Research Shows Promising Effects Treating Advanced Cancer with Light Frequencies

Research Shows Promising Effects Treating Advanced Cancer with Light Frequencies

By  Katrin Geist M.Sc

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

It is excellent to see science delve into the possibilities of light frequency healing, and not just in theory.

Many people undergo strenuous cancer treatments, yet there are other potent but non-intrusive  ways to help yourself. The use of light frequencies in medical practice transforms  that field onto the next level of healing. I believe that frequency and information based  healing is the way of the future. Reconnective Healing and other energy healing modalities  exemplify this already, yet there remains a need in society for showing efficacy beyond  anecdotal stories, regardless of their overwhelming number globally. And fair enough, too. The studies (see below) begin to fill a void in showing that light frequencies directly impact biochemistry and seem to operate on a systemic level, while also being targeted, seemingly compatible with conventional therapy, easy to self-apply, harmless, and  effective.

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What better way to treat an illness? No needles. No pills. No side-effects. The  very words written on my banner when presenting Reconnective Healing, a light frequency  based, non-invasive approach to healthcare that offers benefits without risk. While there  are no promises or guarantees – and who can truly give those? – this powerful yet  harmless process helps many people significantly in their lives. Light frequencies hold a  key to wellbeing, whether they are received at home, at hospital, or at your holistic  healthcare practice.

Two exciting studies that could change medical cancer treatment

Reading these two studies was very exciting indeed. They sit very well together, and they  document a new medical approach to cancer treatment using light energy, offering a  promising, non-invasive method people can administer themselves as outpatients in a  harmless and pain-free way.

Contrary to novel developments in chemotherapy and targeted therapy, which usually  employ animal testing and in vitro experiments, this approach was entirely patient-based. It  was developed to help people with advanced cancer and limited therapeutic options. No  patient reported significant side-effects, and no participant discontinued treatment due to  adverse results. Also, seven patients who combined the new electromagnetic treatment  with conventional chemotherapy and targeted therapy, did not suffer adverse synergy  effects, suggesting compatibility with other methods. This both parallels the Reconnective  Healing experience 100%.

A very significant and exciting finding was that tumors respond to specific radio (= light)  frequencies [1]. Once these are identified from biofeedback testing with the patient, they can  be used for treatment. That is why this method is targetable and does not hurt surrounding  tissues, a great advantage over conventional approaches. A total of 163 cancer patients  helped identify 1524 suitable treatment frequencies between 0.1 Hz and 114 Hz for various  tumor types. Most of these frequencies were tumor-specific, i.e. they only occurred in  patients with the same tumor type, but not in people with a different kind of tumor. Twenty eight patients with otherwise limited options were offered compassionate frequency  treatment. Sixteen people were evaluable for response.

The approach is simple: 1) subject patient to harmless biofeedback test in order to  establish their tumor’s responsive frequency and amplitude; 2) let patient self-administer a  preset electromagnetic energy field to their body via a spoon shaped mouthpiece 3x a day  for 60 mins; 3) monitor results. Could it really be this easy?

A case example illustrates how light frequency treatment can work for people with  advanced (metastatic) cancer (Quote from A Barbault et al, 2009. See references below.):

“[…] the patient complained of severe hip pain, […] limiting her mobility despite  the intake of opioids. Within two weeks of experimental treatment initiation with  breast cancer specific frequencies, the patient reported complete  disappearance of her pain and discontinued the use of pain medications. She  also reported a significant improvement of her overall condition. […] PET-CT  scans obtained three months after treatment initiation showed complete  disappearance of the right adrenal and left ischium lesions.“

Reads like a Reconnective Healing testimonial. 🙂

While this treatment of her metastatic breast cancer was 100% successful for 11 months  (the paper unfortunately does not state what happened then, i.e. patient no longer  observed, cancer recurring, or other outcomes), the patient had developed uterine cancer  previous to the application of radio frequencies, and also while undergoing her frequency  treatment. Images show both disappearance of metastases stemming from the breast  tumor, and simultaneous development of uterine cancer, strongly suggesting frequency  specificity: while the treatment with breast cancer specific frequencies resulted in a  complete response (i.e. healing of metastatic breast cancer), it did not prevent a different  tumor’s progression.

Tumor-specificity was also shown through experimental investigation: studying various  liver cancer cell lines, researchers examined possible mechanisms behind the action  of tumor-specific electromagnetic fields, and found that they directly disrupt cell division  and down-regulate gene expression – thus inhibiting cancer growth and proliferation.

How did they show this? Cultured liver cancer cells received treatment both with liver  tumor-specific frequencies, and frequencies unique to breast cancer. The cells only  responded to the “liver frequencies” and remained unaffected by the “breast frequencies”.

Also, healthy liver cells exposed to liver tumor-specific frequencies showed no measurable  effect. This establishes quite nicely that the tumor surrounding tissue suffers no  consequences of frequency exposure. Furthermore, these laboratory findings also  document frequency specificity and correspond perfectly with the above case history of the  breast cancer patient experiencing a 100% metastatic tumor remission, yet another growth  developing in her uterus while receiving electromagnetic frequency treatment (specific to  breast cancer).

In seeking to explain how this process works inside the body, the scientists hypothesize a  systemic response evoked by the administered electromagnetic frequencies, additionally  to the above shown mechanisms of mitotic disruption (cell division) and specific gene  down-regulation. So while frequencies are tumor-specific, they may have wide-ranging  effects on tumor host interactions, such as immune modulation. The amounts of  electromagnetic energy used for treatment and in experiments was far too low to break  chemical bonds or cause thermal effects, thus requiring a different explanation for  observed biological outcomes.

To date, according to the researchers, there is no known  biophysical mechanism to explain these findings, yet the method successfully contributed  to cancer remission and helping patients to control their disease long-term. This again  parallels the Reconnective Healing experience, where we don’t yet fully understand how  this process works, but know from countless healing stories and also clinical  measurements (i.e. EKG, EEG, blood pressure, skin conductivity), that it affects people  very positively. Of the sixteen patients available for evaluation, one showed a complete  response (100% remission), one a partial response, five people demonstrated stable  disease and nine progressive disease. One of those nine patients later became stable as a  result of the frequency treatment. At point of writing, she had been successfully receiving  frequency treatment for over 50 months.

While one could argue that these data stem from only a small group of people, receiving  this treatment must feel like a God-send to those patients and their families. That is, it’s  priceless and precious. It gives hope to people desperate for time and a cure. I believe that  any approach which achieves results as those presented by the authors definitely must be  pursued further.

The studies conclude:

“[…] we provide novel evidence that very low level of amplitude-modulated  electromagnetic fields block the growth of HCC [hepatocellular carcinoma, liver  cancer] cells in a tumor- and tissue- specific fashion, […] mediated by changes  in gene-expression as well as a disruption of the mitotic spindle [cell division].  These findings uncover a new alley to control tumor growth and may have  broad implications for the treatment of cancer. “ (from 2009 & 2012 papers, see references)

If you or a loved one currently experience cancer, why not alert your medical team to the  papers below? I would certainly ask if they are aware of them and, if not, point them to it.  Both papers are freely available online, just follow the links in the references.  And while the above is intended for people with advanced cancer – why wait? Why not try  this non-invasive treatment first, instead of last? The more people demand this approach,  the sooner we’ll see it applied in medical practices. Would a harmless and promising  method such as this not be a great part of a new medical standard? Wouldn’t it be nice for  research to explode around this area, seeking to make this treatment widely available to  people?

Thanks for reading, I hope this contributes to your knowledge base in a meaningful way.  Feel free to share this article and the papers below with others, as it’s important to  distribute this information as widely as possible for it to enter into the medical practice on a  routine basis. You may deeply impact someone’s life by doing so. It never hurts to offer  something.

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  • [1]  Electromagnetic energy = light energy.  Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted from the sun. Please visit  the Holistic Health Global website (research tab) for more information about light  frequencies.
  • JW Zimmermann et al (2012): Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation  frequencies. British Journal of Cancer (2012) 106, 307-313.
  • A Barbault et al (2009): Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of  cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic  approach. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28: 51.

Previous articles by Katrin:

About the author:

Katrin Geist MSc, BA

Katrin Geist, BA, MSc, combines her interests in consciousness, personal transformation, and natural healthcare as Reconnective Healing practitioner, speaker, and author. Her monthly “Healthy Living Newsletter” offers original articles like this one on relevant natural healthcare topics.

Katrin has held international Reconnective Healing clinics in several countries and currently works from her New Zealand office in Dunedin. To contact her for personal or remote sessions, send an email to [email protected], or call 0064 (0)21 026 95 806 NZ mobile).

Katrin’s website and blog at also offer more information on Reconnective Healing and how it helps people regain and retain their wellbeing – naturally and effortlessly: no pills, no needles, no side-effects. Trying this process may well be the best thing you ever did! No more than 3 sessions required to find out what difference this may make for you.


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