Planetary Shift: Herd of Elephants in the Room No One is Talking About

October 5th, 2021

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The shadowstate has done its job well. Most are distracted, or misinformed, as to the true scope and magnitude of the collossal earth shifts that have only just begun to gear up. Especially in spiritual circles it’s high time we address the pressing subject of the herd of elephants in the room that no one is talking about: Gaia’s energy field is shifting strongly, clearly witnessed in the ramping up of earthquakes, volcanoes and violent storms around the globe. I know the subject is not spiritually sexy, but it’s high time we get past that, and engage this crucially pressing issue of our time.

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The Galactic Perfect Storm

We’re sailing into the perfect storm of galactic, solar and earth-pole-shift cycles, which when complete, will leave no stone unturned on 3D earth. The evidence from the past is clearly available although the science has been purposefully censored. The current climate turmoil, when talked about, is put down to man made fossil fuel emissions. It’s like blaming the huge pile of elephants’ dung in your living room on a tiny mouse. As the shift now gears up, in the years ahead, this herd of elephants is going to make covid look like a minor inconvenience.

What concerns me most, is that we’re horrendously under prepared for it. Especially in spiritual circles there needs to be a coming together and working through the internal energetic impact of what is clearly  building; processing through the karma of similar past life situations; and a preparedness to courageously support one another through tumultuous transition.

We can do it. There are enough souls here with the past life experience. Souls around the planet are beginning to reveal their marvelous light. We must help plenty more to stop focussing merely on the blinding show of the shadowstate drama. Let’s see past the charade.

Galactic Superwave and the Merkabah

The writing on the wall is clear, that cycles of convergence are upon us. I’ve shared many times previously that the clear evidence points to it. Personally I don’t need the science because I’ve witnessed prophetic visions of what is to come: a knowing of future-landing-now resonating through the core of my being. I know that’s what I incarnated here to share, and the many past life regressions I’ve been party to, confirm what souls have previously gone through – the experience of the great flood of Atlantis some 12,000 years ago. We are nearing that cycle of completion once again.

Why then does this still seem to fall on so many deaf ears?
Why are so few either listening or beginning to prepare?

I know plenty are triggered into fear by the contemplation. That’s okay, it’s to be expected, BUT, what we know is that all fear is where we identify with the physicality of life – and that we are spiritual beings. Therefore ALL circumstances of fear are spiritual doorways through which to pass.

There are powerful processes of spiritual transcendence which take us through this inner triggering density and into the light. This is how we purify the lower self of all contracting karma. It’s how we open into the higher chakras and form the Merkabah – a body of light, readying us for 5D Ascension, which becomes ecstatic to reside within.

Galactic Superwave, The Event and 11:11 Synchronicity

Gaia’s Stargates Unlock

The messages are abound. In the UK this summer, the crop circles spoke clearly about Gaia’s Stargates unlocking. I know that may seem esoteric and “out there” to plenty, but surely it’s pretty straightforwards to correlate that Gaia’s energy is shifting and this is converging with a huge increase in storm, earthquake and volcanic action around the planet (visit earthwatchers). This is what happens when the earth’s magnetic shield lowers as we converge to the completion of the Pole Shift – which is due in the immediate years ahead.

It’s clear from the energy work plenty of sentients have been doing tirelessly around the planet over the last decades, that Gaia’s field has been purposefully thwarted, blocked and retarded. This has been done in a multitude of ways: purposefully misplaced megaliths, modern day EMF technology, Chemtrails and GMO, but also, ET technology inserted at the 4D level.

Due to the aforementioned work, the field is opening up in key locations, and this is now being greatly amplified by the lowering of Gaia’s magnetic shield – it unleashes stronger flows of energy especially through those opening gateways. It’s why plenty are waking up despite the purposeful distraction. It’s exhilarating to behold, especially as you witness this reflected through the sheer magnificence of the crop circles.

DIVINICUS: Rise of the Divine Human

If you’re reading this it’s time to pay attention and to explore. It’s a dialogue that we must start having more widely. As the Hopi Elders have said, the only solutions will be spiritual ones. Everything that you witness, struggle and currently strive for in the 3D is set to perish in the near future – the Opposing Consciousness is purposfully distracting from this to keep the human nose to the grindstone. HOWEVER, there is a way to mediate through all of this:

It’s about transcending the physical, activating the Merkabah and preparing for Ascension into 5D. You’re building the DNA of the new 5D Human. This is the true destiny for the next evolution of humanity, which here at Openhand we callDIVINICUS.

It’s a beautiful journey, a powerful one, which not only prepares you for the future, but is also the most resilient and resourceful way to bridge the present. Too few are yet embarked on this journey. In some spiritual circles, yes, some have made it to Everest base camp, with experiences of the True Self and at times Samadhi. But that’s only the beginning of the journey. Now is the time to start the real climb – which is the pains taking inner inquiry of peeling back the layers in daily life and reclaiming buried fragments of soul: in relationships especially; how you live and work; in the minutiae of daily life.

A Prayer for our Times

Spiritual practice must take priority now. It must be what drives the day rather than something you do when you have time for it. Time is running out! Coming together in mutually supportive groups is paramount. The reflections we’re getting in the mainstream are nothing more than propaganda of where they want to direct attention – directly away from the herd of elephants in the living room. And in spiritual circles, to my mind, too many are still challenging the cloak, rather than considering what it’s truly masking. If we come together in energetically supportive groups we can share the true multidimensional landscape we’re ascending through – the framework we need to work through: that which has been described in the popular documentary 5GATEWAYS.

My deepest prayer is that ears that have so far been shut, will open; that serious contemplation of the real truth that is unfolding will be given requisite attention. In the dreamtime I have seen spiritual groups connecting together around the globe and exploring this most pressing issue of our time. Explorations like this one need to be urgently considered and shared widely with people and groups who could potentially have an open mind to the content. I incarnated from the Benevolent Mission in the higher dimensions purposefully to share this perspective. I am open and available to anyone or any group that seriously wishes to consider the landscape view I’m given to share.
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Bright blessings


Originally published at and reproduced here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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