Open Your Focus. Hear The Silence.

31st March 2013

By Peter Paul Parker

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We give away our sovereignty to our governments. We give away our security to our police forces and security firms. We give away our knowledge to our teachers and institutions. We give away our spirituality to religion. We give away our health to our doctors. We give away our nourishment to faceless corporations. We give away our financial security to the banksters. We give away our lives to this false reality that we live in… partly due to the meme we are born into, and the fact that we are expected to carry on as normal with this insanity even though most people can feel deep down inside there is something really wrong with the way that we are living.

I believe no one should give away their freedom, or stop making their own decisions. The freedom of choice is one of life’s greatest gifts to us. We must start to use this natural aptitude once again, to stop our relentless march to a totally enslaved race of people.

Going back a few years now, I was introduced to Dr. Tomasz Kopec MD and was later invited to attend his Open Focus course. His classes were exactly what I was looking for at that time. I was trying to work out what the silence was in our reality, and how much more we are capable of as human beings. Having trained in Ki Aikido at one time, I understood about control of the body by concentrating the mind, and was now ready for a new gateway to open, which was Open Focus.

I walked into a whole new world of discovery and awareness I knew existed, but hadn’t found the key. I was ready to open my focus and hear the silence.

I later had the opportunity to interview Dr. Kopec. Here is what he had to say about the Open Focus philosophy.

So what is Open Focus? How did Dr. Kopec discover it? And what does he plan to do with this knowledge?

“It is easy to Open Focus your attention. Just become aware of the space between you and the computer screen while you are reading these words. Become aware of the spaces between words and keep reading. After a short while you should notice the tension around your eyes releasing and your shoulders relaxing.

“The Open Focus attention is the opposite to a narrow focus attention, which we use to focus on the problem, on tasks to do or decisions to make. Most people believe that the more focused we are, the more narrow attention we give to something the better result we can expect as an outcome. For this reason they tend to overuse the narrow focus attention in everyday simple situations. It makes them tired, chronically stressed and brings hidden tension to their lives.

“On the other hand, opening focus of the attention takes only a few moments but immediately makes a noticeable change. For example you can carry on most of your everyday activities, being aware of space around you and staying a lot more relaxed. When you become aware of space surrounding a problem you start noticing solutions you have not seen before. The physical pain will subside if you become aware of space around it.

“I found that practicing an open focus attention allows me to relax and always see a wider picture. I know that it also helps my body to restore a natural rhythm in the healthiest possible way.
“According to Dr Fehmi, an American scientist and the author of Open Focus theory, opening focus of the attention affects the brain activity and makes the brain more stable and synchronous.

“Dr Fehmi and myself created a series of simple mind exercises which help to re-learn how to approach problems, a physical pain, anxiety, insomnia, creativity etc. During these exercises you can improve your brain physiology in a real time. For example I have taught a large group of my patients the Open Focus exercise for physical pain. Most of them have significantly improved and they are now independently applying it in their everyday life.

“I also like that Open Focus theory connects the scientific western approach to brain physiology with Far East philosophy. It gives a lot of important answers about life and the world we live in like what is happiness, who we are, what is love? At the same time it is not a new religion and you do not have to change your beliefs to apply it. Everyone can grasp the idea behind the Open Focus theory and learn a very practical way to develop the feeling which follows the logical understanding.

“I am confident Open Focus has the potential to change humanity. I imagine people making decisions without fear and with full access to their creative minds. People being able to control their physical pain, their unwanted feelings, being able to sleep well every night and knowing how to dissolve their unhealthy cravings for power, money and the attention of others.

“My goal is to make as many people as I can try Open Focus exercises and feel them for themselves. I know from experience that once you feel it you quickly recognise that something real is happening and it will always stay with you as a seed for a future change.”

I look forward to working closely with Tomasz to help people understand about Open Focus and natural health. Once this knowledge and information is truly understood, this will empower our community to take control of their health and well-being.

The exercises are simple to understand, and the science behind it is sound. Many people are coming to the conclusion that this is all universal energy at work and we are experiencing this energy from a different approach with Open Focus.

I live without pain now, can deal with anxiety much better than I used to, I am reducing the lines around my eyes and sleeping much better because of this knowledge. I was very angry about how the world is being duped into a hierarchical system that shouldn’t be there, and Open Focus enabled me to calm that anger and concentrate my energies on actively bringing about the change that is so dearly needed and wanted.

I truly believe that any good human wants a better world for all of us and our generations to come. That being the truth, let’s get on with it then and create a world that we all deserve and long for!

To learn more about Open Focus, visit

Previous articles by Peter Paul Parker:

About the author:

Peter Paul Parker

Peter Paul Parker has been a musician for most of his career. He started as a bass player and moved on to become a producer and writer of music and songs. Peter has also now moved into the health arena and is a Bach flower advisor, a sound healer, a vegan and health consultant, and was partly responsible for setting up the Ministry Of Health in the UK, a non-government organization comprised of experts in the field of non-pharmaceutical health. Peter is also an activist and writer, highlighting the challenges our world faces and how we can regain our humanity.

Peter wrote and produced the album ‘Wild Child’ by The Spoken X and his own album, ‘Stepping Up’, both released by Metro Publishing. He also wrote and produced his recent album Anahata, Earth Echoes as an expression of love for his conscious awakening, released by New World Music.

Peter is currently working with Dr. Tomasz Kopec on a series of meditation exercises, incorporating his music, binaural beats and tones of the chakras in the mixes.

Connect with Peter at

Anahata, Earth Echoes

Peter Paul Parker - Anahata, Earth EchoesIn addition to his work with the Ministry of Health, seeker, activist and writer Peter Paul Parker is also an accomplished musician. His album ‘Anahata, Earth Echoes’ is available on the label New World Music. Anahata is the fourth chakra at the center of the luminous auric body, and is considered a gateway to higher consciousness.

In creating ‘Anahata, Earth Echoes’, Peter was inspired by learning about the chakras and experiencing the togetherness of ancient tribes like the Aborigines, the Fijians and the Native Americans he met travelling around the world as a child. The first seven tracks are tuned to the seven chakras, from the base to the seventh chakra, to help you meditate on your chakras — Peter’s small way of helping to raise the vibrations on our planet.

To learn more, visit 


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