The Activated Awake

Awakened Warriors, Arise

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Sleepwalkers, Boiling Frogs and the Activated Awake

To continue sleepwalking once someone knows the truth is not ignorance, it’s madness, as David Icke so aptly said. Anyone looking for happiness and fulfillment while helping to build a better world has plenty of options. But sitting still and just gazing at the oncoming storm, no matter how much you know about it, isn’t one of them.

To be able to describe something and think you understand it isn’t the grand finale. It’s responding to what the information is telling you to do that matters. Do you literally have to wait for the bulldozer, as so poignantly put in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy after you found out certain disaster was coming?

Again, that’s madness.

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Granted, the effects of what’s coming will be felt worldwide so at the very least we need to make preparations where we are or in some better location. Not in fear, but in informed wisdom. But I have a hard time understanding anyone who doesn’t have the sense of urgency to put everything in motion that they’re being shown needs to be done. Once we make that decision and work towards the right direction a wonderful peace comes over us, and there will be plenty more to learn and do each step of the way.

There’s really no standing still once you begin to answer the call. Yes, there’s a wonderful stillness and confident knowing in spirit that are our ever present strength and refuge, but that doesn’t mean we do nothing when so many need encouragement, empowering information, resources and even awakening motivation.

Taking Action Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Relocating – But It Might

I get a lot of criticism for encouraging people to leave the US. I realize not everyone is able to do it, but for me I put feet to my convictions about what’s happening there and I’m glad I did. The relief from the bombarding influences there is immeasurable. Besides, it’s already more difficult to travel and get passports now as I warned, all while jumping through mounting surveillance, security checks, and impromptu requirements and shake downs at the whim of the metastasizing police state.

Why do you suppose they’re doing all of that?

Sure it’s ultimately more control, but why restrict travel or crossing borders, which we’ll be seeing more and more of? Yes, they want more money at every turn which is partially why they’re flagging anyone owing the IRS anything, but they also want to do the same to people with any outstanding debts. And pray tell how many people don’t have debt. The whole system is built on it.

It’s entrapment, because the mounting tide of awake Americans is one of their biggest threats.

If you have a roomful of cockroaches you need to exterminate, what do you do? Close the doors and windows so they can’t escape to another part of the house, and then most people will spray the hell out of them. Sound familiar? Check your skies, and food and water for that matter.

That’s how we’re viewed by the dark overlords, as pests. And America is enemy #1 to them, with the UK, Canada and Australia not far behind. The American entity that once stood for freedom must be weakened, dismantled and vastly depopulated, all while socially and genetically mutating the remainder of the species into an unquestioning transhumanized work force kept in carefully guarded and monitored city centers. This widely known plan is worldwide but some places are going to be way safer than others in the near future, and in fact they already are.

The California Drought Example

CaliforniaDroughtIt’s said California only has one year of water left. While we know that situation has been brought on deliberately via geoengineering, fracking, massive bottling operations and host of other insanities, that’s 10% of the US population facing real peril, as well as almost half of the country’s fruit and vegetable production.

Where’s everyone going to go? Do you think they’ll just sit there and wait for FEMA trucks to bring water, and food? No doubt many will for various misguided reasons. But would you just sit there until your home is worth nothing and you have to flee with whatever you can fit in your car? And to where? And if you don’t think the government will go full on fascist during such a time and heavily restrict travel, look up the dust bowl disaster in the US and how those escaping starvation conditions weren’t even allowed INTO California where there was plenty for all.

This time they’ll no doubt make FEMA camps and even prison life look attractive with food, water and accommodations as they attract a free incarcerated labor force like so many have done in other totalitarian regimes. Some serious things to think about.

The Pizza Oven Dream

A many years ago I had a striking dream that woke me up out of a sound sleep. I was watching someone standing in front of a pizza oven in a dazed, transfixed state. He was a typical youngish overweight American just staring at the oven fire from about 4 feet away. But the fire was growing, steadily. And as it did he didn’t move. He was totally fixated into such a state he couldn’t even feel the heat.

As the fire grew in intensity I could see his flesh literally starting to cook. And he still didn’t flinch. At this point I was screaming at him at the top of my lungs imploring him to get out of there, and still nothing. The scene so horrified me it woke me up as I was screaming.

I was living in Southern California near the beach at the time and we were getting chemtrailed something fierce everyday. While I had my windows rolled up, air filters running and the air-con on recycle as I did on spray days, I was always befuddled and horrified by the hundreds of joggers, bikers and surfers I drove by with my windows up each day who were completely ignorant of their demise under their poisonous chemical skies.

This vivid dream was an expression of how I feel watching this horrific reality play out on the benumbed, completely unsuspecting masses, and quite appropriate for what I’m attempting to communicate here.

Answers – Inform Others and Build Community

Getting in touch with others doesn’t have to wait for anything, wherever we are. Now is the time to connect and meet up with like minded folks wanting to take appropriate action. This should be done as locally as possible – or else move to where there is an active and awake area or community you can be part of. That is, if you’re serious about what you have found out about the ensnaring world around you. If it’s just a semi-amusing side interest this probably won’t even affect you.

But it should.

Food freedom is essential for the days to come, as well as having a reliable water supply. But even more important is having a good support network of caring and capable people with similar outlooks and real spiritual insight and understandings.

And by the way, these types of groups and communities are all over the world and very awake as well as helpful to people expatriating from other countries.

One of the good spin offs of trying times is that it drives humanity to be resourceful and get back to more natural ways of living. As we connect to the earth and each other wonderful things happen. The ultimate solution is to live and build the world we want to see created. We are beings that  were born to create. Living a life based in creativity and not partaking of the manipulated world’s media, mindsets and toxified environment as much as possible releases amazing energies that ripple out in more ways than we can conceive, including the morphic field.

If we’re serious about taking control of our lives the time is now. It’s always now, but it’s now more than ever, if you’re looking around you with even a modicum of awareness.

What can you do? The possibilities are as endless as life itself. They only remain to be pursued.

Just wait until you see what Universe has waiting for you!

Much love, Zen

Previous articles by Zen Gardner:

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold.  My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you… just wondering. Love Zen.

Connect with Zen at

“The hourglass is almost out of grains…”


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