Are You In Touch With Your Inner Guide?

10th February 2013

By  Susan Harper  Todd

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

At the moment I am high up in the French alps, looking out of the window at snowflakes falling slowly down, which only adds to the quiet beauty of the place.

I know that when the snow stops and the clouds clear, as of course they will, that the mountains will be covered in a blanket of the purest white, and will look truly stunning.

I know, because I have seen it all before. That is why I am here, because I feel part of me belongs here. My heart constantly pulls me to these beautiful mountains, and why should I resist?

I feel so good when I am here, so wonderful, so alive – and I absolutely know  that the most important thing we can do in life is to FEEL GOOD. So when I am called I come, because I also know that when I follow my heart,  when I follow the urgings of my inner guide, that is when wonderful things happen.  It’s when I get my greatest inspiration, when things really do just flow…because there is no resistance. I am just being me. Not trying to be anything I’m not…just  being me…

Feeling good really is the key to living a great life. When we feel good we are in tune with who we really are. When we feel good,  everyone around us feels good. When we feel good we can spread nothing but joy.

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When we feel good we don’t speak bad words or say hurtful things. When we feel good anything is possible. Because when we feel good we are truly in flow, in synch, in tune with our intuition, our inner guide. We are being the person we were born to be.

Our Inner Guide is that person who we really are – that person who we were born to be. That person who will unhesitatingly lead us to the wonderful life we were born to lead.

Most of us have forgotten who that person is and that he or she even ever existed. But believe me she does.

In the past you have often brushed this voice aside because you do not believe that infinite possibilities could be available to you. You did not believe that this voice could be speaking to you, so you chose not to hear. You ignored the voice within which murmers so quietly that dreams do come true, because you could not see how they can possibly come true for you! Dreams only come true for other people….don’t they?

Who told you that? Well, listen again…

Your hopes, your desires, your todays, your tomorrows are all filled with the possibility of dreams fulfilled. They are right here waiting for you now. Your inner guide knows exactly where they are and what they are and she wants to take you by the hand and lead you there, if only you will let her.

Your Inner Guide would never tell you that dreams won’t come true for you, because she is the voice of love and truth, and the truth is that if you heed her quiet voice, dreams will come true for you. It is only the loud insistent voice of your mind that would ever doubt.

So listen again…

Your Inner guide speaks quietly and softly. She does not always use words, and often speaks to you through your feelings and thoughts as a subtle vibration. Your inner guide is constantly trying to get your attention, because she wants you to know that if only you will listen to her, and follow her guidance she will give you the strength and the confidence to believe in yourself when others don’t, she will show you there is a better way, when others say there isn’t. She will remind you that you are much much more than you think you are, that you have the power and the strength to do that which you think you can’t. Because in reality you can do anything….

I have created a guided meditation specifically to help you to get in touch with your Inner Guide. It’s called “A Journey Within To Meet Your Inner Guide” and you can download it FREE here.

If you enjoyed this article why not  sign up for my free Intuitive Tips?  When you do so you also get a free guided meditation taking you on a  Journey Within To Meet Your Inner Guide,  together with the leaflet “10 Things I Wish I’d Always Known”.  You can sign up here.

And don’t forget if you have any questions regarding working with your intuition, you can write and  ask me a question by clicking here.

Please come and join us on the  Women Have Vision facebook page, where I share lots of other useful information on how to live your best life. And please tell your friends about Women Have Vision…It’s our time girls2013 is OUR year

Previous Articles by Sue Harper Todd

About the Author

I’ve been single, married, divorced and widowed. I’ve been a teacher, a translator, worked in business and now have my own company… I’ve sailed the Atlantic Ocean and I have climbed Mount Everest. I know! It sounds crazy but it’s true. I said I’d done it and I have, pretty much literally DONE it! I’ve plumbed the depths and scaled the heights in every sense of those words.

And I absolutely know that it was listening to, trusting and following my intuition that got me to where I am today. It got me out of the dark tunnel I was in after my husband died, and not only led me to the summit of Mount Everest, but to many other magical experiences too, like sailing the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat. I was the first British woman to have accomplished both of those things, and only the fifth British woman to stand on the summit of the highest mountain on the planet.

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