Your Twin Flame: A Magical Alchemy to Guide You Through Life

August 23rd, 2022

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The alchemical phenomenon of Your Twin Flame is a deeply uplifting revelation on the path. Having an understanding of it, and crucially the right internal alignment, is going to be essential to your happiness and fulfillment in life. In the Openhand Approach, your Twin Flame is your divine compliment, that can manifest all around you through signs and synchronicity, accompanying you on your journey, and guiding you to the right circumstances you need to have in order to evolve and grow. Let’s explore…

The Twin Flame Activating Ascension

To understand the Twin Flame phenomenon, let’s begin by reminding ourselves of the purpose of the soul. From the Openhand perspective, it is to undergo plentiful incarnations in order that it may fully align and integrate itself as a unique expression of The One. When the soul comes into being, it notionally sub-divides into a polarity: one aspect continues to reside at the source; the other comes into incarnation. The Twin Flame that resides at the source, may be considered the ‘homing beacon’ that activates the other part of the soul that is incarnate, brings them awake, and initiates the journey of Ascension back to the source (an inner journey).

It’s essential to understand, that contrary to popular belief and misconception, your Twin Flame does NOT incarnate. Because it’s the other unmanifest aspect of yourself. People may get a taster of the true experience first through another, but to be truly active, is when they’re dancing all around you through signs and synchronicity. Therefore in my view, The Twin Flame phenomenon is often best experienced when on your own. If you can comfortably sit in the aloneness, but actively watch all around you, for sure they will come shining through.

It could be in the call of the dawn chorus, the number plate on a passing car, or in the lyrics of a song that completely melts your heart.

The pull and the guidance of the Twin Flame is to create momentum and direction on the path of the soul. Without it, our journey would likely be random, chaotic and meaningless or even non-existent. Our Twin Flame draws us back to the source like a universal magnet; it is our memory of the original condition of absolute completeness expressed through the finest quintessence of form. To be in conscious connection with your Twin Flame is a wonderfully alchemical dance through life, that is highly creative and uplifting.

The Twin Flame Experienced in Reflections All Around

Usually, the Twin Flame will not be experienced until much work has been done in the lower physical, emotional and mental bodies, because any density there dims out the connective light of the Twin Flame. Also, where there’s still a division between higher and lower self, this will also confuse and block out the Twin Flame experience. But as the soul integrates through the Ascension of Consciousness (check out the 5 key expansions…5GATEWAYS), then the Twin Flame will activate and come into view as reflections all around you.

Upon incarnation, one half of the soul remains in the highest levels of consciousness close to the source. Its purpose is to continually draw the other back to its true nature. It does this by manifesting reflections of itself through the weave of life surrounding its ‘other half’. For example, the half that is incarnated may suddenly find themselves drawn to a particular cloud formation, the miracle of mother nature or a synchronicity that makes you feel blessed. As we feel the stirrings of love, joy and harmony, it is our Twin Flame that we’re likely connecting with reminding us of who we truly are.

‘She/he’ illuminates our pathway and the beauty we experience on it. The connection generates the feeling of belonging, of yearning purpose, and loving inquiring direction through the external drama that helps unwind the conditioning that gets in the way of our full potential.

Frequently the Twin Flame will appear in symbolic representation – a spiritual vision for example, perhaps some mythical creature. Sometimes it will appear in the people you might be attracted to or form relationships with. In a sense, the Twin Flame may cast an energetic ‘enhancement’ (a kind of rose tinted filter) around someone close to you in order that you may see the reflection and find the self love within – that’s the ideal.

Earlier in your journey, you may well be seduced into thinking this partner is your Twin Flame. Indeed plenty get duped in this way thinking “this is it”, “I’ve met the partner I’ve been looking for through countless incarnations”. If you have such feelings, what may have happened, is that you’ve possibly met up with a key Soul Mate at that time to bring a dormant aspect of yourself alive.

So what exactly is a Soul Mate and how does it relate to the Twin Flame?

It’s also highly beneficial to explore the Joy of Multidimensionality

Soul Mates and Their Relation to the Twin Flame

The term Soul Mate has a tendency to arouse romantic images of a pre-destined ideal mate, upon which reunion results in the blissful, harmonious ‘answer to all things’. However, the truth is likely to be very different from this ideal. Essentially, besides the joy of loving connection, there’ll also most likely be the triggering of internal density, so as to support one’s evolutionary process through density and karma.

A true Soul Mate represents a very close reflection of the Twin Flame that is possible in physical incarnation. But they will also hold essential keys to activate and unlock karmic distortion. You often find yourself looking into a mirror – one that compassionately exposes your shadowside too – so it’s not always comfortable and harmonious!

Where you come into relationship with a Soul Mate, they’ll likely present a continually updating mirror in order that you may activate and peel away distortions; find inner completeness and connect in divine union with your Twin Flame within. To achieve this coherency and alignment is going to require an activation of all your triggers and density that gets in the way. And often a Soul Mate will be there to activate this density. So although we might have wonderfully alchemical and loving relationships with a Soul Mate, nevertheless, they can be highly triggering too.

Attaining a balance between acceptance and growth will be essential to a healthy evolving relationship, where both parties facilitate the spiritual evolution of the other. Thus there is much to be gained by being in these Soul Mate relationships, although there needs to be great care in not getting lost in the other or burying uncomfortable aspects of oneself that you might be afraid will create unpleasant dissonance.

Remember, the sand is necessary to polish the diamond!

How To Work With Internal Triggers on the Spiritual Path

Twin Flames and Soul Mates: Beware Opposing Consciousness

I’ve personally encountered a highly deceiving dynamic of Opposing Consciousness within the Twin Flame/Soul Mate dynamic, which I’ve come to realise is highly prevalent within society at this time, and designed to hold people in inertia by limiting them in relationship. Firstly, the misconception has been propagated that your Twin Flame incarnates and embodies, and that the ideal is for you to meet and be in union with your Twin Flame in the physical. Or else a blinding attachment is created around a Soul Mate, which seduces you into losing an aspect of yourself in them – it’s easily done, and often I’ve seen the Black Snake energy binding energy fields together in co-dependency – it’s purposefully limiting of one’s Ascension.

The risk is to form unconscious energetic bonds that limit the natural kundalini cycle within you that flows back to the source. Unwittingly, you start to depend more on the partner for upliftment rather than generating the energy fully within you by what you experience all around. This attachment causes energy to bleed from the relationship, which can get preyed upon by Opposing Consciousness feeding off the energy. Sometimes people are lured into this relationship by Opposing Consciousness – a ‘honey trap’. It’s something to be alert to, and when in physical union, especially sexual, then to always be bringing your soul energy back inside yourself, always completing the kundalini loop back at the source within.

In a conscious relationship, the ideal is for each to become whole and complete. Not needing of the other to fulfill them. And it’s essential that you find the dormant aspects of yourself that the other may reflect and activate. So for example, finding the divine masculine that the other is manifesting to you, or the reverse – activating the divine feminine for a more masculine being. The risk is that key aspects of you remain dormant and unconscious. This is where entities may latch onto and then hide in the energetic dynamic – it becomes limiting for both parties.

If You’re Concerned that There may be an entity that’s influencing your relationship and limiting your evolutionary process, do check out Openhand’s Removing Entities Meditation

Embodying the Alchemical Power of Sexual Kundalini

It’s essential to add that even though this Opposing Consciousness dynamic is highly prevalent and purposefully limiting people’s Ascension, not to let it put you off going into relating experiences, because there is much to be gained. Likewise, you may discover that you get the fullest sense of completion and Twin Flame joy, by living alone – although often this requires much dedication and surrender to attain.

Whether in partnership or alone, it’s highly likely you’ll start to activate powerful feelings of sexual kundalini. And it’s essential to integrate these activations so as to bring full creativity to life. Such that ultimately, the energy does not need to be expressed sexually. You discover how to hold that potential inside yourself. In which case, you become a dynamic co-creator with the universe all around you. This is the measure of true alchemy.

Tantra is the art of being fully engaged in life, and experiencing its fruit, yet always working to be conscious and bringing the energy of the external connection back inside yourself, into completeness. You can engage, but let go. This is the ultimate internal alignment.

Containing Sexual Kundalini through Tantra, To then Manifest Creatively

Twin Flames and the Divine Dance

Frequently you’ll read of people searching for their true Soul Mate. Unfortunately, this is just another alluring deception of the matrix in which we live, attaching you to the endless spinning wheel of need or desire for physical and emotional fulfillment through something external to the divine within.

The key is to find the divine completeness inside yourself. Then you won’t have to search for a partner – the field will effortlessly manifest the perfect reflection you need at that time, even if that is to be alone for some time and dancing with the divine multidimensionally; or else feeling the reflective connection of your Twin Flame in nature. And when a Soul Mate does materialise, remember the invitation is that both parties are continually evolving – you’re challenging each other to activate the dormant aspects of yourself.

When you release your attachment and reconnect with who you really are, peel away your distortions and allow beingness to magically and effortlessly shape your reality, then your Twin Flame will materialise in a highly reflective way that seems to manifest all around you. When you can fully embody this highly alchemical dance with the Universe, either in physical partnership or not, then you’ll have attained the grace and majesty of life itself – the ultimate relationship that is constantly bringing you alive. What’s more, it encourages those around you and with whom you’re in relationship, to work towards a similar alignment.

This is going to greatly support and alchemise humanity’s Ascension process.

If you resonate with the Openhand view on Twin Flames and would like to explore a deeper awareness in your life, for guidance, upliftment, joy, and success in your spiritual evolution, then join an Openhand seminar or retreat. It’s a major aspect of the work we do.

Openhand Ascension Academy

In loving support


Originally published at Openhand and republished here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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