5D Ascension Update: Gaia Shifts Through the Dimensional Gears

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. There are major infusions of light from the higher densities, especially the 5th Dimension. And like a finely crafted Swiss watch, this is turning the “cogs” in the lower dimensions. The physical frequency of Gaia is vibrant, it’s positively coming alive in transformation, which we witness in the strengthening weather patterns and escalating earthquake and volcanic activity. Meanwhile the drama of the plandemonium on the human plane of the intellect is detaching – that’s why it’s appearing ever more surreal.

You may feel as though you’re going crazy at times. That’s why it’s vital ascending beings extract from this lunacy and join the ascending flow.

Mother Earth is Saved!

Many people in the spiritual mainstream compassionately speak of “saving Mother Earth”, that we must apply our energies to healing this great divine soul. I say to you…
“She is already saved!” She has now entered an irreversible event line, which will see the 3D cleansed of distorting density, and her magnificent 5D Higher Self Unleashed, in all her renewed splendor.

And no geoengineering, bogus plandemonium or any other shadowstate shenanigens can stop it!

It’s understandable that people will be feeling the nauseous density on the plane of the intellect and think somehow that all is lost, “that the world is coming to an end”. It is not! Far from it, quite the reverse. It’s simply the mind speaking on the plane of the intellect, which the controllers are striving and efforting to lockdown. But this is just one layer in a moving multidimensional mosaic.

If you look at the world merely through the mind, it’s highly likely to generate a feeling of depression about the way things are going. But actually the realignment underneath, through the field, is strong and vibrant. The key is to extract yourself from the 3D drama.

Are You Experiencing Ascension Symptoms? Here are the Top 21

Do not be Distracted from the true Shift into 5D

The important thing now, is that we recognise the underlying movement of energy, the intensity to which it has escalated – reflected in the insecurity shown by the controllers of society; then to progressively allow that energy to carry us internally, to break the bounds of the old consciousness – the anchoring ties – so that our very souls are set adrift, on the surging tide of the realigning flow. So what about the machinations and machismo shown by our world ‘leadership’ – what part does that play in the Great Shift? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. The only thing that it can really do is to distract – to make the drama and spectacle so loud and noisy, that you stop looking within, to where the real truth lies.

And this will always be a choice – YOUR choice. Your consciousness – YOUR soul – cannot be boxed and controlled by anyone, unless YOU allow it to be. Remember, the Great Shift is an internal one, determined by YOU alone.

Here’s How to Follow Your Path of Light through the Accelerating 5D Shift

Forging of the Soul in the 5D Ascension

That’s not to say the internal shift isn’t reflected into the outer world – of course it is. And it’s in the interplay – the apparent reality of it – that we get to decide who we are, and thereby forge the soul. The key to our Ascension out of the drama is not to deny the density. The likelihood is that you will get drawn in where your karma gets activated – the ancient human karma of hybridisation in Atlantis for example. But don’t wallow in that either – extract the fragment of soul that was buried there, integrate, then raise vibration once more into 5D. This is the forging of soul that’s entirely necessary for the 5D Ascension.

Who are you? How great can you really become? What is your soul truly wanting to express?

Right now, all possibilities are open, all landscapes taking shape, that you may forge who you truly are, in this great spectacle unfolding before, and around, us. Watch-out as the machinations of the powers-that-be become ever bolder. But do not fear this either – as spiritual people, we know only too well, that those who try to control, are only ever caught up in greater karmic knots themselves. Our karma is unavoidable!

So do not be blinded by the drama, do not be hoodwinked into believing it is more important that it really is. Above all, whatever rocket-sized false flags they try to unfurl, do not be distracted from the one true source of authentic creation – your very own being, at the core of you.
Explore the Openhand Ascension Book Series

The Unresolution is The Resolution

What I can feel right now is the 3D plane of the intellect detaching from the reality of Earth’s 5D Shift itself. This means if you’re tuned into the Ascension, then you’ll feel pulled in juxtaposed directions at times – it’ll create disharmony and confusion inside.

That’s okay, know that the forging of soul lies in the unresolution within. Sit in that melting pot, that cauldron, don’t strive for the immediate external solution. Wait for the audible internal “click” as that fragment of soul integrates. Then the higher consciousness choice will be revealed, of its own accord.

Gaia is shifting through the gears now, strongly, as higher dimensional energies flood in. The mirrors will thus get ever stronger as the old reality unwinds itself. Here is the opportunity then – the potential for rapid spiritual growth within yourself. Surrender. Let go into the strengthening flow of evolutionary change. Your soul will speak, ever louder, until it’s primal scream becomes undeniable. Go with it. Express into it. Unleash it. And this could just become the most miraculous shift of your existence.

If you resonate with the film, check out Openhand’s 5D Ascension Program

8th-12th Feb: ONLINE, THRIVE in 3D/5D (ZONES USA to INDIA)
Based on Openhand’s acclaimed 5GATEWAYS work, this is our new look and feel stage 2 retreat that integrated higher 5D consciousness into daily 3D living. With an essential spiritual routemap and compass, it empowers you to create abundantly with the divine in this globally terraforming landscape.
Let’s THRIVE in a new world of possibility!

8th-12th Mar: ONLINE, THRIVE in 3D/5D (ZONES EU to AUS)
Based on Openhand’s acclaimed 5GATEWAYS work, this is our new look and feel stage 2 retreat that integrated higher 5D consciousness into daily 3D living. With an essential spiritual routemap and compass, it empowers you to create abundantly with the divine in this globally terraforming landscape.
Let’s THRIVE in a new world of possibility!

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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