Breaking Through Limitation: “I Can, I Will, I Must”

Breaking Through Limitation - I Can, I Will, I Must

By  Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Do you ever get the sense that it’s not “SC” (spiritually correct) to express passionate will? In the ‘New Age Movement’, where ‘acceptance’ and ‘surrender’ are the big buzz words, is there still a place for passionate courage, commitment and determination? Certainly to me there is.

So how do these qualities relate to acceptance and surrender? Are they meant to be blended together in some way? How do you commit to something with your whole heart, but without becoming attached to the struggle?

The Commitment and Passion to Get Things Done

Understandably the warrior characteristic has received pretty bad press in the spiritual mainstream over the years. That’s because this  inherent quality of the soul, has been horribly distorted to control and suppress others. But is that a reason to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’: to meditate out the will, passion and commitment to get things done? Certainly not to me – these characteristics are invaluable essences of the soul – the masculine warrior energy of commitment.

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I work with spiritual people all around the world, and generally I notice a common theme running throughout the evolving movement:  a general suppression of the authentic arising of committed passion.
I sense it happens for these reasons:

  • Society has conditioned and suppressed people to limited lifestyles, with controlled expressive beingness.
  • Even when people break free, there’s a lot of advice about ‘letting go’ and ‘acceptance’ which gets misconstrued as giving up the individuality of committed self expression.
  • Spiritual practices frequently seem to dissolve out individuality as they work to unravel the ego.

But true surrender is not ‘acceptance of anything goes’. What do I mean by that?

Commit to the Directive of the Universe

There is a natural flow to the universe. As we know, everything is interconnected – that flow courses through us, when we open up and make space for it to flood in. Where does the flow then take a truly surrendered person? My observation is that the soul is yearning to be liberated, and so this is what it does…

Manifests all the situations that would limit and constrain,
in order that we can confront those barriers and break through.

How do you break through? You do it by accepting the path that unfolds before you, then intuiting what you’re being invited to do – either by the heart-felt pull, or the landing of higher knowing. When you make internal space to pick up on these internal impulses, the soul will guide you into your own repressed tightness – fear for example, that identifies you with the illusion, rendering you less than who you truly are.

For instance: we might live in fear of leaving a relationship because we’re afraid of living alone; or leaving a job we don’t feel satisfied with because we’re afraid of not being supported; or not committing to that heart-felt dream, because of fear we’ll fail.

All of these experiences will generate internal tightness – literally your energy field contracts down; your consciousness then becomes flooded with the energy of failure – the previous limiting pattern. The mind goes into negative overdrive; the body and breathing stiffen; and we close off to higher guidance – the creative soul can no longer flow in.

It is exactly these moments that we need to embrace and confront – because here is where the maximum soul growth is possible.

Feel the Fear,  Do It Anyway, Then Soften Into the Tightness

The fear is there for a reason – it tells you something important for your spiritual development is about to happen: that there’s a priceless opportunity to expand beyond a previous limitation.

So here’s what I invite you to do:

  • Feel the fear of the choice presenting itself (breaking up a limiting relationship for example)
  • Commit to what you know in your heart to be correct, irrespective of the fear
  • Then crucially, explore and feel the contractions within your body – the negative thinking, the heavy emotions, the tightness of the physical, the worrying mind
  • Know that all of these reactions are simply transient energetic experiences, they are not meant to define you
  • Let go of the need for any kind of physical outcome – winning is the growth of soul
  • Soften into the contractions by feeling through them and find the  Void of Silence  inside, of calm stillness – it is that sense of infinite potential
  • Allow for the spontaneous arising of a new sense of beingness
  • Give yourself completely to outward expression of that beingness
  • Finally, watch for the  Synchronistic Feedback Loop  that shows the universe is supporting your growth.

I Can, I Will, I Must

This is what surrender is all about. It’s not the acceptance of ‘anything goes’. You’re surrendering to the universe, and its directive that you’re become increasingly unbounded by the external drama by infusing your soul through it.

It’s the constant confrontation of the internal limitation of the moment – this is true surrender to the universal flow.

For this level of confrontation, it takes enormous levels of commitment and will. There aren’t many out there at the moment who’re embracing this, but if you’re drawn to what I’ve written, and you’re still reading, you’re almost certainly one of those warriors: the kind of person who feels – “I can, I will, I must”.

This is not a classically spiritual video,  you might not consider it ‘spiritually correct’, but it certainly sends shivers up the warrior’s spine. I can feel the soul in it. The guy calls himself “ET” – go for it dude…

From my heart to yours


Oh Divine Being that you are,
the time has come,
time to stir the soul,
time to rise out of the Darkness.

Rise of the Divine HumanBlank bookcover with clipping path

There’s an approach to breaking through limitations I’ve considered in my new book  DIVINICUS. It’s a universal one, applied by spiritual beings in higher dimensions:

If you yearn to break energetic imbalance down,
but are at first over-powered by it,
be not afraid if it initially succeeds,
because it will floor itself by its own ‘success’.

You don’t blatantly oppose, that just simply sets up a fight mechanism. The more evolved way is not to comply. It is to engage, yes, but to use every opportunity to shine the higher light. It’s your expanded consciousness that will have the greatest effect, engaging with the system, but rippling through it the higher truth. Over time, even the hardest heart can soften.

In a world of turbulent change, no matter how long it takes, ultimately, only those that evolve will thrive.

Divinicus: Rise of the Divine Human…  Order the Book Here

Updated November 2014

Previous articles by Open:

About the author:

OpenOpenhand  is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step.

My soul is intimately connected with the higher dimensions where I find myself in communion with this benevolent presence most of the time. We ‘speak’ through the language of telepathic synchronicity: plain knowing of signs and symbols, an intuitive, objective interpretation of the flow of the moment which helps me understand and realise the various underlying impulses that are activating and influencing people’s lives here in the lower realm.  The Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.

Connect with  Openhand online  and  on Facebook.


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