Trinity’s Spiritual Wellness Smoothie with Hemp, Maca & Moringa – A Recipe to Nourish the Soul

By Trinity Bourne

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Every morsel we eat plays a role on our spiritual journey. The energy of our food becomes a part of our being, it goes soul deep – flooding into our cells; directly impacting our vibration by either lowering or raising it (depending on what we choose to consume). We are spiritual beings in physical, human bodies – aspiring to ever higher realms of awareness. We yearn to free the soul in every moment. Conscious eating is about unleashing the soul. The energy of every bite counts!

What makes Maca such an incredible spiritual superfood?

Maca is an amazing spiritual superfood, growing at extremely high altitudes (7000 ft and above) in the Peruvian Mountains. It’s very hardy, with powerful adaptogenic properties. An adapotgen is something that helps you cope in stressful situations – whether spiritually, physically, mentally and energetically. It is particularly helpful when going through the ‘dark night of the soul’; when you wake up and it feels like the world is falling apart around you; when you question who you truly are and feel like everything you thought you knew about the world was wrong. It helps us to cope when we shed layer after layer; when we feel at complete odds with the world around us; when we are hyper-sensitive or empathic and feel that what is going on in the world is just too insane. It’s an important kundalini energy balancer.

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On a physical level, maca is well known for supporting and regulating the endocrine system in both men and women. The endocrine system is responsible for healthy functioning of hormones, which are essential for the regulation of energy levels, digestion, brain function, the nervous system, fertility and wellness in general. Many women have noticed that it helps to balance hormones, reducing menopausal and pre-menstrual symptoms, whilst men have observed that it helps support fertility and sexual functions.

I recommend you use gelatinised maca powder rather than raw, as gelatinised is the best form for absorption. Read my in-depth article about maca powder here: All About Maca.

Hemp seed – a spiritual superfood to nourish the soul

Hemp Seed opens our cells to cosmic interconnectivity…

If there were one food designed to help elevate us into the higher paradigm then hemp would be it. I am not talking about its cousin cannabis, with the psycho-active THC compound that gets you high. I am talking about the culinary hempseed that is available in all good health food stores. Hemp seed is brimming with so much vibrational raising goodness, that I make a point of incorporating it daily into my already super healthy plant-based diet. It is one of the most complete proteins in the plant food kingdom, containing ALL 21 known amino acids. Hemp contains nature’s perfect ratio (3:1) of omega 3 to omega 6 essentially fatty acids. This is a unique accomplishment in the plant world. Not only is it chockfull of nutrients, hemp is excellent at helping to balance our energy field, whilst quietly building an internal spiritual bridge from the lower third dimensional world into the higher paradigm. Hemp makes our cells more open to the interconnectivity of all sentient life – an important aspect of the evolutionary spiritual journey. An incredible gift to behold!

For more, read my article about the Spiritual Nutrition of Hemp Seeds.

Moringa – a superstar for the spiritual journey

Moringa has earned itself superstar status for the spiritual journey…

Moringa is one of the most nutrient rich foods in the world. It is the ‘superfood of superfoods’ earning itself superstar status. Moringa is one of the most prolific, natural antioxidant foods known. It is said to contain a whopping 46 antioxidants that prevent the damage of tissue from the action of free radical oxidation in the body. Moringa leaves are also thought to be have the highest protein ratio of any plant-food ever discovered on our planet. They contain up to 40% protein. If that’s not enough then you’ll be pleased to know that this special food is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial, liver supporting, blood pressure reducing, cancer prevention agent. Moringa helps to keep a healthy body, mind and spirit so that, whilst on the spiritual path, we can be in tip-top shape, freeing up our energy to serve our purpose.

To learn more, see the article The Many Uses of the Mighty Moringa Tree.

A smoothie to nourish the soul – my spiritual wellness smoothie

A delicious superfood smoothie for mind, body and spirit. This is my favourite spiritual wellness smoothie.

  • Prep time: 
  • Total time: 
  • Serves: 1 glass
  • (You can print a copy of this recipe here.)


  • 1 large ripe banana
  • Large handful of garden berries or blueberries (frozen)
  • 200ml (3/4 cup) of local spring water
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of gelatinised maca powder
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of hulled hemp seeds
  • ½ teaspoon of moringa powder (or other supergreens)


  1. This works well if you freeze the banana (peeled and chopped) ahead of time OR if you freeze the berries. Freezing the fruit is optional, although it is recommended if you want to make the smoothie more creamy.
  2. Prepare everything from the heart, taking time to appreciate each element of this blend. Blend until creamy smooth, observing the divine culinary alchemy as everything weaves together.
  3. Drink in stillness, savouring the texture, the colour and delicious dance of flavours.
  4. Enjoy the vibrational raising nourishment with every sip.

With Love

More about my favourite spiritual superfoods…

In this video, I decided to talk about how I make my Spiritual Wellness Smoothie and the spiritual superfood benefits of the main ingredients…

Video via Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen on YouTube.

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About the author:

Trinity Bourne - bio

Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’ and ‘Angelicious’, recipe books designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free and gluten-free cuisine.

22 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious, plant-based cuisine. She is also the co-founder of Openhand, an organisation dedicated to the conscious evolution of humankind.

For more, visit and follow Trinity’s Kitchen on Pinterest and Facebook!

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