The Information Carousel to Nowheresville

Information Carousel to Nowheresville

22nd May 2016

By Zen Gardner

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Have you ever felt like you’re in a wash-rinse-repeat cycle watching the news, not just mainstream but even alternative media? Much of it is just that, in effect, if it doesn’t draw actionable conclusions or serious elevation in thought and perception. If newly discovered or implicated avenues of personal as well as social expression aren’t pursued, what’s the purpose of pointing out the need for them?

Yes, information is crucial to awakening humanity from its disconnected slumber. But when the dots are connected and we realize we’re in a fabricated landscape of illusion, what then?

Once we realize what’s truly going on and pierce the veil of lies, it’s time to make some serious choices in our lives. The empowering truth awaiting any sincere searcher should directly translate into how it affects their own personal life in a way that transforms not just their existence, but that of those around them and the entire fabric in which we exist in order to liberate the captives.

Action and Inaction

All inaction is not bad. In fact, ceasing participation in this engineered worldly system and more importantly the interdimensional matrix is the most important decision anyone can make. But the ensuing steps of our journey are equally important and will appear before us one at a time. And those are the next “most important decisions” we’ll ever make.

And on it goes.

We’re in a process, a fabulous one, with new discoveries awaiting us any time we’re sincerely open to them.  But this new found knowledge comes with a very real responsibility. Responding to it. How each of us does that depends on our individual situations, perceptions, and the growth cycles we choose, but respond we must.

One immediate and obvious course of action is telling others of our discoveries. This is the unleashed heart manifesting compassion and concern for those around it to try to help people to see the newly revealed world that they have just experienced. We all go through this and will continually, if we truly care about others and stay in hot pursuit of truth.

What’s paramount is getting beyond that level to a state of profound personal empowerment.

Information Is Not the End – But the Beginning

As I’ve said before, I don’t know anyone who’s a sincere researcher and truth uncoverer who isn’t deeply spiritual. It’s the inherent next step in the path of discovery as we realize the current projected reality we’ve been subjected to, from whatever source, is an entrapping, illusory one. This doesn’t happen immediately necessarily, although those spiritually inclined make the connection quite quickly. The fact is, we’re all spiritual but many have been lulled into such a deep sleep it can take them longer to awaken to this important aspect.

There’s a growing field of alternative information sources vying for a place in the sun. That’s fine when it’s a manifestation of someone just waking up and tracking the changing landscape of world events is important. But when it continues on at the same level and either goes commercial or is pride-laden or fear and hate centric, something’s usually gone amiss. The fact that so much is available now in the alternative world is wonderful, but at the same time there’s a disturbing element that seems to be manifesting we need to be aware of and learn to sidestep.

Like anything, this burgeoning phenomenon can become a cyclical repeat vortex with no end or goal but the manifestation of itself. It’s just another indication of the nature of things we go through, but we must draw attention to this aspect. The very real situation in the world around us only grows more dire by the day in spite of the massive awakening we’re witnessing simultaneously. We must draw conclusive understandings to stand upon and then take those realizations to the next level and not get caught up in the morass of information for information’s sake.

Information Carousel to Nowheresville - knowledge

Merry-Go-Round, Or Devious, Disempowering Vortex?

Sure, life is like a ride, but there’s a point to all this, as Bill Hicks famously put it in his classic analogy. Continuing to share newly discovered or forbidden knowledge without drawing actionable conclusions that break us out of the cycle of information for information’s sake is a serious pitfall. The New Age movement is a classic example as it has virtually pulled many off the circuit of action into an ethereal-cereal lukewarm vortex of self-assuaging, mind tingling placid ineffectuality, sidelining itself from any application to the real world around us and ultimately playing directly into the hands of the psycho-social engineers.

Sure there are truisms galore but how are they affecting humanity, or bringing about any real change in the dynamic of our existence here?

Like anything, there are of course very sincere people as well as helpful technologies in any such social paradigm. The same can be said of much of the independent media and alternative research. What is the goal? Again, cutting edge and enlightening, empowering information is essential to blasting out of the matrix. but we don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of a wash, rinse repeat information cycle.

There comes a point where we need to move on. But when the spinning wheels of constant information bombardment become an end to themselves we have a problem. At that point the independent media becomes just that – another media news source to some degree. We can all see this in our daily pursuit of real news and developments that help us gauge where we are in all of this, but if the information isn’t drawing powerful conclusions that drastically change lives who will in turn help change others and our overall field of energy, we’re in a fix.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Unless we’re willing to keep letting go over and over we’re not going to make the grade to where our true empowerment resides. We can get attached to our new sense of identity as having “woken up” to what’s going on around us and some specialty that’s caught our attention; we can also fall into new self-created or accumulated belief systems as to what the ultimate answer is and attach to a new pet theory of everything, so to speak. It’s tricky stuff.

But ultimately it’s always simple. When we’re through changing, we’re through. When we take our new found understanding as the “be all end all” we’re through. It’s a process, and we’re all going to continually go through new and more amazing and empowering revelations as we keep on. That’s the beauty of it!

That requires constant letting go. Admitting we each have blind spots is very important. The thing about these devious blind spots is, we think we see clearly in those areas – when we don’t at all! That can be a pretty troubling thought for anyone but it’s the truth. These are the areas that keep us humble and searching and honest with ourselves.

We know so very little and have so much to learn. It’s presumptuous and very unconscious to think otherwise.

Pursue the Unknown Fearlessly

Keep progressing. Venture into the unknown, personally, informationally, spiritually, esoterically. We’re on the verge of magnificent dis-coveries to such a magnitude it will alter everything we’ve ever held to be true – including some new found “sacred cows” we once thought were “the answer”.

Let go and move on. And keep letting go. Attachments grab us more than we grab them. Way more, but we have the power of conscious choice at all times. Simply use it.

With this “in mind” it makes the ride much more fun and daring, and portends to reveal the most powerful energetic resources we have ever known but we were hitherto blinded from. This is the territory that awaits us. It’s challenging and uncomfortable but such is the path. We have so much room for growth and expansion, anyone can sense it.

We all fall prey to deception, but we cannot afford to let ourselves get stuck on any carousels to nowhere or energy draining currents or vorteces of any kind on our sacred journey. Once we recognize the symptoms of pointless mind and spirit traps it’s time to break free and move on. Nothing can hold us back if we remain conscious and responsive.

Keep on changing, and have fun on the adventure!

Surprise yourself! What is there to lose?

Much love always,


You Are The Awakening

Zen Gardner - You Are The Awakening (book)

Zen Gardner’s new book, ‘You Are The Awakening’, examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

In order to tap into the limitless source of our full potential, any change we seek in the world around us begins with each of us individually. Grounded in this understanding, ‘You Are The Awakening’ will help to inform, empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential.

‘You Are The Awakening’ is available here on Amazon. You can also order your copy and read reviews from David Icke, Max Igan and many more, here on

May these words inspire and empower you!

Previous articles by Zen Gardner:

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you.

Just wondering. Love Zen.

You can follow Zen at and


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