Gaia’s Kundalini Rising – Are You Feeling It Too?

By  Openhand

Contributing Writer for  Wake Up World

Right now, it looks like Gaia is brewing a storm. I feel eons of suppressed energy bubbling below the surface and beginning to break free. I’ve seen this coming. During a car crash in 2002, my consciousness rapidly expanded beyond my body, and I witnessed a series of spectacular visions. I saw the collapse of the old world consciousness, a cleansing of the Earth’s surface and the Ascension of Mother Earth. Since then, deep communion with Gaia has clearly shown me that throughout our recent history, her Kundalini energy has been progressively suppressed, almost to the point of destruction. But now I feel her Kundalini beginning to rise again. And here’s how we can all take part…

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The voice of Gaia

We’ve recently finished our final gathering of this year’s  Facilitator’s Program, in which we sat together in meditation and connected deeply with our blessed mother. We all felt it, but one very empathic lady in the group seemed to take on the very ‘voice’ of Gaia.  What did she say?

She spoke as much through action as words: with deep consciousness bodily movement, she shared a soulful truth that we could all sense, feel and intuit. There was no doubt. The consciousness of Gaia was rising. Her energy felt empowering, uplifting, expanding, liberating.  But there was sadness too. And a sense of Gaia’s profound compassion for humanity. As we reflected on the wholesale destruction of the natural eco-systems of our world, it was hard not to be deeply moved.

Throwing off the intervention

I’ve known for a long time, that an  Opposing Consciousness  has intervened with the natural evolutionary process not just of Humanity, but the very Earth herself. It has established a matrix of controlling energy which has been holding the consciousness of the entire planetary eco-system to ransom. Well now, as the kundalini of Gaia reactivates and rises again, that matrix of controlling energy is beginning to unwind and break. It’s like Gaia is throwing off an old, unwanted overcoat.

Everything is of consciousness, and so what we need to remind ourselves of, is that as this mantel falls away, it will take with it all of the out-dated structures on it. Practically every thread of controlling consciousness that is of the lower weave and not evolving, will literally, over time, fall apart…

“I’m speaking of the financial system, religion, politics, education, business, health services, technology, science and even leisure. All of the old beliefs that are NOT evolving with the authentic consciousness of Ascension, and coming back into alignment with the natural evolutionary flow of our galaxy, will fragment. That’s what I was shown in the car crash and that’s what I’m seeing happening right now.”

To me this is why we’re witnessing great uncertainty in the human matrix right now, great destabilisation in the financial systems for example. It’s why we’re witnessing ‘freak’ weather around the world; why energy and resources are beginning to dwindle; why there’s a mass moving-on of plant and animal species.

Death – the only one certainty in life

I feel an urgent yearning for us all to get very real in our lives. And I’m increasingly hearing that from others too. Yes it’s great to have a positive attitude and know we are incredible beings of amazing spiritual potential. Yet for us to truly unleash our true majesty, is to be totally aligned with where the flow is wanting to take us. Even if that ultimately leads to our death, remembering that death is simply a doorway into another form of life.

I feel like Gaia is beginning to move into a deep cleansing process. But she does care for us, just as she does for every animal, tree and blade of grass. I feel she’ll take her time in the cleansing – perhaps two generations of human life. She’s going to connect with each of us –  assuming we’re open  – and show us exactly how we too can also cast off our old mantel of unwanted consciousness.

So don’t be afraid. Or at least if you find yourself in fear, confront it. Consider it deeply and explode the myth that it is. There is but one certainty in life – that we will all die…

“Death is a part of all our lives. Whether we like it or not, it is bound to happen. Instead of avoiding thinking about it, it is better to understand its meaning. We all have the same body, the same human flesh, and therefore we will all die. If from the beginning your attitude is ‘Yes, death is part of our lives,’ then it may be easier to face.”

      – The Dalai Lama

When we confront and loose our fear of death, the magical thing is, we loose our fear of living too. And furthermore, in my direct knowing, providing you pass on without too much fear, the liberation of death will be the most breath-taking expansion of your life.

Living fearlessly, as the warrior you are

The time has come to live fearlessly, like the warriors that we are. What can you do with your life? What will completely fulfill and serve your highest good?

My experience is that as we increasingly embody our higher self, there is a natural tendency to realign with the natural evolutionary flow and to move into divine service, that which helps all of life. It’s perhaps the most rewarding thing we can do.

And in coming into alignment with the flow, we’re going to increasingly find, we have immense power. We don’t have power over or control over. It’s not about intentionally trying to manifest our desires and shape the world to our ego. It’s about allowing our attention to be directed to where the flow wants to take us, and then bringing all our energy to bear in that creative act: all thought, emotion and heart-felt physical action.

What specifically can we do?

Of course Humanity is an integral and deeply cherished part of the natural eco-system of Gaia. Despite our waywardness, we are loved beyond measure and being invited to come back into alignment. Together with Gaia, we can help cast off the old overcoat of consciousness and break the constraining threads for others to be liberated too. With the power of our own willful, heartfelt intent, we can transform the field and uplift our lives.

We’ve been inspired to create and share a meditation with you to transform our world and ascend with Gaia.  It’s about connecting deeply with the earth, drawing her Kundalini Energy up into our body and through our field. Breaking down the dense matrix of mass human subconscious, throwing it off like a worn out overcoat. We’re allowing the rising kundalini, supported by the song of the whale, to surge up through us, unleashing positive waves of energy through our being and into our world…

Free Meditation Download:  get it freely from Openhand’s website here…  Ascending with Gaia

And please do share it widely. The more we come into alignment with the re-energising flow and work together, the more powerful the human shift of consciousness will generally be.

Thank you for you support.

Previous articles by Open:

About the author:

Openhand  is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step. Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.

Connect with  Openhand  online.


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