Fluoride: the Deadly Elixir in our Water Supplies


Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Water is amazing, a cleanser, a life giver, an object of beauty and we, as human beings, consist of around 80% water. Some scientists are now beginning to take a closer look into the qualities of water and finding some quite remarkable attributes that exist in our life giving elixir.

Dr. Jacques Benveniste discovered certain scientific properties of water that cannot be explained by conventional physics. He found that water has a memory that we can digitally record. Also of interest here is that Dr. Masaru Emoto has proven that water is affected by thought. So what is this life sustaining liquid on our planet? I am sure there are many more exciting discoveries for us to uncover. So why in the name of goodness was Sodium Fluoride added to our drinking water en masse.

The story of Edward Bernays propaganda campaign to get Sodium Fluoride into our drinking water is well documented. This action should be understood and researched, as it really does start to uncover the mass mind control we are under from the TV and main stream media outlets. This is all to protect the ‘self termed ‘Elite’ class of people, to maintain their control on the common man, and to carry on living in a manner of great privilege, at our expense. Once you understand this position, then you can see why Sodium Fluoride was introduced into the water. It truly is ‘The Elites Elixir of Death’. It is also found in many other substances such as toothpaste and insecticides for example. We are ingesting this toxin without even knowing about it.

I am pleased to report that Walter Graham has agreed to be an adviser to the Ministry of Health on Sodium Fluoride and Electro Magnetic Frequencies. I asked him ‘What are the detrimental effects of consuming Sodium Fluoride?’

To understand fluoride and fluoridation, let me start with a summery of the issues it raises, followed by an outline of the main issues:

Firstly, it is a breach of Human Rights to drug a population against its explicit will.

Secondly, fluoride is not what the government is dumping in British drinking water. They use hydrofluorosilicic acid, the toxic waste of the fertilizer and aluminium industries, which is contaminated with lead, mercury, arsenic, uranium, strontium, chromium, aluminium and 22 other cumulative substances including fluoride. The government pretends this chemical cocktail is fluoride and that it has no side effects other than Dental fluorosis, which is characterized by pitting, white flecks and brown staining of developing teeth. Typically 50% of a population in any fluoridated area gets this damage to their teeth. There are in fact thousands of published studies proving harm and none proving fluoride safe.

The side effects range from coronary damage, thyroid dysfunction, pineal gland damage, irritable bowel syndrome, bone damage, cancer, neurological damage, behavioral disorders, and lower IQ. This is the reason why 98% of Europe has rejected fluoridation. Since 99% of the water is lost in underground leaks, used by industry and farming, as well as flushing toilets, it is economically senseless as well. This is legalized dumping on a massive scale, without any environmental impact study or proof of safety.

Lastly the dose can not be controlled as it is in all food and drinks using the water supply, as well as toothpaste, mouth wash, drops, tablets, chewing gum, used as a killing agent in pesticides, herbicides and rat poison, coal burning, unleaded petrol fumes, prozac, rohipnol, etc., thereby accumulating in bones, the pineal gland and other tissue.

Fluoride is more toxic than lead and its forced addition to water is an affront to humanity.

Dental Fluorosis

The one side-effect the government do admit to is Dental Fluorosis, which 50% of the population get, in any fluoridated area. This dental fluorosis photo shows how much structural damage fluoride causes. Amazingly the government claim that fluoride MIGHT reduce dental caries in a few children, while giving 50% of the entire population a new oral disease that is a sign of skeletal poisoning! As the teeth are the only visible part of the skeleton, if it is doing damage to the teeth isn`t it possible that it is also doing damage to the bones?

There are a growing number of published studies that show increased hip fractures in fluoridated areas compared to non-fluoridated. The government put in 1 part per million fluoride, which is like a pin dot in a swimming pool. According to the BMAs Guide to New Drugs and Medicines, fluoride causes dental fluorosis at 2ppm! And at “very high levels (over 8ppm) may also lead to bone disorders and degenerative changes in the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, heart, central nervous system and reproductive organs.”

Fluoride Brain Damage

What do pesticides, herbicides, rat poison, anesthetics, Saran the nerve gas, Rohypnol (the date rape drug), and Prozac have in common? They all work on the central nervous system and they contain FLUORIDE! A recent Harvard University study has shown that fluoride can lower children’s IQ. It is the 33rd study to find a link to lowered IQs in fluoridated areas. Here is the opening line from a Chinese IQ study: “It has been reported that fluoride can penetrate the blood -brain barrier and accumulate in cerebral tissue before birth, thereby apparently affecting children`s intelligence.” Do we really want to allow the unaccountable government to dump fluoride acid into our drinking water with proven side-effects like this! Or should we get active and bring this issue to our politicians, churches, unions, schools and any other group that will help before this madness goes ahead.

Poison Warning

All US toothpaste tubes have a poison warning on them by Federal law. Our tube says; keep out of the reach of children… supervise brushing… don’t swallow… use no more than a pea sized amount. The US tube continues on with; IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY SWALLOW MORE THAN THE PEA SIZED AMOUNT, CONTACT A POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMEDIATELY! The reason this warning appears is because there is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a child! The amount in the tube is 1/5th of a level teaspoon. Amazingly fluoride is a cumulative poison and is more toxic than lead. However, you have a choice whether you use it or not. Once it gets dumped in your drinking water all choice goes out the window.

What they are proposing to dump in is not fluoride… it is hydrofluorosilicic acid. Which is the toxic waste of the phosphate fertilizer and aluminium and nuclear industries. It has uranium, strontium, lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminium, and 23 other contaminants, as well as toxic fluoride. It is a toxic cocktail being promoted as FLUORIDE. They get away with this because the government and industry are keeping you in the dark and getting you to pay for their toxic waste, which would cost them money to safely bury it.

Europe and Fluoride

98% of Europe has banned or rejected water fluoridation. Why, don`t they want good teeth? A lot of European countries have better teeth than the Republic of Ireland, who have been fluoridated for 45 years! What is worse, Spain and Holland have a fluoride toxic dumping problem caused by their industries and their solution is to ship it to Britain and Ireland and get you to eat it! Holland stopped adding fluoride after a group of doctors carried out a double blind study proving that fluoride caused osteoporosis and arthritic pains, IBS, thyroid dysfunction, Skin rashes and dental damage called Dental Fluorosis.. After these doctors ended fluoridation, they fought on and got the Constitution rewritten to prevent fluoride from ever being added again!

Toxic Waste of Money

Economically, fluoridation makes no sense. The water department admit to loosing 40% of its water in underground leaks – that is 40% of our tax money wasted! Out of the 60% that`s left, industry and farming use 7/8ths of the water – more tax money wasted! Out of the 1/8th that comes into your house, you drink 1%. The rest is flushed down the toilet, washing clothes, dishes, etc.

The small target audience of children with the really bad teeth make up 3% of the population. So the massive dumping of fluoride acid into our water is a total waste of our taxes.

Most importantly, Fluoridation is a breach of FREEDOM of CHOICE. Why should you drink someone else’s drug for the rest of your life just because a small group of kids don`t brush their teeth? This is a breach of Human Rights, but your government doesn’t care.

Fluoride Facts

• Fluoride acid added to water is mass-medication.
• Fluoride acid has never been tested for safety or effectiveness.
• Fluoride acid is contaminated with uranium, lead, mercury, arsenic, and 25 other chemicals.
• Fluoridation is environmental pollution on a grand scale.
• There is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a child.
• 98% of Europe has rejected water fluoridation.
• Fluoride has been shown to cause an increase in cancer.

I’m writing this article to warn as many people as possible of this impending disaster. We need another form of government that doesn’t give in to pressure from rich industries and put our health at risk. Join groups fighting fluoride and help stop this before it gets going!

Fluoride Poisoning

FLUORIDE was first introduced and given to the Jews during ‘world war ll and was put in their drinking water to make them complacent, docile and easy to control. It is also used in today’s prisons to dumb-down prisoners; keep them docile and under control.

FLUORIDE is the main ingredient in rat poison (as sodium fluoride) and is also in the anti-depressant drug ‘Prozac’.

FLUORIDE is actually an industrial toxic waste product manufactured by fertilizer industries (producing millions of tons annually) and contains aluminium, phosphoric acid and phosphates. In the 1930”²s the manufacturers used to discharge it in the air and waterways, which caused serious health damage (such as destroy the immune, digestive & respiratory systems, cancer, blood circulation, liver, kidneys, thyroid, brain function and premature aging); resulting in expensive lawsuits. Therefore, instead of paying out millions for disposal, the manufacturers cleverly convinced the Government, Medical Institutions to brain wash the general population that FLUORIDE is safe and beneficial for oral hygiene. It is now used throughout the world.

FLUORIDE also causes hyperactivity and lowers IQ in children. Fluoride also affects unborn babies when ingested by the mother. The babies blood brain barrier is not fully developed and this allows fluoride, a neurotoxin, to penetrate and damage the brain more easily.

Fluoride in Water

The best way to remove fluoride and 99% of all impurities from our drinking water is by ‘reverse osmosis filtration’. Our water supply is so heavily polluted, plus as it’s essential to drink ‘PURE Water’, I always recommend reverse osmosis filter. Additionally ‘activated Charcoal Powder’ will also remove fluoride from our body. I’ve included a short extract on fluoride below. It’s not only in our drinking water but also toothpaste and mouthwash.

So why is it being including in our toothpaste and  mouthwash? Why is fluoride being added to our drinking water? Here at the Ministry of Health we are looking for activists who want to start up a campaign to bring fluoride awareness to the masses. You can contact us through the website: www.ministryofhealth.org.uk

Previous articles by Peter Paul Parker:

About the author:

Peter Paul Parker

Peter Paul Parker has been a musician for most of his career. He started as a bass player and moved on to become a producer and writer of music and songs. Peter has also now moved into the health arena and is a Bach flower advisor, a sound healer, a vegan and health consultant, and was partly responsible for setting up the Ministry Of Health in the UK, a non-government organization comprised of experts in the field of non-pharmaceutical health. Peter is also an activist and writer, highlighting the challenges our world faces and how we can regain our humanity.

Peter wrote and produced the album ‘Wild Child’ by The Spoken X and his own album, ‘Stepping Up’, both released by Metro Publishing. He also wrote and produced his recent album Anahata, Earth Echoes as an expression of love for his conscious awakening, released by New World Music.

Peter is currently working with Dr. Tomasz Kopec on a series of meditation exercises, incorporating his music, binaural beats and tones of the chakras in the mixes.

Connect with Peter at www.peterpaulparker.co.ukwww.brightbeings.co.uk

Anahata, Earth Echoes

Peter Paul Parker - Anahata, Earth EchoesIn addition to his work with the Ministry of Health, seeker, activist and writer Peter Paul Parker is also an accomplished musician. His album ‘Anahata, Earth Echoes’ is available on the label New World Music. Anahata is the fourth chakra at the center of the luminous auric body, and is considered a gateway to higher consciousness.

In creating ‘Anahata, Earth Echoes’, Peter was inspired by learning about the chakras and experiencing the togetherness of ancient tribes like the Aborigines, the Fijians and the Native Americans he met travelling around the world as a child. The first seven tracks are tuned to the seven chakras, from the base to the seventh chakra, to help you meditate on your chakras — Peter’s small way of helping to raise the vibrations on our planet.

To learn more, visit  www.newworldmusic.com/uk/anahata-earth-echoes 


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