A Wave of Transformational Change is Building in the Field

A Wave of Transformational Change is building - Artwork - Waiting for the Wave by Rhads

By  Openhand

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

It’s coming.

Can you feel it yet?

We certainly can here at Openhand – the feeling of energy building in the field, which could amount to a Wave of Transformational Change. Shifts are taking place in the matrix web of frequencies. There’s a new level of instability in it. It’s difficult to imagine that won’t affect ‘normal life’ on the surface. It seems perfectly timed to begin in September, as our Divinicus work is launched, with the  new book and World Tour.

So what do we intuit is going on?

There’s an Inter-Dimensional War Engaging Us!

Whether we know it or not, whether it’s spiritually correct to speak in this way or not…  Humanity is being engaged in an Inter-dimensional War.

It’s a full on assault of our sense and sensibilities, designed to shut people down from their higher dimensional awareness and inter-connectivity with the divine. It’s an  intervention, which has been around on Earth for thousands of years, creating a system of control that has ridden rough shod over the natural evolutionary path of the planet, bringing her to the point of destruction.

Benevolence is never going to let that happen!

I work with a higher-dimensional, benevolent group, that I call “Openhand”, and what I can say is this:  the intervention is now being engaged from the highest levels. The ‘matrix’ we live in, is a convoluted, interwoven vibrational field of dense energies, designed to contract people down, or else cause them to go out of body. In this way,  entities in the matrix  act – often unknowingly – through their energy fields. This is why life here has become so out of balance. It’s why there’s rampant consumerism, and the destruction of the biosphere. It’s why we have GMO, the exploitative industrial food chain, debilitating technology such as wifi, and an unbalanced climate, controlled by chemtrail geo-engineering.

It’s why the powers-that-be work to conquer through distractive division.

However, now those interfering frequencies of the control system, are being steadily unwound. It’s making life very unstable.

Check out our seminar video:  “Collapse of Civilisation  and Spiritual Realignment.

Cosmic Consciousness Turns the Cog

In the last several years, I’ve been taken on a journey, around the world, encountering how this matrix is created as an energy field, and how it is held in place. You can trace its history through the various megaliths and ancient civilisations. Clearly, many of these highly precise, cosmic structures were not built by primitive people with sticks and strings! They had help. Extra Terrestrial ‘help’. But in many ways, that highly advanced technology, is now being used to control humanity…

Bringing awareness to what’s really going on under the surface, can truly set people free. Because it’s only through consciousness, that we’re being effected. We’re being deliberately distracted from the seat of our power. My purpose is to help people reconnect with that benevolent inner source, such that they can take back their power, fully embody soul, and thereby eject the intervention from within their being. That’s exactly what the Divinicus work is all about.

Crop Circle at Hackpen Hill near Winterbourne Bassett Wiltshire UKRight now, a vibrant influx of higher light is gathering as a wave-like Tsumami, to steadily strip away those energies from the planet. It’s what the Hopi termed “The Great Purification”, and what I’m given to call  The Great Realignment. Basically, whenever any celestial system moves out of balance with the natural alignment of life, then cosmic energies of vast proportions are drawn to that situation, to unwind the imbalance and restore higher harmony again.

In recent weeks, the crop circle shown in the picture appeared not too far from where I’m writing this. To me, it appears to show a spiral of energy – how consciousness moves through the universe – which is engaging a gigantic cog. The cog representing the matrix we live in.

I believe it clearly says, “cosmic consciousness is now gathering to turn the cog”.

The Spiritual Boot Camp

These are times of profound change, and despite the challenges – the Inter-Dimensional War that is engaging us – we’re blessed to be here. If you’re looking for an easy life, this wouldn’t be the place to incarnate. But if it’s spiritual mastery that your soul is yearning for, then you’re fortunate to find yourself in the spiritual boot camp!

No matter what level you’re at, there’s lots of work to do. We must engage this intervention on all levels, and especially within our own being. The powers-that-be in society, will not take the changes lying down. There’ll be all manner of false-flags attempted to cling onto power. We must accelerate their demise through peaceful Spiritual Revolution – the elevation of our consciousness through non-compliance. [Click the image to the left for more information]

In my new book, and at the seminar launch on September 1st in the Avalon Rooms, I’ll speak of the clear, undeniable evidence that Homo Sapiens is a hybrid species, specifically down-graded from Original Humans, to be enslaved within this matrix. And, from countless past life regressions, that I do with people around the world, I’ll share an insight into the convoluted, inter-dimensional history that brought us to this precarious place.

Alchemy of Transcendence

Above all, at the launch and during the tour, I’ll share, from first hand experience, how benevolence has been working tirelessly behind the scenes for millions of years to unwind this intervention, and to heal humanity with his evolution into a higher dimensional paradigm, in the more light based form of Divinicus.

Most importantly, I’ll talk about –  and guide through deeply transformational spiritual work  – something I call “Alchemy of Transcendence”: essentially it’s how someone can truly penetrate their inner density and release it. Distancing yourself from the difficulties of the world, and prematurely moving into bliss, is highly likely to mean you don’t process your karma. It risks keeping you locked in repetitive cycles – the intervention consciousness…

The system we’ve helped create, IS the mirror of our own unconsciousness.

Literally, the entirety of the multiverse is within. The outer is merely the mirror. By understanding how to truly interact with our inner world, and how it reflects into the outer, means we can release the  karmic ballast of the past, and then activate our spirit light body; which becomes our vehicle of Ascension into the Higher Paradigm…

We regain the gifts we once had as Original Humans. We become an integral part of the flow once more; we feel totally interconnected with the whole of life.

From my heart to yours

(on behalf of  Openhand)

Previous articles by Open:

About the author:

OpenOpenhand  is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step.

My soul is intimately connected with the higher dimensions where I find myself in communion with this benevolent presence most of the time. We ‘speak’ through the language of telepathic synchronicity: plain knowing of signs and symbols, an intuitive, objective interpretation of the flow of the moment which helps me understand and realise the various underlying impulses that are activating and influencing people’s lives here in the lower realm.  The Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.

Connect with  Openhand online  and  on Facebook.


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