Living the 5D Shift: The Daily Process of Karmic Processing

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

There’s simply no escaping it, everyone is here to process karma. This is where unrealised aspects of soul get stuck within the drama, by some form of identification, and then build internal eddy currents of energy. This causes some form of inner ‘tightness’, which then projects out into your world and naturally manifests reflective circumstances to activate the pain. The point being so as to process the blockage and integrate soul through the situation. Providing there’s no overriding in avoidance, then this becomes the very path of life itself, the path of our self-realisation, the only thing actually happening in the Universe. It’s essential to get to know and fine tune your own personal process.

From the Mind of God?

The One exploded into being from no rhyme nor reason. If there was, then this would signal intent, meaning you’d have to ask where did the intent come from? The mind of God? From what was the Mind of God created? You’d have to define some substance, even energy, but you’re always left asking the question, “what preceded it?”

But you can create the entirety of experience from the Infinite Potential of Pure Presence, which then started to ripple, which then caused relativity and from that awareness. Awareness then begins to naturally move with a flow, which in itself is vibrational energy. With two counter flows, both outwards and inwards, then they’re always summing out to zero – so you haven’t actually done the impossible — created a positive balance from nothing. This dynamic equilibrium then takes form and shape — the Universal Torus. And if everything phenomenal is a part of that, then all aspects will flow with it, and to an individual aspect — a soul for example — it will very much feel like sense of purpose.

The purpose being to flow with the Torus as a natural expression of The One. When this is realised, life begins to click into place. You start to come into harmony. Even when there’s disharmony, you realise there’s a reason for it, which starts to remove confusion and suffering.

Disharmony happens where some internal tightness causes resistance to the natural flow. The flow itself is already creating everything. Even in the matrix where society has attempted to form a fixed construct based on logic, nevertheless, the movement of the entirety of the Space Time Continuum pulls against it. It is only ever a matter of time until enough Universal Water is pushing against the dam to break it down. Being out of the flow is ultimately fruitless.

So whether we know it or not, whether we acquiesce to it or not, we are ALL engaged within the Universal flow, and moment by moment, it is engaging us.

Why not then work to come into alignment with the process?

The Process

To do this is to recognise and embrace “The Process”. Life is a process – one of continual unwinding. Imagine a toy aeroplane that has an elastic band that you have to wind up to generate power. It’s the perfect metaphor to reflect how tension is stored within one’s being.

In itself this happens when we’re out of the flow — internal tension and tightness build. One day you’ve had enough of holding on and controlling. So you surrender, to some degree, and let go. The unimagined then happens all by itself — the knots begin to unwind and the plane starts to fly. But it flies in a way that you’ve never conceived of before. The Universal Wind comes to support your wings, to carry you aloft, and although you still get buffeted by constrictions in the flow, providing there’s surrender at these choke points, more unwinding happens and the plane flies happily once again. Everything clicks in around you — it feels just like magic. It’s utterly priceless.

How could you ever put a value on the entirety of the Universe working in concert through you?!

So what is “The Process” that makes the aeroplane of the Soul fly best?

This is something for each of us to discover, in our own unique way. And yet where someone is already committed to it, and has been doing so for some time, you might take resonant reflections from them.

Here at Openhand we apply the “Breakthrough Approach“. It’s about breaking The Process down into “First Principles” — something as basic and simple as possible.

The unwinding effect of our metaphoric aeroplane happens by letting go. But when applied to reality, letting go of what? There’s the conundrum. Society winds people up and then suppresses the pain — you go unconscious, living out repetitive behaviours that are placated by distraction and drugging. It seems to work for a while, but as more and more do it, suddenly the whole foundation of society begins to crumble against the irresistible building flow — as we see happening right now in this Great 5D Earth Shift.

Awareness is the key. Bring internal awareness to any external issue and you have the root cause right there within you. It’s like you’re the movie projector of the outer drama of your life — you shape reality by what you’re being within.


The Breakthrough Approach

This leads me back to “The Process“. Figure out your process for unwinding through life and the aeroplane of your soul will fly all by itself. What’s more, the flight will be beyond imagination, beyond your wildest dreams.

So here is the Openhand Breakthrough process, which is really a framework that if you resonate with, you may explore, adapt and apply to your own inner processing. Remember, it’s all about bringing increased awareness to the situation — the only thing that can truly change anything…

1) Confront the Truth of the Situation: What’s going on here? What is truly being invited? What am I resisting? What outcome do I think I really need? What’s the worst possible outcome and how do I really feel about that?

2) Honour and express the tightness: In allowing yourself to explore the truth about any given situation, you’ll expose some form of tightness within. It could reveal as a busy mind, unsettled emotions, nausea in the solar plexus, tightness somewhere in the body. And even a complete numbness can be classed as ‘tightness’. The point is to delve deep, then to honour what comes up. Allow yourself to fully express the tightness, in whatever way your natural guidance invites of you. It’s like you blow this inner layer up to fill the world around you for a while. It enables you to see where you were holding on, where you felt you needed some form of outcome, what couldn’t you accept? Where have you been in avoidance?

3) Become as-one with your feelings: When you’re at the height of the expression, now soften into the feelings, surrender into them, quieten and let go. Become so accepting of the circumstances you don’t need them to go away. Hold the feelings within – be witnessing and observant. You’re becoming as-one with the experiences. When you’ve reached this level of surrender, then ‘open a doorway’ of complete acceptance through the tightness. Remind yourself that you are NOT the experience itself and that all experiences are transient. They come and go. Thus you’re becoming The One in the experience – that which you truly are.

4) Unwind soul out of the constriction: Once you’ve become so accepting that you’ve found The One amidst the tightness, contraction and pain, you’re already at the point where you’re healing; you’re already digging up the roots of the constriction. Let go even more at this point. But then keenly watch the new energies of soul wanting to come through. You’re reclaiming nuggets of soul gold that were originally stuck in the drama and creating the tightness itself. Let that now unwind, unleash and freely express new aspects of soul. Now the flow takes off for you, and the newly liberated soul creates in unimaginable ways. Yihah!

Explore the Breakthrough Approach through a real life epic journey of discovery.

Please note: If you find yourself overwhelmed at times by the strength of the Unwinding Process at what comes up, and the degree of confrontation this can at times create in the outer world, it’s time to take time out. Switch off a degree. Relax. Generate some endorphins.

See: The Uplifting Effect of Endorphins… and 8 ways to generate them.

Life Is (a Dance On The) Beach

I think there’s a generalised belief in some spiritual circles that when you attain Enlightenment life’s trials and tribulations all fall away. You’ve reached some higher dimensional beach, whereupon, you can chill out and just hang ten. Think again! There is only the process. In Enlightenment the difference is that there’s complete recognition of it, a complete surrender to it, and above all, a constant turning into the density that presents, a constant unwinding through. There is no delay in this, there’s no resistance to it, there’s turning right into the centre of any storm and sailing through. Sometimes the landscape is stormy, sometimes it’s peaceful. But the recognition is that true contentment and happiness in life, comes from successfully riding the flow in any moment.

You can do it. Your soul is seeded to do it. Just figure out the process that best navigates you through the flow of life and everything will fall into place — even when everything is out of place!

And if you’d like some support figuring out your best means of navigating life, the Openhand Breakthrough Approach is something we apply on our events and gatherings. Check us out, learn to love the process! See: Openhand Gatherings and Events Around the World.

In loving support,
Open HeartPraying Emoji

About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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