships. In general, if the person does significant healing regarding their early life traumas and any relationship issues related to the first “love bite”, they can go on to establish good, healthy relationships in their lives afterwards.

One milab woman I knew who had the gift of clairvoyant vision, could “see” the different types of people and what they “hosted”. Of course one of the reasons she was used as a “milab asset” was because she could telepathically link in with people, sometimes several at a time. She also could remote view situations when directed to do so, among other things. Well, it just so happened that we sometimes attended UFO conferences together, and she could tell which persons to “be on the alert for” because they were hosting a reptilian being or perhaps other types of entities. She even knew that there were several types of reptilians, such as “yellow bellies”, who were the ones that were less “mean” but annoying and always the types of people vying for lots of attention. She believed that many humans were actually reptilian hybrids in bodies, and many seemed to act in ways that appeared they were trying to “pretend to be human”.

We often laughed at this because it seemed so absurd but the more comical observations, she noted was when she went to Church. She went to a fundamental Christian church in the Bible Belt area of the USA with her family. She used to joke about the reptilian hosts she would see at church “pretending” to be human and acting religious. She did say that “not all reptilians were evil” and that many were just trying to fit in and live as humans in human bodies. She also saw how “reptilians in the workplace” often created miserable hierarchical environments and emotional dramas at work, feeding on the energy of others’ misery. (See: Snakes at the Water Cooler.)

Another clairvoyant client who exudes that high quality, spiritual energy desirable by these energy predators, mentioned wanting to get back into the dating scene, after having gone through a terrible Dark Cupid relationship that nearly cost her her life. She wanted to find men through church where perhaps a better quality man could be found, rather than the online dating sites, bars and other social environments for “normals”. Well, lo and behold, she saw a good-looking man, who had been eyeing her several times, and seemed to have that alluring desire of connection, an excited look communicating a desire to meet each other. But as she observed closely, she was able to see that this man was hosting a reptilian entity, who would play the “energy games” that can happen with these types of people. Even though he went to church — he still harbored an active reptilian entity, eager to get involved in a connection. She was at first excited to find a man at church, but after she saw the entity within and the characteristic reptilian energy dynamics, she contacted me with her concerns. “Will this ever stop? Why do they keep coming after me? Are they everywhere?”

Interdimensional Interference and Emotional Triggering 2

Well, she had a good question!

There is something else happening, that goes beyond simple psychological explanations for those who find themselves repeatedly targeted by “interdimensionally hosted” energy vampire lovers or friends. This goes into the phenomena of what I call “targeted inter-dimensional handling” and control of specific people who have been “target listed” for one reason or another. It happens with authentic, spiritually gifted individuals, especially women who are from specific bloodlines who have been identified as “starfire” women. It happens with men too of course. This can include some MK ultra and ritual abuse victims, milabs (military abductions), alien abductees and contactees, indigos etc. It can happen to people who have been identified by covert, experimental mind-control social engineering groups or independent black magicians as individuals who are identified as “different”, more aware or gifted spiritually. Once targeted by one love bite relationship, they are often assailed by other “organic portal” types of people who are sent in by some kind of “hive minded” program to handle them in some capacity.

The handling may be specific to that individual, so that the “handler” is used to gather regular information about them, or their routine lives. They may be involved just enough to keep them from establishing other relationships that could be more positive in terms of healing opportunities and sovereign spiritual empowerment. Sometimes it is a relationship that dampens the frequency factor of the targeted persons psychological life, just enough so that the targeted person (ie. a milab) remains in a lower vibration zone of consciousness to be continually “accessed” by their abductors.

Types of Souls

Of course this all sounds paranoid crazy, for those who haven’t experienced or witnessed it first hand. In certain sub-populations of anomalous trauma — especially those who have had MK Ultra, ritual abuse and milab abduction histories — it is more evident. But there is something else happening, that may be unrelated to these sub-populations, that indicates a deeper underlying reality of different types of “humans” that exist. Some may call them ET hybrids, but I’m not certain that is what it is. It seems to be more of a soul and spiritual difference between humans, that predisposes some to be natural “energy vampires” who predate specifically upon the more spiritually gifted types of humans who exude a type of energy highly sought after.

It wasn’t until I studied the research of Dr. Corrado Malanga on his regressive hypnosis findings with alien abductees employing the Triad Color Test, that I started to see that some people may not have a highly developed “higher self” component of consciousness, or a soul at all. In Malanga’s work, he attributes the Higher Self to the Soul or Anima.

In other spiritual traditions the term used is Spirit, Higher Self, Atman or anandamaykosha. In an earlier interview I conducted with Dorica Manu, a colleague of Dr. Malanga, I inquired about the distribution of people, as well as “aliens and ETs” who have Mind, Spirit and Soul components of the triad of consciousness. Most of the “abducting aliens” who parasite humans only contained a mind component, sometimes a spirit component also, but not a soul component. Most abductees contained all three components, since the aliens prefer to parasite those who have a good “Soul battery” of energy. But not all the people assessed with the Triad Color Test appeared to have all three components in the triad of consciousness. Some had mind and spirit but not soul. Some had mind and soul and no spirit. Some had souls who were tied into the Primordial Man.

Essentially we see that the distribution of “souled humans” is around 20-25% or a little less than one third of all humans.

“The secret of the Tree of Life is that the humans or human DNA, contains a compatibility with the frequency of the Soul. Apparently not all humans possess this DNA compatibility with the Soul. Or to put it another way, Malanga discovered via the abductee Soul component testimonies, that only 20-25% of humans are souled, or had this DNA soul compatibility issue.(Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26) Another way to perceive this, which the latest discoveries of Dr. Malanga also confirm – is that the Soul of these people with apparently incompatible genetics stays behind in another dimensional reality, so that the “connect” aspect will not function within that life-genetic container.  As Malanga would now say, “These soul entities still remaining on the less dense energetic planes of existence – the so called “Higher Realms” of Religion and New Age – are afraid to “come down” and have the experience on the Earth plane”. [Source]

The Gnostic Understanding of the Three Types of Humans


In the Gnostic literature mostly derived from the Nag Hammadi Library, it is written that three types of humans existed from the beginning. They were the different offspring of Eve, two of whom were of Archontic origin, Cain and Abel. Some believe that these were also known as the Serpent Seed. The third and fourth offspring of Eve and Adam were Seth and Norea. It is the latter two — the Norea and Sethian “incorruptible race” — that are often mentioned as being the humans associated with the pneumatic or spiritual race. The spiritual race are those who have a greater degree of spiritual “remembrance or gnosis” of their eternal origins.

If this is true, then some Gnostic researchers say that one third of the human race is of the original pneumatic race while two thirds make up the psychic and hylic races. Below is a multi scripture compilation describing the three types of humans and how they are mentioned and in what context:

Taken from A Gnostic Glossary by L. Carauana:

– Gnosticism has developed a schema of three types of humans: the spirit-endowed Pneumatics, the soul-endowed Psychics, and the flesh-endowed Hylics. See THREE TYPES OF HUMANS.

– The spirit-endowed Pneumatics (the Elect) are saved absolutely. The soul-endowed Psychics may be saved or damned. The flesh-endowed Hylics are inevitably ‘damned to destruction’: “The spiritual race will receive complete salvation in every way. The material will receive destruction in every way (…) The psychic race, since it is in the middle when it is brought forth and also when it is created, is double according to its determination for both good and evil.” (Tripartite Tractate 119:16)

– The Apocryphon of John expands on this schema. There are two types of Pneumatics: those who avoid the corruption of the flesh and those who do not. Both as saved. Then there are the Psychics, who have souls but are without spirit. They are repeatedly re-incarnated until they acquire the gnosis. Then they are saved. Last of all those without the gnosis (the Hylics?), who are damned eternally– First of all, those with the spirit (pneuma) who avoid corruption of the flesh – are saved: “Those on whom the Spirit of life will descend (…) will be saved and become perfect and be worthy of the greatness and be purified in that place from all wickedness and the involvements in evil. (…) Such then are worthy of the imperishable, eternal life.” (Apocryphon of John)

– Second, those with the spirit (pneuma) who do not avoid corruption of the flesh – are still saved: “Through the intervention of the incorruptible one, it is saved, and it is taken up to the rest of the aeons.” (Apocryphon of John)

– Third, those without the spirit (pneuma) are repeatedly re-incarnated until they acquire the gnosis – and are saved: “After it comes out of (the body), it (the soul) is handed over to the authorities, who came into being through the archon, and they bind it with chains and cast it into prison (i.e. body), and consort with it until it is liberated from the forgetfulness and acquires knowledge. And if thus it becomes perfect, it is saved.” (Apocryphon of John)

– Fourth, those without the gnosis – are damned for eternity: “(They will go) to that place where the angels of poverty go they will be taken, the place where there is no repentance. And they will be kept for the day on which those who have blasphemed the spirit will be tortured, and they will be punished with eternal punishment.” (Apocryphon of John)

In “Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians” (Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, Three Rivers Press, 2001) the description of the psychic, hylic and pneumatic humans are also mentioned. But rather than making this a literal genetic or race issue, it is described as a level of consciousness or spiritual initiation:

Hylics or ‘materialists”, identify themselves withe the body — or circumference of the circle of self. The Psychics or ‘soulists’, identify with the psyche or soul—the radius of beingness. the Pneumatics, or ‘spiritists’ are aware of themselves as spirit or Consciousness — the center of the circle.” [pp. 70-73]

If we can define the human as a central point of original consciousness with an expanding radius of being and awareness, we have the center point as spirit, central radius as psyche or soul and the outer circumference as body and ego identification.

“In Pagan, Jewish and Christian Gnostic traditions there are two basic stages of initiation which lead initiates progressively through these states of being. Christians called the first or psychic or soul initiation, because it initiates the journey from being a hylic to becoming a psychic. They called the second the pneumatic or ‘spirit’ initiation because it initiates the journey from being a psychic to becoming a pneumatic.

Psychic initiates were taught the exoteric teachings or Other Mysteries of Gnosticism, which were openly available to all those interested in joining a particular Gnostic school. Pneumatic initiates went on to be taught the secret esoteric teachings or Inner Mysteries. Literalist Christianity is the product of psychic initiates, uninitiated into the Inner Mysteries, making a religion out of the Outer Mysteries. This is why the secret pneumatic teachings of Christianity which we are exploring seem so remote from Christianity as it is generally understood today.

The pneumatic teachings were kept a secret because the spiritually immature can easily be so baffled that they dismiss them as incomprehensible nonsense…”

To paraphrase, essentially the process of awakening began with the exploration of soul experience which was all about the psychic initiation process. The essence was to know who you are from the personality standpoint, while developing empathy and good ethics. The pneumatic initiation was about discovering the experiencer or spirit Consciousness that is the ground of all experience. The latter is similar to Buddhist higher level meditative insights where they realize there is no ego self, per se, but rather a deeper connectedness to All. The larger Dreaming Self. It is the All experiencing itself through the reflection of individual selves, and the sense of an all embracing love in this Oneness of being. It is a Mystery, and for those who have come to the place of Gnosis realize that they really know nothing, and instead realize this is an unfolding mystery of becoming and beingness.

Carl Jung often believed that the early Gnostics were really psychotherapists, who not only realized “Gnosis” by deep self-exploration, contemplation and compassionate activity, but they helped their spiritual-seeking brothers and sisters to self-discover the same thing.

Hybrids, Bloodlines and Reptilians

Today, we see that there is a huge emphasis on genetics and bloodlines, with a definite association with frequency quality of soul and spirit. We also know that there are certain “supernatural gifts” and abilities which are passed only through certain bloodlines. This may actually have to do with the blood and bone marrow, (as well as genetics) and was understood by secret societies who followed bloodlines which passed on supernatural powers to their downline, such as children. The blue blood is offered as an example of some blood “pneuma of numen” that can be passed on to immediate descendants. (Please note that the following extract is a Google translation from an original French-language article and references.

“The traditional interpretation of the blue blood is linked, by cons, to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit descending in the blood of those who make themselves worthy to receive it, such as in the traditional initiation, knightly accolade, the anointing, the anointing; but forgetting still not that the Spirit blows where he wills.” (P.60)

“This is why members of the same lineage seeking to protect their blood to prevent the dissolution of the “pneuma” of the “numen” linked to it. But it also produces a degeneration, which may have led to the corruption of Zoroastrianism by the Chaldean / Babylonian. The concentration of “pneuma” produces the longest conservation body, particularly the bones, but if the transfer of this force is not completed or is corrupt, then the line is lost. These transfer phenomena explain the sometimes instantaneous passage gifts of a healer to a member of his family.

“We have seen how the relationship between the numen of a lineage and descendants of the latter was maintained for centuries, and it must be said, a little too naturally, by consanguineous marriages, the blood “mixed” (obtained by the union of individuals who are not related to each other) having the effect of forgetting the “blood memory”, which was particularly feared in these lineages.

“It is this same quality that condemned to a sort of perpetual slavery descendants of a lineage as “prisoners of their blood” which had only members of their lineage, not as individuals, such as rings of a chain link of prisoners and a past they would have to overcome to overcome individually, the power exercised by the animal soul through the blood.” (P.65)

“Such avoided if control is mentioned in the first book of Olga Kharitidi, where a shaman seeks to transfer the force of “egregore” of the line on a person who does not want to.” [Sources: original French version and English translation.]

Also, if the pneuma of numen was weak in a person there were rites to increase this quality, based on ancient Egyptian and Jewish practices:

“If contact with the pneuma of numen becomes weak or broken, a rite can be done to revive it. This is palingenesis. This is done “with the magical job centers of the ancestor, that is to say salts extracted from his bones. The origin of this practice dates back to the dawn of time … It is also curious that in Egyptian magic remains perpetuated in Sudan was talking Guenon, we find the phenomenon of transformation of men into animals, especially from an entire population, demonstrating that among other there unquestionably has a hereditary passing of such power through the blood.” (P.92)

With some survivors of ritual abuse histories, MK Ultra, milabs and “starfire women”, they assert that their bloodline families and the beings who have exploited them are both human and non-human. This is elaborated on in Elisa E’s books, Beyond our Life in MK Ultra”, Book One and Two.

In Elisa E’s experience, she has a profound and chilling connection to the “Cain” entity, a non-human — yet humanlike — extremely powerful being, who may have been the original Cain from the Bible. This being is present as a powerful bloodline ally and inter-dimensional “handler” as well as rapacious lover and enemy all at the same time. It is still a mystery, yet opens up many questions as to the reality of an actual genetic, racial reality of such hybrid beings interbreeding with humanity in specific bloodlines carrying on ancient occult traditions. In Elisa’s book she goes into detail about how she understands and has personally witnessed the “inter-dimensional handling” phenomena in her own experience, as well as with people well known in the “alternative whistleblowing and Exopolitics” community.

In Carolyn Hamlett’s testimony of surviving in a Satanic Ritual Abuse bloodline family, she describes the origin and ancestries of the Reptilian race, often associated with the Dragon line family crests (pictured).


She also is one of the few who explains the origins of the Reptilian race, as being a genetically engineered race created by the Nephilim to be a super warrior race. She says that the Nephilim are hybrids between the original humans and Fallen Angels, and that the Reptilians are a hybrid between Nephilim and some reptilian species. The Reptilians contain some human DNA since the Nephilim are offspring of humans and Watchers and so are compatible. Could the Fallen Angels also be the Archons of the Demiurge as written in ancient Gnostic literature?

There are two good interviews by Carolyn Hamlett with Dan Duval, that go into detail about the Reptilian Replication process, which I believe can explain many anomalies witnessed by those who have been told that they are of some reptilian hybrid bloodline. — See here.

A July 2016 interview goes into more detail on the Replication process from a single reptilian red blood cell that is incorporated into the human ovum before conception. — See here.

In the aforementioned article on Carolyn Hamlett’s experience, she talks about a 5th Fire Initiation between two “twin flame” partners in order to bring a powerful being into our reality, a hybrid birth. This excerpt is taken from the above-mentioned article on Carolyn Hamlett:

“One of the more revelatory aspects of Carolyn’s discussion on Reptilians was the connection between a higher level powerful dark being, an Arcturian called Rommel. (It is unknown whether this particular cult group and their “dark lords” are mimicking the name of Arcturians or if indeed these Arcturians are essentially playing on the dark side.) This powerful being had to be brought to our 3D reality through a “portal” created via twin flame union sexual ritual.(I will comment on this in a later post)

“It took the energy of a combined twin flame union of two humans, coupled with what Satan’s spiritual hierarchy calls “the 5th fire initiation” to open up the portal where many of Satan’s highest and most powerful were waiting to be able to gain entrance into our 3rd dimensional earth. They needed humans to open up that portal because Satan does not have the spiritual authority to open that portal. 

“Quick explanation: Although Satan and his fallen are powerful, they do not have the “natural born” spiritual authority that humans were created with. It’s just a fact. The human spirit is different than all other created creatures. The human spirit has what I call “the God code”. We have an essence of God the creator Himself as His children.”

EL: “This is the real deal, and I believe many “milabs” and even “experiencers of alien encounters” who have had astral visitations are experiencing these unions and are directed by their “milab handlers” and/or ET guides in the astral to participate without full consent and awareness in these kinds of activities. The portal opening seems to occur spontaneously in some cases— as can immediate “bilocation” of the unionized energy bodies of the twin flame couple to another dimensional reality. I have had at least one report of this. It can also happen in the physical, where a portal opens up or is created via a tantric type of soul mate union and ritual. Often times when a portal or other dimensional reality opens up through the higher energies and consciousness of the couple, it’s spontaneous, and not directed by a ritual. And is not EVIL per se. It’s just part of the side effect of the energies created through these kinds of tantric unions.”

It is interesting to note the name of the ritual called a 5th Fire Initiation, must occur between two twin flame humans. It is my guess that the woman conceiving and needed for one of these rituals possibly needs to be a “starfire woman” of a particular bloodline. I do not think that this “starfire bloodline” is in and of itself “evil”. It is something that I believe originated from a good, organic spirit sourced human being, perhaps an androgynous female in very ancient Edenic times. And that this particular bloodline of people — and especially women — has been co-opted, exploited and controlled by a powerful occult cabal for nefarious purposes for millennia.

In Michael Tsarion’s article about the “Female Illuminati he states that most of the secret societies such as the Templars, and bloodlines related to the Merovingians, goes back to ancient Egyptian Atonists, and to the “Sisterhood of Death”. He goes to great lengths to show how the secret rites go back to the Cult of Venus, which is also the worship of Lucifer. He mentions how the female Illuminati are implicated in the Holy Blood — Holy Grail legend:

“The Grail was brought from Jerusalem to France by Hugh de Payens who, after allegedly finding it beneath Temple Mount, gave it and other treasures into her keeping. Of course the Grail is simply a clever metaphor for the Female Illuminati. The word grail comes from gradus, meaning “by degrees,” “stages” or “steps.” This alludes to the grades of a Masonic-type society. This is the society headed by Mathilde and many others before and after the era of Chretian de Troyes. A secondary meaning of the word is Sang Rael or “Holy Blood,” again a reference to the Sisterhood. The word gradus was later wrongly rendered cratis meaning basket or container, hence the connection with a cup. Suggestively, on the architecture of the north porch of Chartres Cathedral (dedicated to the female), we see the figure of the Old Testament demigod Melchizedek holding a chalice. Melchizedek is a cryptic reference to Akhenaton and the order descended from his progeny. We see then that the true significance of the so-called Holy Grail is to be primarily understood in terms of a hierarchical secret society, and secondarily as a container of royal female blood. We also see the significance of the Templars as supposed keepers of the “Grail.”

It is my intuition that not all of the individuals who retain these spiritual or supernatural gifts, as detected by specific genetics or soul frequencies are all “evil”. And in fact most of them are relentlessly hunted down by these secret occult groups. And they have been for centuries. What I believe is that there was an original bloodline, or genetic race containing some genuine supernatural qualities (as opposed to the bloodlines which receive psychic powers from entities, fallen angels and demons) which could be passed on via maternal bloodlines and also associated with the “starfire” blood of specific women. And that this bloodline was almost completely co-opted, exploited and controlled by the dark Lords associated with the secret societies noted above by Tsarion.

Which brings me back to at least one point that has been repeatedly brought up by some Dark Side of Cupid love bite experiencers. Why do they keep repeatedly being targeted by vampiric and especially reptilian hosted agents who seem to be run by these inter dimensional beings? And of course the biggest question by these people is “what can I do to keep these parasites away from me?” How can I build my life and authentic love relationship with a human being who is benevolently compatible and not like “the other predators?”

I will explore this question in a follow up article, Building on What is Real for the Greater Good.

For now, here are links to comprehensive panel discussions of The Love Bite and Hyperdimensional Interference phenomena, featuring James Bartley, Tom MontalkBernhard Guenther, Laura Leon, Carissa ContiArella Eliora and myself.

Recommended reading by Eve Lorgen:

About the author:

Eve Lorgen, M.A., CHt.

Eve Lorgen M.A., CHt. is the author of the books The Love Bite: Alien Interference of Human Love Relationships (Elogos and HHC, 2000) and The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, the Supernatural and Energy Vampirism (Keyhole Publishing, 2012). Eve is a 20-plus year researcher and hypnotherapist in anomalous trauma. This spectrum includes alien/ET encounters, paranormal experiences, milabs (military abductions), and other dimensional visitations. The focus of her two books reveal taboo aspects of how love relationships have been orchestrated, interfered with or disrupted by paranormal sources.

Eve also holds a B.S. in Biochemistry as well as a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology. Her scientific and intuitive skills have contributed to her success in understanding these otherworldly experiences. While research is important, her priority is in support, in healing, and empowered sovereignty for her clients. Her inspiration into the anomalous started early in life with her own paranormal experiences. Eve says the inspiration for her own work came through the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner and the UFO and alien abduction researcher, Barbara Bartholic.

You can connect with Eve via her website:


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