Hemp & Beet Veggie Burger Recipe (Gluten Free & Vegan)


By Trinity Bourne

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

When it comes to sharing veggie burgers, nothing brings me more joy that seeing the look of delight on my friends faces when they take that first bite. Not only do I want people to be transformed on a magical journey of deliciousness when they eat my food, but I also want my burgers to be super healthy, vegan, gluten-free, nutritious and delicious. Good veggie burgers are in a league of their own, holding together well, wonderfully moist on the inside and a nice firm and crispiness on the outside.

Playful beetroot pink

Nothing beats that playful, beetroot, pink colour. It brings the kitchen table to life and makes people smile. Far from its humble, earthy proclamations, beetroot is overflowing with a rich treasury of beneficial properties, to support mind, body and soul. It’s good for lowering blood pressure, helps to improve stamina, supports liver health, has super anti-oxidant properties (to name a few benefits). For more, check this out here: Health Benefits of Beetroot.

Hemp is an unstoppable fountain of wellness

Of course, the other showstopper in today’s recipe is hemp seeds. A protein power superstar with the perfect blend of essentially fatty acids, hemp is like an unstoppable fountain of wellness that deserves a place in our daily cuisine. It has a sort of tasty, unique nuttiness about it and radiates vibrancy wherever it goes. I am using shelled (hulled) hemp seeds in this recipe. Read All About Hemp Seeds for more awesome facts about them.

Super quick Hemp & Beet Burger video guide

OK – I’m super excited to share this culinary delight with you. It’s a delicious, super healthy veggie burger made using beets, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds. Easy and quick to make under the grill (broiler).

Here’s a super quick video guide first. Please check it out to get a helpful visual on what to do… You’ll find full instructions below. You can also download a printable version of this recipe here.

Hemp & Beet Veggie Burger Recipe – gluten-free & vegan

  • Prep time: 10 mins
  • Cook time: 20 mins
  • Total time: 30 mins
  • Serves: 8
  • Cuisine: Vegan, gluten-free, wheat-free


  • 75g shelled hemp seeds (1/3 cup)
  • 175g shelled sunflower seeds (2/3 cup)
  • 2 beetroots (slightly smaller than tennis ball size each)
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 heaped teaspoon dried parsley
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon coconut cream
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds (keep separate from the first lot above)
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower seeds (keep separate from the first lot above)
  • 4 tablespoons of oatmeal



1. Grind 75g of hemps seeds and 175g of sunflower seeds down to a coarse meal consistency. You can use a nut/seed mill, food processor, power blender for this. See video to note how I do it with my food processor.

2. Grate two beetroots. It’s fine to leave the skin on beets (I always do), as long as you take the rough bit off at the top of the neck.

3. Put the ground seeds and grated beetroot into a food processor. Add the salt, cumin, parsley, pepper, ground coriander and onion powder. Blend processor for a few seconds to bring everything together. It should be a rustic blend (not a puree). If you have a small processor you might have to do it in batches. This also works with a hand-blender (although a bit more effort and bland unblocking of the blade required).

4. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and add in the coconut cream, oatmeal and final 3 tablespoons of whole shelled hemp seeds and 3 tablespoons of sunflower seeds. Mix everything together with a spoon until everything is evenly combined.

5. Shape into patty shapes. The mixture will be really moist (see video) although it should hold together easily. (If you don’t have a food processor and your mix is really chunky, then be sure to press it all firmly together.)

6. You can pop these in the fridge until you are ready to cook them. Putting them in the fridge will also help them to firm up a little (although it’s not essential). If you want to stack them into more than one layer (i.e. in a container) then separate them with parchment paper.

7. When ready, carefully place them onto a wire grill tray. (See video above.)

Notes: If you are in the USA, then by “grilling” I mean broiling. Grill under a medium to low heat for about 10 minutes on each side, or until nicely tanned. Take care to be gentle when turning over – they hold together well, but you can’t be rough with them either.

These Hemp & Beet burgers partner really well with my Tahini Sauce.

Enjoy and let me know how you get on!

Coming soon: My first ever gluten-free vegan burger bun!

I am getting loads of questions about my burger bun. I have to say that this is the first ever photo shoot I’ve done using an actual burger bun – and I am excited! I’d given up on bread after I went gluten-free, until I decided to create my own range from scratch. Lots of patience, inspiration and recipe testing sessions were required until I finally came up with my very own gluten-free, vegan bap recipe. I just HAD to put my Hemp & Beet Burgers into one for these pics. Anyway, anyway I’ve spent the last year working on a whole range of gluten-free breads, baps, wraps, crackers and things AND I will be publishing an ebook dedicated to them soon. Happy, happy, happy dance!!!

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About the author:

Trinity Bourne - bio

Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’ and ‘Angelicious’, recipe books designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free & gluten-free cuisine.

22 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious, plant-based cuisine. She is also the co-founder of Openhand, an organisation dedicated to the conscious evolution of humankind, working as the divine complement to her soul mate Open. She is an integral part of the Openhand core team, supporting with the spiritual philosophy development, energy processing, publication of book and film, and is the Openhand retreat chef.

For more, visit trinityskitchen.com and follow Trinity’s Kitchen on Pinterest and Facebook!


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