How Big is Your Dream for Yourself?

August 16th, 2018

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Living the Dream. Thinking Differently.

When you truly step onto the path, and feel the directive of the Shift, it’s sure to set you against the majority of people around you, clinging to the vestiges of a crumbling reality. Still they hang on, shrivelled in fear, and a part of that reality control, will be to make you wrong. This is where your dream is so important. We’ve been crammed into the small container of a control mechanism. But how big are you really? How much more can you be as a being? Of course I’m not talking about the confines of ego. I’m talking about having the courage to completely shatter the illusions and constraints of an outdated reality that no longer serves.

So I ask, how big is your dream for yourself?

There is No Box!

If when you express your dream, you’re not challenging those around you, I’d say you haven’t truly realised the magnitude of your dream yet, and who you can truly be.

If your dream doesn’t shatter the illusions of those around you, if it doesn’t make them quake in their boots, and project back their fears at you, then I’d say your dream is too small.

I’m not talking about “thinking outside the box”. There is no box!

How can you put a container around the all that is?

This infinite potential that you are, has created the entirety of the Universe. And so what does it have in mind for you?

From the Stars

Many of you reading this (perhaps all) have come from the stars. Your soul knows the expansiveness and liberation of timelessness, of limitless movement through dimensions, of travelling at the speed of thought. You’ve swam as the dolphin, flown as the eagle, you’ve exploded like the volcano.

And all of this is in you.

So why let yourself continue to be small?

I’m not talking about replacing an illusion for another illusion. I’m not talking about creating from the desires and machinations of the ego, because that too is limitation. What I’m talking about is creating an open inner space — so open that there are no judgments within it, no limitations, no constraint; where if the tightness of fear arises, there’s an immediate turning into it, moving in the exact direction of the fear, doing that which maximises the fear… so as to explode the myth that it is. That’s when your soul explodes the very box that has contained it.

Also see: Exploding Fear in 5 Steps – How to Liberate Yourself from Fear in Any Situation

Without Limit

You are without limit, other than what your soul decides are the boundaries for your current exploration and inquiry — the landscape you intuit and flow through.

I put it to you that the boundaries of our limited 3D/4D reality construct are now falling apart. Here is the opportunity for you to become all that you can be. It will be so much more than the imagination of lower mind. You are incredible, awesome, you’ve traveled through time and space, died and been reborn a zillion times, and yet here you are, right at the centre of the most miraculous crucible of change that the Universe can create. Why would you have manifested such a crucible, if it was not to rise from the ashes like the glorious phoenix that you are? Why would you have manifested the mountain if you were only meant to climb an anthill?

Think out of the box?
It’s time to drop the box.
It’s time to think differently,
to allow your landscape to explode open.
But beware, when you do so, you’ll have to duck when the moon is low!

Think Differently: Great Minds Think Alone

In loving support,
Open HeartPraying Emoji

About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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