Art, Creativity, and Your Manifesting Prowess

February 1st, 2018

By Stacy Vajta

Guest writer for Wake Up World

A while back I started hearing this inner voice asking me to draw… to create more art. It was something that as a kid I did all the time. But somewhere along the way, I stopped creating art. It seemed like if it didn’t have a particular purpose, then what was the point?!

did create process art to work through my emotional ups and downs, but art for the sake of just making art wasn’t really happening anymore. I got pencils and pens, but I still didn’t create much. I kept getting into this place of perfectionism. I would get frustrated because what I was making wouldn’t look exactly right or I didn’t know quite how to do it anymore.

But my inner wisdom wouldn’t let up. There was something more going on than just my inner artist wanting to paint. This was about getting an energy flowing in my life… creative energy flowing.

So I picked up some watercolor pens a few weeks ago. I thought painting might be easier than drawing. My inner critic might then take a rest. And so far I have loved the pens. I got some water pens too so I can do a little sketch and add some color if I want anywhere without an elaborate setup. Because for me to do this, it had to be simple.

With pens in hand, I gave myself the challenge to create a drawing every day. I haven’t quite gotten to it daily, but close. Some days it’s a little sketch; some days I spend more time on it.

Here’s what I’m learning…

I have to keep coming back to this place of permission to do something just for the sake of doing; to be a beginner and trust the process. That beginner’s mindset can be an uncomfortable place. I have to let myself be okay with screw-ups and a whole lot of ugly sketches!

It’s the doing, though, that’s important. And that’s the bigger lesson here. We create by going into the unknown. We manifest new things in our lives, things we don’t yet have experience with. Our own growth is about manifesting change as we step into the unknown. We have to give ourselves opportunities to practice that and to become comfortable with stepping into something that is unfamiliar.

Creating is a journey; even when you are creating new versions of you.

I think there’s a lot of energetic “talk” out there about being the vibration that you want to be… what you want to create. I think it confuses a lot of people because they believe that they must be familiar with the fullness of that expression, the end result of what they want to create in order to move forward. But if you don’t know what that energy really is, or what it feels like, then how can you possibly be that yet?

My guides always say, “Just begin; that’s how you’ll find your way.”

My inner wisdom wasn’t asking me to become an artist. She was asking me to practice creating and embrace all the messiness and uncertainty in that. She wanted me to practice not waiting for some awareness of my final destination, but find it as I went along. She wanted me to get back into the energy of creative process and observe how that gets played out in all I do.

Every drawing lets me practice who I am as a creator.

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About the author:

Stacy Vajta is an energy coach and intuitive healer who loves nothing more than helping women love their (work) lives. She’s here for one big purpose: to help you figure out who you are meant to be and what you are meant to be doing.

You can find out more about her by visiting her website. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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