New Moon in Sagittarius – Resolving the Past and Embodying the New

December 18th, 2017

By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone

Contributing writers for Wake Up World

This is a time when many great energetic cycles are coming to an end. As our deepest truths began to play out in living fullness, the energy patterns of the last lunar cycle invited us to reflect on the big picture of our lives and our direction — to contemplate inwardly what we are creating in the bigger picture and how we can integrate those pieces of our creation into a coherent, newly-aligned life.

Now, the energy of today’s New Moon in Sagittarius invites us to go beyond the inner reflection of contemplation and to learn from direct experience, embodying the new and allowing new structures to form in our lives. In essence, we are experiencing a brand new response to life, not only to the fullness of our recent creations but also to its polarity — to our outdated attitudes, beliefs, habits and ways of relating to the world that are no longer working for us.

Let’s look at the energy patterns of the Full Moon and the energies that will shape our evolution during this coming lunar cycle.

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Learning from Direct Experience

Learning from direct experience is the key to understanding the energy of this New Moon in Sagittarius. What is so empowering about the current alignments and at the same time, frightening to us, is the tension angles which the Sun, Moon and Saturn (in Sagittarius) are all making to Chiron in Pisces. These aspects reflect a “breaking free” energy that promotes the necessity to embody a truth that is highly individual in its expression.

The energy of Chiron reflects how we learn from life through directly engaging in the experiences we are given. As Chiron is currently moving through Pisces, the sign of surrender and acceptance to what is, an invitation for evolutionary growth is presenting itself — this New Moon is one of acceptance and allowance of the flow that is being revealed to us. As we follow the intuitive sensations these energies create, we can embrace the new energy arriving on the material plane with grace, knowing our new purpose, new life and new dreams are being revealed to us. Embrace each opportunity presented during this lunar cycle with the openness to learn, and you will clearly see growth over this period.

Resolving the Past and Embodying the New

A major alignment that shadows today’s New Moon in Sagittarius is the Square that Jupiter is making to the karmic Nodes of the Moon.

Since October, Jupiter in Scorpio has layered our lives with some intense moments of deep emotional work and, through that, has brought us much closer to what is truly authentic and alive within us. However the nature of Jupiter in Scorpio (which drives the integration and alignment of belief systems and reality) and the tension angle it is forming to the karmic Nodes, we are still entrenched in a phase of learning and letting go of the remnants of the old relationships we had with our lives and to ourselves.

For this reason, the key to maximizing the power of this New Moon is to remember that we are here to embody our truth and authenticity — and if we are to truly awaken into our higher purpose, we need to live it through the emotional body of feeling and direct experience. Our truth and authority comes through having direct experience which leads to natural wisdom.

We have an invitation to commit to the process, even if it feels like you want to give up. Commit to living your most authentic life, and cultivate the inspiration of your desires.

Allowing Structure to Form 

Leading us further into new energetic territory is the transition of Saturn into the sign of Capricorn. Saturn will be in Capricorn from December 2017 till December 2020.

As an energy, Saturn reflects the boundary between the conscious and the unconscious, while Capricorn serves to remind us of our infinite creative potential, showing us that we directly project our ideas and thoughts into our physical reality by the choices we make. With these energies combined, this long transit of Saturn through Capricorn will help us to bring structure to our lives and to the world, creating an outer reality that aligns with our new, vibrant inner world.

In context to today’s New Moon, an invitation is set in motion for a world to be formed from a place that holds a totally different approach to life; one that embodies a way of being that is holistic. Since 2012 we have been under some very powerful energetic shifts and changes to our way of living. The acceleration of our awareness has brought us to a new place — our values have shifted, our desires are more awakening and our sense of purpose has come alive. As we begin the new cycle of Saturn in Capricorn, new personal and social structure will arise from embodying our purpose and our joy, as we literally project our inner world, out.

New Moon Message – A New Response to Life

We are cyclical beings in a world, and a universe, existing and evolving within cycles upon cycles of growth and transformation. Some of these cycles are small and we experience many in our lifetime, like the cycle of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the Sun and so on. Other cycles are so great that they take thousands of years and many generations of life to complete, like the cycle of our solar system in relation to our galaxy.

We are currently existing in a time where some very great cycles are coming to an end, and these great shifts are supported by many synchronised smaller cycles within them. Like clockwork, we are ending old ways of being in the world and completely new ways of existing are being manifested through us. This is an extraordinary time to be alive.

As different layers of our transformation unfold, we experience how our outdated attitudes, beliefs and ways of relating no longer work for us. We may feel blocked or a lack of flow, we could experience dis-ease in our body, or mental distress. Sometimes our outer circumstances change, initiating us into newness from the outside in.

Often, as cycles are seeking completion, experiences repeat themselves, giving us an opportunity to approach the situation from a new perspective, to make new choices under old circumstances or to integrate the life lessons offered through the experience for a totally new approach to (and experience of) life to develop. And so, we become the change we are seeking — by embodying it, through different attitudes, choices and responses.

There is much we must surrender to in life, but we all have a choice in how we respond to it and how it shapes us. Even in our darkest moments, the polarity of light always exists. We have only to consciously choose it.

We have begun to experience the positive effects in our lives of allowing consciousness to guide us, as well as the challenges that come with learning to live our lives from that space — something that has asked an extensive process of deconditioning within us. If we are to continue experiencing more aliveness and fulfillment in our lives, we need to embrace this next shift with open arms and continue this process of deconditioning and release. Continue to operate from a place of truth, and allow yourself to be open to new choices and opportunities, however unfamiliar they may feel. Embrace, acknowledge and then release the limitations and patterns that have held you back. As the energy pattern reflected by the current alignments continues to unfold into the New Year, the energy that you invest now will become totally visible by the beginning of January 2018.

Are you ready to choose a new response to life?

With love,
Simon & Jennifer

About the authors:

Simon Vorster is an evolutionary astrologer and teacher who has been practising astrology for over 12 years. Together with his partner and co-founder of Raising Vibrations, Jennifer Langstone, their work is rooted in helping souls de-condition the self and empower the soul into making new conscious choices. Through the website, Raising Vibrations Astrology, and the consulting services they offer, Simon and Jennifer share their thoughts and insights and, using the powerful tool of evolutionary astrology, help and guide others to find their own spiritual paths, live authentically in the moment and understand ways they are able to positively effect their own spiritual evolution.

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You can learn more about how evolutionary astrology work in these articles:

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