Human Destiny Revealed at the End of the Yellow Brick Road

May 20th, 2018

By Christine Horner

Guest writer for Wake Up World

“Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” — Leonardo DiCaprio

One of life’s most enduring mysteries is that of human destiny. Many a philosopher have debated whether it’s an invention of human thought or if our long-standing curiosity is a mechanism of evolution (creation in process) designed to propel humanity forward.

Regardless of what you believe, what seems to be universal is the calling by your soul to fulfill your personal destiny once you awaken enough to hear it.

It used to be you were born one character per lifetime, living and dying the same. Helped by society, people stayed in the lane they were born. Indoctrination now begins as early as two and three years of age; young children pushed into “structured” group settings call preschool.

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Programming the child from an early age to become a good worker and consumer, our education system dumbs down natural-born creative inner genius (divergent thinking) from 98% in children to less than 2% by adulthood, a study has proven.

Only a handful of notable individuals have scaled Maslow’s Hierarchy of Self-Actualization to free themselves of the confinement of culture and conditioning to live out a life of creative genius each one of us is gifted at birth.

Because these courageous women and men paid attention, they lived out a personal destiny so extraordinary relative to the masses that all of humanity felt the ground shiver with unlimited possibility when they spoke, wrote, or graced the world with their presence.

What’s Your Destiny?

The reality is, very few are courageous enough to break voluntarily from herd mentality.

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” — Yoda

We fear to have a destiny as much as we fear not having one. We fear failure. We fear greatness. We simply fear change. Fear is the #1 reason people wallow in misery rather than dare to make simple changes that would improve the quality of their life dramatically.

Why? People hang onto what’s familiar rather than let go for the unknown — even if could mean the end of suffering.

Maybe you’re trying to discover your creative inner genius… or break away from a miserable job… or find meaning and purpose in your life… or just be happy and at peace.

Trust Life

It’s okay to be afraid — just don’t get stuck there. Fearlessness is for foolsCourage’s true definition is sticking around even when you are very afraid.

And if you refuse change?

Change becomes dramatic upheaval when you don’t review your thoughts, words, and actions continuously (conscious living) to see if you are serving not only your personal well-being but the well-being of everyone in your field of influence. This is self-leadership.

If you don’t self-correct, life steps in.

This goes for institutions, too. We are witnessing dramatic upheaval in the world because the negative benefits of a society built out of separation consciousness are no longer sustainable. The more you or groups of like-minded individuals fight to preserve tradition, the greater the human suffering.

“If you’re receptive and open, you’ll see it’s okay to relax, take your hands off the wheel, and trust life.”

Your journey is unique, but its aspects are common to everyone. It may give you comfort to understand what’s happening as you continue to awaken to the miraculous within. Your destiny and humanity’s destiny are one and the same.

Our Universal Hero’s Journey

The Wizard of Oz’s Dorothy perfectly illustrates the hero’s journey as identified by American scholar Joseph Campbell.

Our heroine consciously chooses to take a journey into the heart of darkness and the unknown, where things get pretty wild. Dorothy has her moments of fear and self-doubt, but notice she receives exactly the right support at the right time to push through. And so will you.

After Dorothy realizes the pigpen of the limited life she’s fallen into, she ditches it for bigger and better things. Along the way, Dorothy runs into self-doubt’s Professor Marvel, who dissuades her from making any changes in her life. Life honours Dorothy’s “yes” to her soul’s swansong, sending an F5 tornado to whisk her away to new lands.

Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, quickly appears to guide her. But, in a dualistic third dimension — if there is the light of your Higher Self, there is the ego’s dark side, the Wicked Witch of the West, to make life rough for you because you’ve killed her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East, weakening ego’s hold over you.


In the nick of time, a sign appears — physical proof all things work for the good. You’ve been endowed with the ruby red slippers previously belonging to ego, taking back some of your power.

Appearing to lack a way back to Kansas, she follows Glinda’s prompt to step upon the path of enlightenment as she seeks wisdom outside of herself that will guide her home.

Down the yellow brick road, she meets the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. They are Mind, Body, and Spirit. They join her on the journey as external characters, but really, Dorothy must unite consciously all three to make her final discovery.

Don’t Get Distracted

The foursome stops along the way to admire a beautiful field of colourful poppies that distract them so much they completely fall back under the spell of Maya (separation consciousness). The shiny things in your life are technology, relationship drama, and busyness that distract you from renewing your connection to Source each day through reflection and meditation.

Alas, once Dorothy reaches the Wizard, she is sent off on an errand to retrieve the witch’s broomstick. As long as you search outside yourself for what is found within, ego will send you on an endless loop of things to “do,” known as struggle, to reach your goals.

You will repeatedly crash and burn — your dark night of the soul — until you finally see that struggle (ego) has gotten you nowhere. Notice, the Universe keeps sending you unconditional gifts and signs until you realize that the Source of Life and Life are the same. This is your shift from separation to unity consciousness.

Thus, it is revealed that separation from Source is an illusion. Glinda, the Good Witch, confirms Dorothy always had the power to go “home.” The struggle was the removal of the veil via direct experience.

Intertwined and inseparable is collective human destiny as we converge as One in perfect union with the Infinite. This is our destiny. Home is our return to Source — without going anywhere at all.

Your brilliant moment is when you realize there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. You already are that which you seek. All are found within you, given freely to you as a gift.

Know this, and you’ve just created Heaven on Earth.

You are already brilliant.

You are already perfect.

You are already Home.

Can you feel it?

About the author:

It’s your brilliant life, live it now! Christine demystifies what ails society, helping readers end personal suffering. Discover your true purpose, and start living the life you’ve always wanted when you consciously merge mind, body, and spirit, (science, too). Connect more deeply and receive your free Humanity 2.0: Activating Your XFactor Guide at:

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