Moving Into Alignment Through What You Do

March 9th, 2018

By Stacy Vajta

Guest writer for Wake Up World

This awakening we’re in… it’s a funny thing. The more conscious you become, the more intolerable it is to do what no longer fits. The challenge is in knowing where to begin with the changes you need to make.

That can be especially hard when it comes to your work and what you do. Right now, spiritually conscious people everywhere are waking up and realizing that their work is no longer aligned with their heart and soul. That misalignment is all of a sudden just too much to bear. Purpose becomes a focal point.

It’s easy to get lost in the search for purpose. I don’t believe purpose is ever about just one thing — one magical thing that you are here to do. It’s way more subtle than that.

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Where there is meaning, there is purpose. Yet, finding purpose is something that consumes a lot of people’s energy, especially when it’s tied to what you “do”. (See: Shifting Your Consciousness? Your Work May Need to Follow.)

What you “do” now, does matter. You want what you do as your work in the world to feel purposeful and meaningful. Yet, for most of us, our purpose isn’t a big mission that’s waiting to be discovered.

If you’re only looking for some grand level of PURPOSE in life, you might just miss out on the fact that your most natural gifts – what lights you up – are a reflection of your purpose. So take a step back and really look at your life. I bet you’ll see patterns around what you naturally do well that feel meaningful. In a way, purpose can be found in the details!

The real issue is alignment. Alignment is about your Soul’s growth – your spiritual evolution. And alignment around work is where so many conscious people are all of a sudden focused. It’s not just the healers and the lightworkers that I’m talking about. People everywhere are awakening to new ideas about themselves and realizing that they need a change in what they do… or how they do it.And quite honestly, I think this is where the most confusion is when it comes to changing jobs at the moment. It’s easy to get sucked into the notion that simply changing your job will move you into alignment.

Not always.

Your work transition is a spiritual one. The change that is being ushered into your life is not “just” a change in job. It’s you, up-leveling into a bigger version of yourself and positioning yourself to have a greater impact through what you do.

The key to this transition is recognizing that your process is about learning to bridge who you are with what you do. It’s about stepping into your authentic self and getting out there in the world in a more aligned way, with a bigger voice.

See your need to grow for what it is – you taking a step in your own spiritual evolution to reposition yourself into more authenticity, personal power, and purpose. Use the energy behind this level of growth to fuel the process. It’s all about who you “be” and what you “do.” Figuring out who you are and how you need to show up to be fully aligned with your spirit is your inner-work right now.

At first glance, this process can be terrifying. You’ll feel confused about what you should be doing. Things will feel messy. Stepping into that next version of you will ease the confusion and the fear. But you have to step back and do the inner work of self-reflection and up-leveling. You’ve got to get out of your box – what’s known to you – to even begin to see what you need to see; to know who you are first before you can know what you want to do.

Here’s the trap. The trap that people fall into when they’re dreaming about work that feels more soulful is, they think “job” way too early in the game. They skip over the slower, juicy process of fully understanding who they are being asked to grow into, and what about them, then, that needs to be expressed through their work. They make that mental leap into an idea of their next job but from an old mindset. Their one way of understanding how to make work “work,” feels out of reach. They shut themselves down before they even start.

Don’t shut it down. It’s time to do what matters. It’s time to break through the limiting beliefs that you have of yourself and set into a bigger version of who you are. Your intuition is begging to be listened to as a factor in your success. And, it’s time to reach for what you desire and show up as that… do that.

There’s healing in saying yes to this as a process. There’s no more hiding; no more playing small. No more playing the victim either. This world is not overpowering you. You need to step up and match it in your new form.

If you find yourself standing on this precipice of change – needing to change yourself and your work—realize that you have something bigger to do and that your voice is needed to help shape the world – your world.

And it’s time leap. It’s time to get out there and do what matters.

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About the author:

Stacy Vajta is an energy coach and intuitive healer who loves nothing more than helping women love their (work) lives. She’s here for one big purpose: to help you figure out who you are meant to be and what you are meant to be doing.

You can find out more about her by visiting her website. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash.

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