By Andy Whiteley and Jennifer Deisher
Contributing writers for Wake Up World
The intricate river of consciousness is a stream of oneness that flows around us, through us, and between us. Like drops of water, we are all diverse beings, yet through it we are entirely interconnected.
The river is powerful, yet its flow is always shifting and changing direction. Its energy streams out in the boundless pattern of creation, creating fractal after infinite fractal, but always flows back to the same single source. Rising and falling, like a pulse, it never stops flowing.
As we ride the river, it brings us endless opportunities to change course, to shift our energetic focus. We come to crossing after crossing, decision after decision. But the collective current can be overwhelming, so we often plot the course that others have take, follow someone else’s map, or sail the route most familiar, forgetting or foregoing the truth that we are all navigators, living only to experience the limitless river, our own way.
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Going with the flow
Despite our diversity, as we grow we are taught to suspend our individuality, to be “an adult”, to join the uniformed collective and give up on the unique “silly dreams” of our childhood. We learn to celebrate those who do and to castigate those who don’t. We learn very early that expressing our deepest drives, and taking our deepest dives, will differentiate us from the social group — the first step towards ostracism, or “not fitting in”.
The way to navigate the river, we’re taught, is to go with the collective flow. Don’t rock the boat. Keep your eyes on the boat ahead. Row to the beat of the drum. Some of us feel like giving up paddling altogether. As we ride the waves of the planetary shift, it can certainly seem the easier option.
But, just as the river is undefined until it defines itself, we are undefined until we define ourselves. Our river is infinite. Our potential is endless. Our only limitation is the idea of limitation; an idea we reinforce in each other from birth.
Thankfully, self-limiting ideas can be deconstructed, when you’re ready to get your feet wet. How? Take a deep breath and grab a paddle!
It’s up to each of us to choose our own direction, right now, from this point, according to our own inner compass. We’re on the water anyway… Would you rather choose a destination or just follow the boat ahead? We may navigate unknown, even uncharted obstacles, but that is an inevitable part of exploring the river. Sailing our own spiritual route, we see a clearer view of what’s around us. Unobstructed by expectation and limitation, we navigate from our intuition, exploring our own unique connection to the limitless potential of the current.
That’s when we discover our own ‘special something’…. and when that happens, anything can manifest. What, is up to you.
Which wolf wins?
One evening an old man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’
The old man simply replied, ‘The one you feed’.
Creating the dream
In the reality we see today, we have two clear paths to choose from: to act from kindness, embrace diversity, and honor real knowledge, wisdom and peace… Or to continue giving our energy to a centralized culture of induced polarity and misinformation, which breeds greed, ego and apathy.
So which wolf will you feed?
Many will think this “childish dream” of creating a truly benevolent commUnity is just that; a dream — a fantasy, not a plan, and certainly not a plan already in action. But we challenge them to think about this in a different way.
At this point in humanity’s history it seems that there are many who are desperately hanging on to an antiquated social belief system, many aspects of which they don’t even realize exist or affect them. Like the river of consciousness, our social programming goes very, very deep; it is attached to our sense of value and our sense of self. It colors our view of the entire river, as it started the day we were born. And despite the efforts of the Powers That Were to perpetuate the ‘norm’, to keep us paddling in circles, those inherited beliefs have failed us both individually and collectively.
It was inevitable. In the end, all lies break down.
Our society is built on a toxic foundation. Led by deceit, we honor the values of competition and consumption, separation and (perceived) safety. When you’re in it, entranced by it, it can be difficult to see it. But you can feel it. You can’t put your finger on it but something doesn’t feel right. Everyone’s smiling but something’s up. You’re just not sure what. And anyone who speaks up is treated as a lunatic.
That’s the trap.
As a result, here we are as a society, living out the true definition of insanity; doing the same things over and over each day, and expecting a different outcome tomorrow. We’re paddling around in circles, hoping for a better “reality”, but ignoring to the turns the river is offering.
We don’t know about you but we choose a different reality. Today. And it starts with just one new turn.
Our most limiting beliefs and values were created for us in childhood, and we are comfortable with the patterns of behavior (however negative) that they drive from deep within us. After all, they are all we know. It is by questioning the beliefs we were taught by others (who were also taught by others), consciously shedding those beliefs that don’t serve us as individuals, and realizing that we have choices, that we find the ability to tune into our heart — our relationship with our true self — and learn from within what route is best for us, individually and authentically.
Only then, when we realize our true nature — warts, farts and all — can we nurture what is unique about our self, and ultimately contribute our gift to the betterment of the whole. Until then, we’re just following the flow of someone else’s current, bobbing around in the wash.
As we begin to explore a path that truly resonates for us, we break down our own sense of limitation — that hopeless sense of failing without ever trying — and remember that anything we can conceive is possible. We find alignment with our own unique vibration, and finally stop expecting (and then accepting) ‘less’ for our self, and for those around us.
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
My boat, my reality
If you can’t conceive of what we’re describing, that’s okay. This is my boat, and this is my reality. You may prefer a different route to travel. Your boat, your reality. You may also find yourself lost, and that’s okay too. But please, until you find your inner compass, paddle quietly to the shore and try not to obstruct passing vessels.
People who say it can’t be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. ~ George Bernard Shaw
The fact is, people, places, things, and circumstances are only as important as the energy we give them. Even science is coming to understand that our universe is as responsive to us as we are responsive to it; that DNA can be re-programmed by words and frequencies; that the world literally changes at a quantum level under the watchful eye consciousness; that we are interdimensional beings with the power of suggestion, intention and belief at our disposal. So, as science and spirituality collide, understanding that our consciousness helps to shape the ‘physical’ 3D world around us, the laws of physics and consciousness should be seen as complementary.
So let’s apply this principle. Let’s toss stones of intention and love into the collective waters, and change the vibration of the whole river.
Of course, in a community of individuals, we each have choices. Though the river is interconnected, what you do in the comfort of your own boat is up to you. But it is worth remembering, if you keep veering left, you’ll just keep going around in circles.
Are you ready to admit humanity is lost and try a new route? To create that “dream” reality?
As rewarding as it is, it takes great courage of the heart to embark deep within oneself. It can be very confronting. We may feel pain, or regret, or that we were “wrong” in the way we once perceived our respective reality. But we must remember that our perspective is never “wrong”. Constantly altered by experience, our perspective is a unique and mutable manifestation of consciousness itself. It is consciousness. Without experience and change, there would be no challenge, no growth — no reality. This fact of our reality becomes more apparent as we move into new levels of consciousness, and more comfortable as we learn to separate our Being from our ego.
So, as we go through this self discovery and raise ourselves to a higher vibration, it helps to remember that we are not who we once were. We are an ever-changing part of something more vast and complex than we can possibly comprehend. As we delve into the depths of the river, we must show ourselves compassion and release the emotions of those “regrettable” experiences that brought us here, and release the frequency of those unresolved feelings from our being. And we must show others the same compassion, regardless of ‘where’ they are on their journey. We’re all on this river together. We are this river — together.
Honoring life
Let’s honor those things in others that are common among us, and which make us human.
Let’s honor everyone we meet, and see and hear them with an open heart and an open mind.
Honor life and love, whether you are saying goodbye or saying hello. Honor the heart, whether it is lost in sorrow or shining bright.
Honor the elderly, for riding that river that brought you here.
Honor your parents and your children, sisters and brothers, partners and friends, who share the journey with you.
Honor and celebrate the people who make a real difference, everyday.
Honor the art of humanity where you see it, whether it is a masterpiece or a hopscotch board drawn in chalk. Honor the music that stirs your soul and makes your body move. Honor the ideas and ideals that inspire you to act, and the writing that touches your heart and makes you smile.
Honor the experiences that knocked you on your ass, and the opportunities that helped change your life. Honor the uniqueness of your experience, and of others. And honor the fact that you made it here.
Honor the Earth as the giver of life. Honor your body as a portal to this existence. Honor your sexuality as a sacred part of your humanity. Honor your mind, and question everything you “know”. Honor your intuition as it lets you know where to find joy in your life, and where to find resistance and growth. Honor your weaknesses, as they ultimately become our assets.
Honor your limitless imagination… and let’s see what an amazing commUnity we can create together.
Honor your sacred, unexplainable self.
Honor life.
In a limitless world, our only limitation is the idea of limitation.
Let’s explore the river.
Recommended reading by Jennifer Deisher:
- The Medicine Wheel of Time and Karma
- The Ties That Bind – Releasing Toxic Relationships
- Overcoming Trauma – Weaving Happiness Into Our Vibration
- Our Purpose is to Heal
- Stop, Look and Listen: Healing a Society in Denial
- Let It Rain – Finding Gratitude in Grief
- Into the Deep – Learning from the Shadow Within
- Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?
About the author:
Jennifer Deisher is an empath, intuitive, emotional healer, spiritual transformation artist and writer. Aaron Deisher is a psychic medium, shaman and intuitive specializing in behavioral and paranormal aspects of spirituality. Together they founded Blueprints For Butterflies as a safe, loving space to support people who are awakening and making a spiritual connection with their Higher Self. Offering professional healing and reading services, they work to help others confront their ‘demons’, realize their divine spiritual, emotional and creative blueprint, and create a life that resonates with each individual’s unique energy signature.
For more information or to book a session, please visit
About Andy Whiteley
I’m just an average 40-something from Melbourne Australia who, like many people, “woke up” and realized everything isn’t what it seems. Since then, I’ve been blessed to be a part of Wake Up World and its amazing community of readers.
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