We Were Born To Create


By  Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Creation is continual. Everything is constantly evolving and changing. Nothing is static no matter how solid or set things appear. Even settled science is coming to this realization, realizing our very thoughts and intentions are what determine our reality.

That’s powerful stuff.

Now think about the world you’re living in. How much does it engender creativity and contribution to that wondrous reality? Or how much of our lives are determined, set, reactive and uncreative? Are we really giving what we were intended to give to this amazing experience we call life?

Funneled or Free? What Is the Condition of Your Spirit?

That’s a good question we should all ask ourselves continually. Are we set in motion as well as confined by events and conditions around us, even personal goals established in a less aware mindset? Who are we even in our conversations? Those who control them set the agenda. Are you following or leading? Are you being your true self? Are you loving and giving or busy propping up phony images within and without?

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Most people are content to follow social norms, to keep in line and not rock the boat. The social engineers and containment system are working the same old issues of safety and security, which is why the powers that be pound on the fear factor. If we’re on the defensive and compliant we seem to fit in better and have less immediate problems.

But is that true? Are there really less problems, for your soul, your spirit, your loved ones and the world around us? What of your life purpose? Do you have one? Is there a calling you’ve neglected for which you were born to create, independent and unique to anything the world has ever experienced before?

Or are we confined to a cubicle, literal or social, where we operate according to learned rules and regulations? Most people are – via jobs, identity and seeming security issues…with weekends free of course to watch more TV or think we’re free to “move about the cabin”.

Quash the Questioners – Social Alignment Training

We’re seeing with this staged Paris incident a perfect example of social alignment training. It’s not just fear based now, it’s hate based. Hate is nothing but channeled fear. Give the throngs an enemy they think they can see and feel and you’ve got control. It’s a wash, rinse repeat cycle we see over and over, all to channel public thought and behavior.

Are you falling for it? Are you recoiling and withdrawing from the fray of being creative and giving? It’s the same old program, just an obvious mass media version. Will we hole up and hide our light of truth and love for fear of being criticized or even hounded versus living the life we were born to live?

It doesn’t matter where the quashing control comes from, be it the matrix or our own minds and habits, we simply cannot bend to this onslaught of oppression on the human spirit.


Do New Stuff

Get out of your routine. Try something new. Break the bonds any way you can. I’m always trying new stuff and I love it. It’s not easy as we each share our perceived limitations, but it’s total fun when we do break out. Humor’s a great manifestation of this creative ability. Comics break boundaries and liberate people’s minds so powerfully their audiences burst out in laughter. How powerful is that?!

There couldn’t be a clearer illustration.

Saying what supposedly cannot be said, poking fun at the sanctimoniousness and insanity all around us, including ourselves, is liberating. Why? It’s going places we sense but dare not voice ourselves, which is why we enjoy others doing it for us. But why not do it ourselves every chance we get? It brings peace, love, joy, truth and redeemed beauty to the world around us. Whatever stands up after these paradigms of conformity, control and deceit are demolished is what life is all about.

And that’s both liberating and empowering.

We’re All the Same – It’s What We Do With It

No one’s better than another. Sure, accomplishments set people aside as those who have realized their intention, but we all have the same capabilities. It doesn’t matter what they are. We are here to create. And the tools and resources are immeasurable. It just takes some mining and a little courage to step out and be who we were born to be. As I’ve said before, it costs – but really we’re just letting go of barriers, whatever or whomever they may be.

I can’t help but think of how the world treats “artists” and those of “creative talent”. They’re set aside as street vendors or sometimes mollycoddled by patrons and so elevated such work seem unattainable. Others today are shot to stardom, by design in most cases, if they carry the right signal, and are then destroyed by drugs or the media. It’s a separation from “normalcy” any way you look at it.

The fact is we’re all creative geniuses. It doesn’t matter in what form or forms it comes. The problem is people settle down once they think they’ve found something “useful” they can do. How many people hate their jobs, or resent their living condition, but feel they have no recourse? That is social entrainment at its worst. The entertainment industry is there to keep people’s minds off of this. The education machine is built to condition to accept this as inevitable, and the social correctness society is there to keep you in line.

Bust the hell out! Be different by being yourself! Face the consequences of being real! Do you like to write? Do you like to sing and compose or draw or paint? Do you want to be with nature or work with the land? Do you like to blow people’s minds with amazing information they have no idea exists? Maybe you feel called to spend your time creating a better world working with others of similar passions?

Do it! Find your expression. It could be a host of cool stuff you were born to be involved with but were conditioned or frightened out of.

Why not go for it now?

That way we stop contributing to the problem and start manifesting the solution, a very doable double whammy!

The new world we long to see is lying within each of us.

“Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. Listen to that inner voice, and don’t get to the end of your life and say, ‘What if my whole life has been wrong?” – Wayne Dyer

Love, Zen

Previous articles by Zen Gardner:

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold.  My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you… just wondering. Love Zen.

Connect with Zen at  zengardner.com

“The hourglass is almost out of grains…”


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