Global Animal Industries – The Ghosts in Our Machine

Global Animal Industries - the Ghosts in Our Machine

By  Trinity Bourne

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

“Are non-human animals property to be owned and used, or are they sentient beings deserving of rights?” ~ The Ghost In Our Machine documentary

Those of us who’ve ever seen images of the twisted world of factory farming (or animals in captivity) have often wondered how an open-hearted person finds the strength to go in and capture such heart wrenching footage. I’ve long since imagined what it must be like be that person who cares so profoundly, so deeply, to be willing to witness these acts, time and time again. These people are rare, yet an incredible depth of spirit impels a person to immerse themselves into their worst nightmare.

Why? Because the world really does need to know what it is surreptitiously responsible for.

Bringing Light into the Shadows of Animal Industries

The Ghosts in Our Machine is an empathic invitation into the world of Jo-Anne McArthur, a gentle, caring, woman, who in her own words is no less than a war photographer. Her purpose is to bring light into the shadows, within situations that most people would be horrified to witness. It’s a selfless gift, so that those without a voice – those countless animals who suffer to clothe and feed mainstream society – can be seen.

This cinematic, feature length documentary brings hope to a world where the veil has been pulled firmly over our eyes; in a society where most people would rather rather bask in comfort, blinded to the truth. Whilst this video draws us close to some very challenging issues it also finds an admirable balance between suffering and the opportunity for a better future. It weaves the tragic tale of crimes against sentient life, along with the upliftment and inspiration of those animals who have found the freedom and love that they so rightly deserve.

An Incredible Opportunity for Change

The Ghosts in Our Machine offers an incredible opportunity for change in a time when billions of animals are needlessly slaughtered and kept in shocking conditions every year. No time is greater for people like Jo-Anne McArthur to be heard and for us all to contribute, share and do whatever we can to help that message get out there.

I felt honoured to watch this film, captivated by the soulful artistry from start to finish. It’s a poetic and divinely created expression of the soul, with inspirational imagery, from video and photography, well worthy of our attention. I for one, hope that this will inspire a deeper awareness in all of us.

Check out the trailer here:

The Ghost In Our Machine” illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart and photographic lens of acclaimed animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. The film follows McArthur over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

Each story is a window into global animal industries; food, fashion, entertainment and research. All part of an epic photo project “We Animals”, shot all over the globe, McArthur has documented the lives of animals with heart-breaking empathic vividness and professionalism.

The Ghosts in Our Machine is available now on iTunes. For more details visit:

From my heart to yours,

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About the author:

Trinity Bourne - bio

Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’ and ‘Angelicious’, recipe books designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free and gluten-free cuisine.

22 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious, plant-based cuisine. She is also the co-founder of Openhand, an organisation dedicated to the conscious evolution of humankind.

For more, visit and follow Trinity’s Kitchen on Pinterest and Facebook!

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