Honouring the Trailblazers

September 26th, 2017

By Jessie Klassen

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

We are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is sweeping our sweet little planet. So why not take a moment and honour all of the brave souls, the “unsung heroes”  who came here before us to assist with this shift and make it happen? The empaths, the sensitives, lightworkers, wayshowers, and all those who were holding light and transmuting the dense energies long before the rest of us, so that others may awaken as well.  They were the ones who were “awake” before the word “awake” ever had a deeper, more profound meaning. For many years, they have been the souls on the “front lines” of this awakening.

Some trailblazers were very aware of their role and courageously used their voice and called “bullshit” on the injustices and dishonesty of others, as they were able to see through it all with crystal clear vision.  They were often the activists and the leaders of social movements. They were those ahead of their time, who established newsletters and platforms such as this one, intended to help awaken the masses.

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For many, they remained out of the spotlight and the world stage, choosing to personally guide those closest to them. And others, either aware of it or not, they went about their trailblazing in a more subtle fashion, choosing to show the way for others by simply living their lives as the example. You know, the ones who were eating organic before eating organic became a trend, before it was even called “organic”, and before there were countless studies to prove that organic eating is indeed healthier for us.

They were the ones who took risks and followed their intuition. They were the ones who, in spite of all logical reasoning, sold everything they had and moved across the globe simply because their soul was calling them there, only to discover the many synchronicities, growth opportunities and reasons for this choice.

They were the people who were not satisfied with conformity and the status quo of getting a job that didn’t fulfill them just to pay the bills and buy things they don’t need, and then hope to one day retire and enjoy life, if there’s anything left of it.

They snuck puppies into care homes just to see the faces of the residents light up with joy.

They usually avoided or were very uncomfortable with organized religion.

Were often deemed as “lazy” or weirdos because of their lack of ambition or drive for monetary goals.

They were the “tree-huggers”, barefoot walkers, and animal lovers.

They are the ones who ask you how you are doing out of concern, not social etiquette, and wait patiently and interested in your reply.

They were often ostrecized by their families for their different lifestyle choices.

They understood the importance of Nature and the detrimental ways of “progress” in our industrialized civilizations.

They preferred to rely on natural healing methods, as opposed to giving into the unnatural (and unhealthy) world of prescription medicine.

Their bodies were some of the first to reveal the damaging effects of our toxic food chain and vaccines, such as leaky gut and gluten intolerance, diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer and alzheimer’s disease.

They were the ones who refused to accept ill health as their destiny, and just a side effect of “growing old.”

They were the dreamers who knew that their dreams were important. They understood that peace and freedom are a right, not a privilege.

They were often exposed to trauma, abuse, and other challenging life situations.

They were the ones who refused to be a victim and instead chose to accept responsibility for their life and learn the lessons that were intended for them to learn.

They are the ones for whom experience did not harden their hearts, but instead, they chose to transcend and help others with their lessons.

They have a genuine love and affection for all of humanity, regardless of culture or skin colour.

Chances are, you likely recognize many of these examples either in yourself, or in others that you know. I have been blessed to have trailblazers in my life and to call them my friends. I honestly don’t know what I would do without their wisdom and support. They have a strength and an unwavering nerve that comes with experience. They know exactly what they are capable of and there isn’t a whole lot that can surprise them.

One really has to appreciate those who were doing this great work at a time when the energies were so very dense. They were working with the limited tools, opportunities, support and knowledge that they had at the time, before the internet allowed information to flow freely, and before the term “the Shift” was even coined. It could be said that they had to learn “the hard way”. (My own mother endured health issues for many years until, thanks to the vast amount of information on the internet, she finally discovered her health problems were all symptoms triggered by the mercury fillings in her mouth.)

At 32 years old myself, I realize that I am not speaking with decades upon decades of experience, but I can feel and see the effects of this Shift. There is such a greater acceptance of other ideas and concepts that were quite taboo only a short time ago, even from when I took my first level of Reiki training in 2010. It is nothing now to hear people speaking of energy work and mindfulness as though they are everyday topics. But it wasn’t always this way…

I am in deep gratitude for all of those who came before me, and bravely lit the way so that I could step into who I really am.

Beyond Your Comfort Zone

While the trailblazers certainly had their hefty share of challenges, my generation is, of course, facing challenges as well. We are learning to play in a new arena. The energies are changing quickly and our sensibilities and our bodies are trying to keep up. We are living within a higher dimension but still dealing with people and the limited concepts of the third dimension.

These are the days when we can become tired, or fed up with the world. When our expanded awareness threatens to become too much for our sensibilities to handle.  We understand how it might be nice to live in ignorance, to not be so aware and feel so responsible. And these are the days when a trailblazer will swoop into our life, our unassuming angels, to comfort and remind us of how amazing we are and of the great work we are doing.  They restore our energy and tell us, “don’t give up, you’ve come so far.  There are greater things ahead of you if you push beyond your comfort zone.”

The trailblazers have taught me compassion, patience, humility, and when I needed it, tough love.  They have been there to assure me, “no, you’re not crazy”, or else, “this isn’t easy, but it is worth it.”  They have reminded me that change is necessary and that there is vast potential that awaits within uncertainty.

Sometimes they have come into my life to stay, others have passed through, or were there only for a short time when I really needed them.  On occasion, it was just a chance encounter or conversation in the line up of a grocery store.

And as you read this, no matter your age or where you feel you are at on this path, take a moment to honour yourself.  Because the truth is, we are all trailblazers in our own, unique way.  We all have gifts to share with the rest of the world.  And for every moment that we are living in our truth, or expressing our authentic selves, we are lighting the way and lending a hand for the next person to do the same.  No matter what “hat” we are wearing in this lifetime, absolutely everything that we do makes a difference. And every time that we are true to who we are and express our authentic selves, we light the way for another soul to do the same.  It is absolutely no accident that you are here at this time.

And that is something that every trailblazer will tell you;  you are doing more than you can possibly know right now, but one day, it will be easy for you to see.

Nuggets of Wisdom from the Trailblazers

I would like to leave you with a few nuggets of wisdom and advice for this particular time that we are in that have recently been shared with me from my friends, “the trailblazers”;

Right now, it is of utmost importance to listen to your body.  These energies are intense.  In fact, the most intense that they have ever felt.  This is huge work we are doing, and if you don’t get the much needed rest that your body is requiring, you will get burn out and end up needing to take a lot of time to recover.  So if you are feeling like you need more sleep even though your mind is telling you that you shouldn’t, tell your mind very gently to f*#k off!

Not everything that you feel is actually yours.  You are transmuting dense energies for so many souls other than yourself, so honour the importance of that by listening to your body.

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Do what ever it takes to stay grounded and balanced, be it taking regular nature walks, spending time with loved ones, meditating, simply sharing healing time with a pet by stroking their fur, going for a swim, or watching a sunset. Listen to your soul and pay attention to what fills you with a sense of peace and contentment.

The other evening I sat on my deck and gazed into the setting sun.  There was a magical glow cast upon my yard, and as I sat there, I allowed my eyes to lose focus and simply see the “light” that seemed to be glowing from within everything around me.  It was then that I heard a gentle voice say, “now you are seeing the love that is in all things.”   Needless to say, I was filled with a calm that I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t sat down and taken a few moments to enjoy the sunset.  Nature is here for us, always.  Spending time with the trees is also very effective.  They understand what we are going through right now, and you will feel your energy lighten considerably in their presence.  I prefer to hug them or climb up into their limbs and wrap my arms around them for full effect.

Eat healthy and drink lots of water.  Again, this is about honouring our bodies with proper fuel.

If you have fear, learn from it, integrate it.  But do not let it stop you.  We are here for self-actualization.  It is wise to be wary, and to practice discernment, but try not to live in fear.  This is when our vibration drops and we are left feeling powerless.  Fear is there to teach us something, so focus on what that lesson may be, not the fear itself.

Check in with yourself often. Just a simple question such as “Am I on the right track?”  It is simply to confirm that you are aware of why you do what you are doing and for what reasons.

Follow the guidance of your heart as our brains can’t keep up to this shift.  They always need to “know” what is going to happen and what the outcome will be.  This is not how we operate on this level.

As I’ve been told, “we are in a new arena.  The rules are changing.”  I had a message similiar to this pop into my awareness as I was enjoying an evening bike ride, “I am not of this world, I don’t  play by these rules.”  I felt as though it was a reminder from my higher self to not get caught up in the drama and anxiety of the third dimension and all of the “shoulds” that we feel we have to surrender to to feel happy and successful.

Stay humble.  Just when you think you have it all figured out, your awareness will expand and you will realize just how much you didn’t know.  We can only grow so much at one time, because if we tried to keep going and going, our bodies could never handle it.  This is where the burn out comes in.  So remember that if you feel as though you have plateaud, this is simply a lookout point to your next stage of awareness.  As long as you are willing, you will continue to grow, but trust that it cannot happen too quickly.

And above all, you can do this. Trust yourself. There is always help available, and you have many guides that are working with you. Not to mention, the Universe is on your side. Just think about the grand scope of that for a moment. The entire Universe which is capable of all things is on our side. Meet the Universe halfway, and expect to be helped in magical ways that you would never expect.

Lastly, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all of the trailblazers of the world, those who I have had the pleasure to meet and to talk to across the miles, and for the countless souls that I haven’t. Thank you. This world is a better place because of you.

I hope that you have found this article helpful. I would love to hear from you! I can be reached via my website jessieklassen.com. While there, feel free to sign up for my free weekly newsletter where I share my experiences, advice, learnings and lessons on how to connect with Nature and improve your life.

Love and warmest blessings,


The Sapling: An Inspiring Story From the Trees

The new book by Jessie Klassen

Learn how to communicate with Nature while enjoying fun activities and energy exercises that will encourage spiritual growth, self-confidence, and awareness in you and your child while developing a close relationship with Nature.

In “The Sapling”, author Jessie Klassen offers an inspiring story from the Trees for the children of Earth, with vivid, full colour Nature illustrations that will appeal to younger children and provide valuable Life lessons that will grow with your child — just like a Tree! Full colour demonstrations easily display dozens of activities and exercises for you and your child to enjoy.

The Sapling” is the first book in Jessie’s Nature Child Children’s Book Series, committed to helping children grow into who they truly are meant to be through a close relationship with Nature. You can get your copy here.

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About the author: 

Jessie Klassen

Jessie Klassen is a writer, farmer, and the mother of 3 sensitive children. She is also a Reiki Master and empath herself, who is committed to raising her children in an accepting and spiritually-connected environment, grounded in Nature. Through her work, Jessie is inspired to help others connect with the magic of Nature to rediscover the magic of their own lives.

Jessie released her first children’s book, “The Sapling” in 2017. It is the story of a little sapling who with the help of a wise old tree, overcomes her fears of growing big and becomes the tree she is meant to be! A portion of proceeds are donated to the TreeSisters and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

You can connect with Jessie at jessieklassen.com, follow her on Facebook, or contact Jessie via email here.

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