No Flu for You! Natural Ways to Stay Free from Flu this Winter

No Flu for You! The No-Vaccine Way to Stay Free from Flu this Winter

By  Gavin Bragg

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Removing the toxic burden from the body is the first natural step toward optimising your immune system.  Toxins are everywhere, in our food, water, air, you name it. Nearly everything has got some sort of chemical or toxin in it. Our bodies are filled and clogged with toxic debris and are in most cases unable to properly flush  these  toxins, so instead our bodies end up storing them.

Toxicity in the body has been shown to dramatically reduce immune function, and has even been linked with  autoimmune disorders. According to renowned Functional Medicine physician  Dr. Mark Hyman  MD, “The fact is, toxins may be the most important cause of autoimmune diseases”.

With that in mind, here are some natural ways to support your immune response and help you stay free from flu this winter.

Natural ways to  support your immune system

1. Green juice and zeolite

The fastest, safest and most effective way I  have seen to remove the most damaging and broadest range of toxins is a combination of  pure liquid Zeolite  and green vegetable juicing. This combination removes heavy metals like Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Aluminium and  radioactive particles like Strontium-90 and Caesium-137, and a  broad spectrum of other unwanted toxic material, such as pesticides, herbicides, hormone mimetic’s, dioxins, nitrosamines, and other volatile organics.  Unlike other forms of chelation, liquid  zeolite absorbs and neutralises heavy metals and toxins in the body, so they do  not cause any damage on the way out of the body.

In a pilot study by holistic physician Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a sample of 55 people were tested  for toxins. Initially, it was found that there was an average of over 800 different types of toxins in each subject, including mercury, lead, aluminium  and  depleted uranium. A detox  protocol – a  green juice fast with  a  maximum dose of NCD2 Pure Liquid Zeolite – was administered  for  one week. After  that time, toxicity tests showed  an average of 88% removal of all toxic material in participants’ bodies. Participants who  continued the same protocol for an  additional week achieved a remarkable 100% removal of all toxic material in the body.

If you don’t want  to go to the  extreme of a  juice fast, add  a ‘green drink’ with zeolite to your daily routine.

2. Get off your butt!

We all know exercise is essential to a good immune system, but why? Well apart from the obvious one like sweating out lots of toxins, exercise is what powers your lymphatic system.  Part of your circulatory system, your lymphatic system plays a major part in your immunity. The lymphatic system produces immune cells and in doing so, “defends the body against disease by launching immune responses”.

There is more lymph in your body than blood, and the best  way to get it  moving is to  get off your butt and move! The more you move the more you stimulate  your lymphatic system, reducing toxic load and  supporting your natural immunity. Simple.

3. The turmeric “bomb”

If you do happen to feel  like you’re coming down with something ‘buggy’, here is a special recipe that is sure to turn the tide  and  give your body a natural boost.

Ginger and  turmeric honey “bomb” with zeolite

Makes 1/2 cup of mixture


1/2 cup / 120 ml honey (preferable organic unheated or medihoney)
2-4 tbsp freshly grated ginger (or ground ginger), depending on how strong you prefer it
2 tsp ground turmeric (or freshly grated turmeric if you can find it)
1 Freshly grated zest of one organic un-waxed lemon
2 pinches ground black pepper
15 drops of NCD2 Liquid Zeolite


Stir together all ingredients in a bowl. Taste and add more ginger or turmeric if needed. Aim for a really strong flavour, you’ll only add a few teaspoons to a cup of water.

Store the Ginger & Turmeric Honey Bomb in a glass container.

Boil a cup of water, and let it cool slightly (to  keep the benefits of  the honey intact) before stirring in a few teaspoons of the honey bomb mixture.

Drink and enjoy!

Alternatively, you can also add this combination to your favourite brewed tea.

4. Modulate with mushrooms

When it comes to immune system modulation (balancing), mushrooms are king!

Immune modulation is essentially ‘training’ your immune system  to respond appropriately to pathogens, toxins, cancerous cells and other dangers. We want the immune system to take care of the problem at hand without over-reacting and killing healthy cells. Medicinal mushrooms are unique for this purpose, as they can both boost immunity, and help calm an over-active autoimmune response. With an immune system working in perfect harmony, colds and flu’s don’t stand a chance.

But that’s not all mushrooms can do. The modulating capacity of many varieties can also be helpful for  addressing health challenges  like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other immune-related conditions. They also assist with reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, improving circulation and oxygenation, improving cognitive health, improving digestive wellness, metabolic efficiency and supporting the cardiovascular system.

Of course, different mushrooms have different properties. To get the full spectrum of all the different kinds of healing agents mushrooms offer, use  a blend of several mushroom species.  Each mushroom species also has a unique arsenal of anti-infective and immunomodulation agents, and it is easier for pathogens in your body to adapt (and become resistant) to one type of mushroom than to several. So combining a variety of medicinal mushrooms  is the best  way to support your immune system in the long term.

[To learn more, check out my recent  article Medicinal Mushrooms – Ancient Knowledge, Modern Healing]

As far as supplements go, Megadefense is the most potent and broad spectrum mushroom supplement I have come across.  It  blends 6 medicinal mushrooms, including Turkey Tail and Himematsutake (2 of the most powerful), each  offering a slightly different polysaccharide structure. It  is 100% USDA certified organic, kosher, and non-GMO, and all the mushrooms used  are grown in competition with each other, which stimulates  production of the beneficial immune-modulating agents.  It is  blended to activate and modulate all 260 different types of human immune cells, and it includes  the benefits of added  micronised zeolite.

By clearing out the body’s toxic burden and modulating the immune system, you can help your body  work  at its  peak – not just in flu season but  all year round.

Article references:

Previous articles by Gavin Bragg:

About the author:

Gavin Bragg is a writer, adventurer, natural health advocate, amateur archaeologist, and  long-time friend and colleague of the Wake Up World crew.Gavin Bragg 2

In late 2007, Gavin’s wife  Ashley  was  diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Western doctors told Ashely  her condition was  ”terminal” and told her to say her good-bye’s. But Gavin and Ashley “turned  East” for their answer to cancer, and discovered the healing  properties of a mineral compound, zeolite, commonly used in eastern medicine.

Much to the confusion of Western doctors, Ashley treated herself with liquid zeolite and  has been clear of cancer for over 5 years, regaining her health and control of her life.

Given purpose by this “second chance”, Gavin and Ashley have become  distributors for  NCD2 Pure Liquid Zeolite,  the product Ashley credits with saving her life. Gavin and Ashley are on a mission to spread the  word about natural health alternatives, and hope that natural treatments like zeolite will soon replace the dangerous,  ineffective pharmaceuticals that flood the so-called “health care” industry.

Visit  for information, testimonials, research and more.

Please note: this article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Wake Up World is not affiliated with, and does not benefit from, the sale or purchase of any products mentioned in this article.

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