Are There Natural Cures for ALS?

Natural Cures for ALS29th August 2014

By  Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

There are natural cures for ALS… and the people who have reversed the disease  are the proof!

ALS  (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as  Lou Gehrig’s Disease, has received much attention lately due to the popular  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge  that went viral across YouTube. This all started when  Corey Griffin, 27, (who tragically passed away recently from a diving accident), and others wanted to raised money for their friend, who was diagnosed with ALS.  You have probably seen a friend of yours accept the Ice Bucket Challenge on Facebook, or perhaps you have done the challenge yourself.

Their efforts have not only brought awareness to this debilitating disease, they have also raised  staggering amounts of money that has been donated in the hopes of “finding a cure for ALS”. The latest amount donated so far is  over $35 million, and it’s still climbing.

No doubt, the intentions behind all of this ALS attention is absolutely admirable. But  were you aware that natural cures do exist, and that there are many people who were diagnosed with this disease who have even reversed  it?  Something that conventional medicine says is  impossible.

My Story of Healing

I, myself, was once diagnosed with another “incurable” disease;  Multiple Sclerosis. For me the condition was serious. I could not walk, I had electrical sensation in my limbs, my entire right leg would go numb, I had extreme double vision, and I felt hopeless. But, just like many ALS suffers, I decided not to accept the medical prognoses and instead researched holistic therapies and treatments.

I succeeded in  curing myself 100% naturally!

So need-less-to-say, I feel very passionate about spreading the word that there are  options to the medical prognoses of death, and the proof is  the people themselves who are still alive  –  many of whom are healthier today than they were before their diagnoses!

Thankfully, there are holistic and medical doctors who no longer deny that natural therapies do make a difference; that they do work!

My question is, why aren’t more conventional medical doctors taking a closer look at the results that these doctors are getting with their patients?

Sadly, I do know from my own personal experience, that getting anyone to listen to you is very difficult. I even have friends who are diagnosed with MS, and despite knowing my story, they prefer to live with the disease and follow the pharmaceutical drug therapy protocol – even despite the slow deterioration of their health.

I believe a major reason for this phenomenon comes from the medical community in general. They tell their patients not to waste their time on natural treatments (which  most often they haven’t even researched the possibilities), and even scare them into believing that the natural treatment could be dangerous to their health!

Well excuse me, but isn’t dying from the disease more  dangerous to their health?

Now that ALS is getting so much public attention, it is my hope that people will also start paying attention to the  amazing results natural therapies can provide  to  those with ALS. Just because the medical professional hasn’t “found a cure” –  an  expensive pharmaceutical cure – does not  mean that natural cures don’t exist. They just can’t be patented.

And the same is true for other health conditions such as cancer, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, and autoimmune disorders.

[To learn more about Dr. Michelle’s story of self healing, please see the article  Crossroad in Life – A Journey Back To Health!]

They’re Healing ALS… Others Can Too!

I encourage you to watch this short video that features  actual ALS suffers  who are still alive, and some who have even reversed the disease and regained their lives!

Watch and listen  to these doctors and survivors who have achieved incredible results.

Pretty amazing uh? And believe it or not, results like the ones you just saw in this video are not as rare as many would have you believe. In fact, quite the opposite!

I believe 100% that ALS and other diseases should receive public awareness! But  I passionately believe that natural treatments should be put at the  forefront when dealing with these conditions in public discussion. They should  not be silenced and above all, they should not be banned (to the benefit of pharmaceutical companies).

If you, or someone you love, have been diagnosed with ALS, or another devastating disease, PLEASE  look into ALL your options.  If  your medical doctor (and in some cases even your holistic doctor) is  not  aware of the natural treatments that exist for your ailment, or aware of the results that other doctors are getting with their patients,  please listen to the doctors highlighted in this film.  Listen to people who have had the disease, and are now healthier. Take heart.

We live in an extremely polluted environment, and not only our air, water and soil, but also in our food. We have been ingesting chemicals for our entire lives. Even those who only eat organic  cannot escape the assault of chemicals their body is under on a daily basis. But as bleak as this sounds, there are still  solutions.  Natural solutions.

I know… I am a survivor myself!

For more info, please go to  Healing ALS – MND – Lou Gehrig’s Disease. They truly  deserve your support for all the  hard work they do promoting natural cures for ALS.

Previous articles by Dr. Michelle:

About the author:

dr michelle kmiec

Dr. Michelle Kmiec is a board certified chiropractic physician who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. She is a life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from MS and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter. She has been featured in many Health magazines, and has been a guest on radio talk shows in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. She is the author of Health Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession’, Founder of Online Holistic Health, and a contributing writer for other popular informative health website/blogs. She is also founder of The Triad of Life™ Holistic Lifestyle Program – the most comprehensive holistic program on the internet today.

For more information, visit Online Holistic Health or connect with Dr. Michelle Kmiec on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


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