The Fattening of America: Is Water Fluoridation (Partly) to Blame?

fluoride29th August 2013

By  Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As more information comes to light about fluoride poisoning, connections between the chemical and weight gain are garnering attention. A known suppressor of the thyroid gland, fluoride is a major player in the rampant increase of obesity. But the toxicity of fluoride is subtle and can also manifest as creeping additional weight that is nearly impossible to shed.

One aspect is certain: If we desire a slim and healthy body, getting a handle on fluoride exposure is crucial.

Unexplained weight gain and poor health linked with depressed thyroid

If you find yourself struggling with unexplained weight gain, fatigue, depression and general malaise, a malfunctioning thyroid may be the cause. According to “Fluoride Poisoning – It’s All Over“, German and Austrian researchers discovered in the 1930s that an overactive thyroid could be treated by bathing in fluorinated water – illustrating the powerful suppressive effect it has on the gland. For those who have a normal or low functioning thyroid, exposure to fluoride is a disaster for health.

The article continues with a laundry list of staggering consequences:

“Deliberately damaging the thyroid will produce a plethora of symptoms affecting the entire human body from head to toe. Symptoms of thyroid damage and fluoride poisoning include weight gain, edema, kidney disease, kidney failure, hair loss, depression, aggression, aches, pains, skin problems, bone deformities (likely including “arthritis” and spontaneous fractures), sexual/erectile dysfunction, memory loss, weakness, fatigue, heart disease, irritability, cancer, digestive disorders including severe GERD as a result of swallowing  fluoride, nausea, vomiting, visual problems, gum disease, “high cholesterol,” connective tissue damage, brittle teeth, wrinkles, premature aging, dehydration, and long, long after the whole body has been damaged, “cosmetic fluorosis” might finally show up in a tooth or two.”

Reduce contact and detox

To avoid fluoride induced disease and malfunction, the first step is to avoid water contaminated with the chemical. The ultimate solution is to petition local government, urging the removal of fluoride altogether from the  water  supply.

However, until this happens, each household is responsible for their own water purification and safety. Unfortunately, this requires a full house water filtration system that specifically targets fluoride, such as reverse osmosis. Once exposure is minimized, the next course of action is to detoxify fluoride already within the system.

Selenium –  While this nutrient doesn’t expel fluoride from the body, it helps to negate it’s damaging effects. Found abundantly in Brazil nuts, fish and grassfed meats, selenium is an exceptional protective mineral. The  National Institute of Health  recommends a maximum 400 micrograms per day.

Tamarind –  Detoxifies fluoride from the body. Enjoy several cups of the tea each day.

Nascent Iodine –  Protects the  thyroid  from damage and removes sodium fluoride through the urine.

Infrared Sauna –  A staple in any detoxification protocol, a dry sauna session assists the body in excreting fluoride from fatty tissues. Always remember to drink plenty of purified water to further sweep toxins from the system.

In the end, water  fluoridation  is an unnecessary and dangerous practice. Dr. J. William Hirzy, vice president of the  Union of Scientists and Professionals, asserts:

” … we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk. The toxicity of fluoride is so great and the purported benefits are so small – if there are any at all – that requiring every man, woman and child in America to ingest it borders on criminal behavior on the part of governments.”

Sources for this article include:

Previous articles by Carolanne:

About the author:

Carolanne Wright

I’m Carolanne — a writer, chef, traveler and enthusiastic advocate for sustainability, organics and joyful living. It’s good to have you here. If you would like to learn more, connect with me at or visit

Please note: this article was first published on Natural News.


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