The Wounded Dragon: Healing the Divine Warrior (Video & Guided Meditation)

eye26th January 2014

By  Openhand

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Humanity is entering the cauldron of catalytic change.

At a soul level, the strength of our collective  yearning is challenging a society founded on injustice and inequity. Catastrophic meltdown is on the horizon.

How do we progress from here?

We must recognise that the capitalistic nightmare has been the outer reflection of our own internal darkness – the ‘raptor consciousness’, desperately efforting to placate an inherent sense of lack. If society is to change for the better, we must transmute these inner energies to heal our own lives and those of the wider community. We must heal this Divine Warrior – the “Wounded Dragon”.

Dealing with our karmic baggage

The ‘raptor consciousness’ of consumption has been around since the dawning of time. It happens as presence gets lost and revels in the illusion of physicality. All manner of distorted behaviours develop. It was there for example when ‘Adam’ took a big bite out of the proverbial apple. And like other places, it’s very much thriving in the ‘Big Apple’ today.

But you can’t simply sit on your higher laurels and distance yourself from it. Avoidance creates denial meaning you’ll simply have to come back at some future point and deal with the karmic baggage. It is exactly this devolved responsibility, which by unconsciousness consumerism, is progressively devouring our planet.

Inspiring our greatest achievements

Yet the energy at the core of this distortion – the Divine Warrior – can be highly beneficial to each and every one of us. It has inspired our greatest achievements, fueling the courage, commitment and the passion to manifest for the better of all life. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning, sparks the glint in your eye and simply won’t lay down and die.

So how can we transmute these distorted energies to work for our own and the collective good?

How can we bridge potential economic melt down which would likely shatter society?

Lets transform society together

Since the turn of the year when we’ve felt powerful inflows of higher catalytic energies to confront this raptor consciousness and break it down, we’ve been working to transmute it through the field. And we’re inviting others to join us for their own creative benefit and that of society. So here’s a short documentary video we’ve felt divinely given to produce and share. It’s offered together with a transformative guided meditation which you can listen to freely online or download to your MP3 player. We think it’s important and so we thank you for sharing widely.

First the video….

…. and here’s the guided meditation:

You can listen online here…

Or for an exchange of £1, you can download to your computer or MP3 player by clicking on the picture image above, or this link below…

We wish you well in healing the Wounded Dragon. Now more than ever, we need to heal it within ourselves and the wider global community.

From my heart to yours,

(on behalf of  Openhand)

Previous articles by Open:

About the author:

Openhand  is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step. Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.


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