Trinity’s Beetroot & Shiitake Soup Recipe (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Trinity's Beetroot & Shiitake Soup Recipe

By  Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This super healthy soup is a great way to make the most of seasonal beetroots and embrace their many health affirming benefits.

I like to use shiitake mushrooms with this blend, for their smokey flavour and fantastic immune support – although you can easily replace with whatever mushrooms you have available.

The creamed coconut block (which comes in solid block form) offers a rich infusion of coconut flavour and extra creaminess.

From my heart to yours,

Trinity  â™¥

Trinity’s Beetroot & Shiitake Soup Recipe

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 3 bowls


• 2 small/medium beetroots (about 300g)

• 800ml water

• 400g squash or pumpkin

• 1 medium sized leek

• 1 to 2cm cubed of ginger (or to preferred taste)

• 100g shiitake mushrooms

• ½ teaspoon sea salt

• 100g creamed coconut block **

• Small handful cashews (optional extra)

** If you can’t find a creamed coconut block, then try using coconut cream instead. I suggest 250ml of coconut cream as a replacement and only  600ml of water, not 800ml.


1. Scrub the beetroot (leaving skin on) and chop into small chunks before tossing into a medium sized pan. Add the water; place the lid on the pan and turn on the heat.

Trinity's ‘Beetroot & Shiitake’ Soup - Ingredients Starting to Simmer

Ingredients starting to simmer in the pot!

2. Peel the squash; chop into small pieces and toss into the pan.

3. Finely chop the ginger and roughly chop leek before adding to the pan along with the salt and shiitake mushrooms.

4. Once it has come to the boil, turn down to gently simmer for about 20 minutes.

5. Near the end of the cooking time roughly chop the creamed coconut block and add to the pan. Stir in to encourage it to melt.

6. Once cooked (when you can pierce a fork through the beetroot) turn off the heat and blend soup. I find a hand blender useful for this, although a jug blender will work well too.

7. Once served, sprinkle a few cashews on top of each bowl of soup (as an optional extra) and enjoy with your favourite bread.

From my heart to yours,

Trinity  â™¥

For more conscious  recipe ideas, pick up  Trinity’s book  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, an inspiring collection of delicious vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free recipes for the body, heart and soul.


More  articles by Trinity Bourne:

About the author:

Trinity The Superfood Health Benefits of Celery (with Recipes!)Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’, a recipe book designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free cuisine.

Around 18 years ago, during a profound spiritual awakening, the world around her shattered. She became engulfed in a white, universal, timeless, formless light until nothing else existed – other than the nameless truth at the core of all sentient beings. During this life-changing experience Trinity experienced the soul of all other sentient beings, trees, creatures, people as one pulsating energy. Transcending her into a higher realm of unity and oneness, this experience imparted a divine energy that she has been sharing through spiritual work ever since.

Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious vegan cuisine.  She is the co-founder of the  Openhand Foundation, an organisation dedicated to the evolution of humankind. She works as the divine complement to her soul mate  Open  to help facilitate the global Ascension process and feels incredibly blessed to be of divine service.


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