Finding Nirvana – Aligning Yourself with the Universal Flow


September 27th, 2016

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

It’s clear the mainstream of humanity is becoming increasingly dissatisfied and dis-eased as the seeming relentless struggle to control life and the planet’s dwindling resources rolls on. Fortunately, a growing group of people are turning away from this mechanised madness by finding love, peace and fulfillment within. It’s all about recognising oneself as part of the greater whole and flowing with that, inside yourself.

Understanding how the microcosm of your life fits within the greater macrocosm leads to a sublime way of being. You find the mystical ‘nirvana’, inside yourself. Here’s how…

Infinite Creative Potential Exists Inside You

I put it to you, that the universe exploded into being and unleashed flows of consciousness, like ripples on a pond (which people call the “big-bang”). It was done without intention — or else who had the intention, and where did the ‘creator’ come from?

It just happened. And that creative potential still exists inside of you. It is who you are.

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When you let go of the need to control life, the release steadily unwinds you, taking you on a Journey of Enlightenment where ultimately you become the One, inside of yourself; you lose attachment to identity, it feels like no one is here. The divine paradox is, that in touching this void of nothingness, you simultaneously realise the infinite potential of the One — the unlimited creative possibility. Your soul then writes a story – a flow – which is uniquely yours.

The Journey of Enlightenment

This ‘Enlightenment’ is not the end of the story. It is only the beginning of the authentic one. You then begin to recognise sense of purpose, unveiled as divine service to the whole.

It is only when you let go the life you thought you were creating, the real work and the real service comes gloriously into view. So how do you live that here and now? How do unfold your real life-story? It helps to recognise the bigger universal flow, how it’s moving, and to become an active part in that.


You are a Divine Paradox

In this big explosion of consciousness — the “big bang” — you have essentially two contrasting flows creating relativity: one outwards forming the multiplicity of separation consciousness, and the other inwards, reconnecting with the source — like the undertow on a pond.

These relativistic flows, create the miraculous awareness of life experience.

However, in many places, unity consciousness gets stuck within the separation consciousness creating eddy currents. It’s where the universe becomes convoluted and distorted. The Law of Attraction draws streams of Unity Consciousness — as souls — into these convolutions.

You are a divine paradox: the infinite potential of the One, and at the same time, a streaming experience of the One — a unique soul.

The Universal Torus

Science and spirituality are now beginning to converge on a working theoretical model of the universe called “The Torus”. Essentially the big bang is now drawing into a form of interrelating flows of consciousness — a good depiction of which is contained in the video below. Consider the blue light as Unity Consciousness and the golden as Separation Consciousness.

One ways to appreciate the Torus in it’s outer form, would be as a continually vibrating and pulsing apple — a “Big Apple”!

This Torus possesses the Void of the One — infinite potential running down through the core. Rotating torsional force flows into the Void.

Naturally working to unravel discord

Within this depiction, souls are streams of the flowing blue light. But the Torus is not yet fully formed. It’s not yet perfected with balanced harmony in all places. That’s where you and I come in.

Where the soul is not self-realised — not realising of the One ‘Torus’ Self — identities are created. These identities cause friction and disharmony in the flow, felt within us as pain, frustration, tightness, anger, worry, fear etc, etc, etc.

I put it to you, that the universe, of it’s own natural accord, by it’s own natural mechanism, is working to unravel that. The energies are working towards a balanced torus — harmony in all places, what some call ‘nirvana’. 


Here is a depiction of the torus with both the microcosm of a man (connecting through the chakras) into the macrocosm of the universal torus…


Coming into Universal Alignment

I put it to you that you will be most aligned, most in the flow, and most within internal harmony, when you’re aligned with this macrocosym — it’s an entirely natural movement back to the core — Ascension — which just feels ‘right’.

One way to experience this movement Torus of energy, is to keep opening the chakras to allow this universal consciousness to flow into and through you. Then to observe its ‘pull’ guiding you through life. It’s so sophisticated, you can even experience it walking through town, or even the supermarket – because the flow exists everywhere! What I observe, is that if there’s any separation from this, an identity forms, which then hurts! But if that which is separate – ego – lets go and chooses to flow with the mainstream of one’s soul, you ultimately come into alignment with the entirety, inside yourself. And it feels simply ‘right’.

A Spiritual Compass

Did I say it was easy? Easy it is not!

That’s why it’s extremely useful to have a ‘compass’ to align you with your soul — your unique flow within the Torus. The process Openhandway is perfectly designed to bring you into this alignment: It naturally causes that which is separate in you, to realign with the mainstream of your soul, and with that, the universal torus. And you can live that way in every single choice that you make, leading to nirvana within.


(on behalf of Openhand)

Recommended reading by Open:

About the author:

OpenOpenhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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