Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo – Love Is Rising

January 21st, 2019

By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone

Contributing writers for Wake Up World

2019 has already begun to reveal many things to us about who we are and who we have been. And this is not an easy process. As we wade into new territory we are being asked to integrate a new understanding of our selves as human beings while simultaneously trusting the unknown path ahead of us.

As the energy of the Full Moon in Leo takes shape, we are collectively and individually in a state of deep transformation. This is a time in which we must learn to allow ourselves the time it takes to grow and nurture meaningful change — to grow into who we know we can be, and align ourselves wholeheartedly with a life that is authentic and meaningful.

Let’s look at the transformational potential of the Full Moon in Leo.

Where to next?

Venus balsamic conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces; Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn, and Saturn in Capricorn square Mars in Aries.

As we enter today’s Full Moon in Leo, our senses of both limitation and purpose will be clearly visible to us. We will also see how unpredictable our new path will actually be for us, and yet, we will be shown how and where we may find a secure place within this newness and uncertainty. The question “Where to next?” is appropriate right now — and we are exploring such paradoxical paths.

The Solar Eclipse on the January 5th exposed the essence of what we wanted in our lives going forward. Now, as we move through the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, we are being made aware of what actually eclipses us on our chosen path. In totality, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses will reveal a great deal about the growth pattern that is unfolding for us. In particular Venus is at the end of a cycle with Jupiter, which shows helps us to close a chapter on how we once viewed ourselves and our lives. As we embark on finishing this cycle, we are left with the insights, wisdom from our experiences — all the wisdom and growth we bring from this cycle will contribute greatly to the way we support and sustain ourselves in the new cycle of energy that is taking shape.

Sustainability will be a fundamental aspect of our growth during this time.

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Uranus in Aries square both the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon Leo, and the Lunar Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn.

The energy of today’s lunar eclipse shows us we are caught between the limitations from the old paradigm and our desire to unleash our creative potential in all facets of our life. Paradoxically, the very energy that helps us see and feel the desire for liberation and change arises from the limitations — and so feelings of both limitation and liberation are equally essential to the unfolding of our new direction at this time. Uranus is at the last degrees of Aries and will be finishing up a 7½ year cycle through Aries. This cycle brought us such tremendous change it can be difficult at times to fully grasp the transformation we have undergone since the 2011.

When a planet moves into a sign, we feel its influence. Conversely, when a planet leaves a sign, we are left with impressions of what its energy symbolises and how it has affected us. In 2011, we began a journey of Liberation, and in 2019, we have found freedom from the known — and we are now ready to take a chance on ourselves and live the story we write for ourselves.

Uranus squaring the Lunar Nodes brings into focus that, while we are not living completely in the new energetic cycle yet, we still have unfinished business that must be dissolved and finished up. This process can feel like we’re taking two steps forward and one step back. However the energy of the Sun and Moon reveal to us in this moment that part of our transformation is tiding up loose ends and closing chapters. Right now, the sense of the new and the old are both present with us, and integrating both new and old is essential to our healthy and effective transition into the new paradigm.

New Horizons

Mars in Aries trine Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius; Chiron in Pisces trine the Moon in Leo, and sextile Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn.

It will be natural during this lunar eclipse for us to feel a sense of uncertainty as to what our new direction is all about. Mars in Aries reflects the energy to push through and establish a growth path for a new direction to unfold, however, held within this energy is a natural uncertainty and anxiety — because what was once known and considered “certain” is no longer part of our future.

Helping us to integrate uncertainty is the trine Mars is making to Jupiter and Venus, which sends us the message that our needs and wisdom we gained from the old path should not be simply cast aside but rather, brought forth as tools to support the further development of the new horizons we about to embark on. As we progress into a new paradigm of being, it’s crucial we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Chiron’s trine to the Moon and sextile connections to Pluto and Mercury suggest to us that the change heralded by this Lunar Eclipse goes far beyond the immediacy of how we feel and think right now. We are on a healing journey that holds the promise of profound depth and soul growth, and the invitation Chiron offers here is about how we approach the limitations we are currently experiencing. On our quest for self-transformation, liberation from the known is the mystical key and unlocks the secrets to the answer we seek.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Full Moon’s Message: Love is Rising

Our spirit, the essence of who we are, the passions that drive us, the meaning behind those things we feel passionate about and the love we feel, are all things that exist outside of our physical reality. We can see the containers for these things in the world around us, in the things we create and what we hold dear but the consciousness within those things cannot be limited to the containers reflecting them. Everything we can see with our eyes is deeper than its representation and far greater than the form it takes.

Even though it could be easy to believe that our physical reality, our self image and the appearance of things around us are what define them, we should also consider that they are merely representations and containers for the consciousness that wishes to surface within them.

As we look within ourselves, beyond our thoughts and plans, deeper than any conceptual ideas of who we are, entering into the world of our deepest emotions, beyond our fears, our desires our inspiration and deeper yet.. eventually we are faced with an abyss, an ocean of consciousness that is the ocean that everything in our world, every person, every place has emerged from. That ocean is inside every aspect of our reality, in the depth of its manifestation. In the dream it once was.

We are in a state of deep transformation individually and collectively. The consciousness within the forms our eyes can see is becoming more available to our perception. As we process through the layers of trauma and pain that close us off from our depth and keep us locked into a cycle of fear and suffering, we are connecting to the deeper meaning of life, accessing human values that are in harmony with the truth of our being and sensing the essence of our spirit consciousness. And just by allowing that essence to arise within us we are then reshaping the the very manifestation of the container that holds it, the identity we embody and the manifestation of the structures we see around us.

As the consciousness within us, the passions that drive us and the meaning behind those things are all beginning to surface, they are asking that we let go and allow it to shape us from the inside out. They are asking that we trust that the form they take will be true to the consciousness within and to allow the natural flow of those essences to shape them.

Ou The boundaries we feel are the places that are too small for the growing consciousness that is pressing beneath it. The frustration we feel is the passion of our dreams wanting to surface.

We are being asked to hold more than we ever before have within our human vessels, we are being asked to expand the limitations and to allow the spirit within us to pour out into the manifest creation, to create a new reality that is great enough to embody more depth and spirit than ever before. We are being asked to trust the new shape our reality is forming, to allow the waves of consciousness to change the container that holds it.

Love is rising. Don’t hold it down, embody it!

Simon & Jennifer

About the authors:

Simon Vorster is an evolutionary astrologer and teacher who has been practising astrology for over 14 years. Together with his partner and co-founder of Raising Vibrations, Jennifer Langstone, their work is rooted in helping souls de-condition the self and empower the soul into making new conscious choices. Through their website, Raising Vibrations, and the consulting services they offer, Simon and Jennifer share their thoughts and insights and, using the powerful tool of evolutionary astrology, help and guide others to find their own spiritual paths, live authentically in the moment, and understand ways they are able to positively effect their own spiritual evolution.

You can connect with Simon and Jennifer at:

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You can check out Simon and Jennifer’s recent energy updates here.

To learn more about evolutionary astrology, check out these introductory articles:

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