Keeping Slugs & Snails Off Your Veggies – Compassionately

Keeping slugs & snails off your veggies compassionately

By  Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As a conscious gardener, I am aware that unless we all start foraging again and totally return to nature (which certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing in this day and age), that our gardens will always be a little out of balance – no matter how kind to the earth we are. Yet, I am always seeking to find the most compassionate, resourceful ways to grow veggies whilst causing as little disharmony as I can along the way.

One of the biggest battles I have found with gardening in the UK, especially in Somerset (which appears to be rain and flood central at the moment) is how to stop slugs and snails from wiping out my entire crop of vegetables. These hungry little molluscs are the bane of most kitchen gardens and whilst I love all animals, it hardly seems fair that they’ve often eaten far more of my vegetable crop than I ever have…

A Friendly Way to Keep Out the Slugs

Over the last couple of years I have found a successful, vegan-friendly method of keeping our slimy friends at bay, without the need to kill them in the process. This involves making a little barrier around each plant using old plastic water bottles and copper tape. It really does work! We’ve enjoyed an absolute abundance of crops over the last couple of years.

To prove it, I’ve created a little video to show you exactly how you can do it too…

How to Make a Slug and Snail Barrier

Find Out Which Vegetables Slugs Don’t Like to Eat … and Grow Them

The other thing I love to do, is to encourage salad herbs and veggies that slugs and snails don’t like to eat very much of, such as lemon balm, mint, nettles, sorrel, wild garlic and chives. These nutritious plants just pop back up naturally in early spring, throwing out a bountiful harvest until the frost starts to kick in at the end of the year again.   Lemon balm is a particular favourite of mine. Slugs and snails pretty much leave it untouched. Visit my lemon balm page for more here:  “All about Lemon Balm – a must in any veggie garden”.

Encouraging Other Wildlife

Frog friend - frogs love to feast on garden slugsNature has a miraculous way of balancing things out, should we simply leave it be. Frogs, hedgehogs, toads, slow worms, some birds (like thrushes) and newts all love to gobble slugs and snails. Do whatever you can to encourage them into your garden and bring a more balanced eco-system. We created a wildlife pond, allowing it to populate itself naturally. It’s now a fabulous haven for frogs, toads and newts, which seemed to appear out of nowhere. We’ve spotted hedgehogs here and also our first slow worm here a couple of weeks ago. It all helps!

Don’t forget to let me how you get on, and please do share any other tips and hints that you might have for your own successful, compassionate gardening along the way. Let’s inspire each other.

With love,

Further articles by Trinity:

About the author:

Trinity BourneTrinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’, a recipe book designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free cuisine.

Around 18 years ago, during a profound spiritual awakening, the world around her shattered. She became engulfed in a white, universal, timeless, formless light until nothing else existed – other than the nameless truth at the core of all sentient beings. During this life-changing experience Trinity experienced the soul of all other sentient beings, trees, creatures, people as one pulsating energy. Transcending her into a higher realm of unity and oneness, this experience imparted a divine energy that she has been sharing through spiritual work ever since.  She has integrated a wide variety of multidimensional gifts, and works hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, guided by a deep compassion for the Earth and environment.

Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious vegan cuisine.  She is the co-founder of the  Openhand Foundation, an organisation dedicated to the evolution of humankind. She works as the divine complement to her soul mate  Open (Chris)  to help facilitate the global Ascension process and feels incredibly blessed to be of divine service.

Check out Trinity’s new book  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen  on  or visit  for a huge archive of deep insights for the spiritual journey.


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