5D Ascension: Developing Your Daily 5D Shift Practice

September 6th, 2022

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A parting of the waves is happening in society. Whereas plenty are being drawn into a synthetic high-tech agenda, a growing wave are liberating themselves and beginning to shift into higher dimensional consciousness. It’s definitely something to get on board with right now, and to be clear where your direction, purpose and orientation in life really is.

The real power we can call upon is the infusion of higher dimensional consciousness. It’s expanding and liberating the soul into a new evolution of humanity; breaking free of the rigidity and control; unleashing profound authentic beingness; creating miraculously from 5D consciousness.

It’s essential to develop your daily Ascension schedule to ensure you’re progressively moving with the higher dimensional flow. Here are the main considerations with some essential suggestions.

A Moment of Empowerment

Firstly, before we get into the main suggestions, take a moment of reflection for empowerment…

We’re at a pivotal moment in human history, where the soul is being forged in the crucible of great change. Such change never comes easy, you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to break into new expansions. What’s currently happening in the world is an invitation to reclaim soul sovereignty, direction, purpose and destiny. It’s the very antithesis of how society is trying to lock consciousness down. Ultimately it won’t be able to control the higher dimensional shift. If you step purposefully into that new consciousness on a daily basis, you’ll always find the flow of light through the density. And you’ll increasingly harness it for much greater creativity – ever more opportunity and possibility will flow.

So have you had enough yet of the fear propaganda and social conditioning?

Do you truly want to truly break free and align with the higher dimensional shift?

Then let us begin. Our embodiment of higher consciousness is beckoning.

1. Going into Stillness

It’s essential NOT to be overly distracted by the external drama. When you realise there comes a point where you have no egoic control over how the external manifests, then it’s time to go deeper internal, all the way back to the source in you – the Sacred Ground of Being. Then to pick up the flowing waves of the soul, felt as lightness, ease, surrender, and timeless connection.

These will progressively crystallise a new landscape around you, one that is more aligned, authentic to you, and harnessing of the higher infusions of light.

To facilitate this I would suggest a daily breathing meditation. You may already have one that works for you – great. Just as long as it carries you beyond the mind and into the feeling sense of the soul. And then helps you journey deeper through the inner layers, back to the sense of presence, and to the Sacred Ground of Being – that consciousness which is around the presence, like the cushioning banks of the lake.

So use the time wisely. Make sure the inner journey becomes the central focus. When you wake up at the beginning of the day, before venturing onto the news, mobile phone or social media, come straight into the breathing and let this attune an aligned day.

Work to ground this state increasingly as your regular background state, from which you emerge and express forth.

At Openhand the basis for this deeper connection begins with Breakthrough Breathing

2. Dealing with Cravings, Addiction and Distraction

You can be forgiven for being distracted by the unfolding charade of society, and it is important to be informed of what’s taking place, BUT, not to be too distracted by the daily growing weave of the “new norm” (check out this lead article to understand the main dynamics of the new norm). Be aware that it is mostly a game of smoke and mirrors – the shadow is trying to condition the subconscious to the way they want things to go. You don’t have to buy into that reality!

Everything is shifting towards a 3D/5D Hybrid state, where you can shape more from the higher consciousness assuming you focus on it instead.

Especially where physical freedoms are constrained, you may well find you go into boredom at times, lethargy and if this persists, plenty will go into atrophy – binging on social media distraction for example. Don’t let this happen to you! Decide now to empower yourself by going into the stillness at the core of you. Sit, sit, sit. Meditate, meditate, meditate. BUT, also develop your processes for confronting cravings and addictions.
Check out this Openhand main article on Breaking Through Triggers

Here’s the crucial point: instead of just giving into the craving – the need for distraction for example – sit in the centre of your contraction. For example around boredom. How is it possible to be truly bored when you’ve come deeply into the one moment of now, where time disappears? So when you sit, go right into any physical resistance or mental tightness. Go right to the centre of them. Feel into the contraction. Soften in. Become completely at-one with it. The approach is to pass right through the eye of the needle. This will happen naturally when you’re so accepting of the situation, that you don’t need it to go away. The Breakthrough can of itself become blissful.

At Openhand we apply the ancient Kriya Bow as a means to reveal and amplify the density, so you can equalise with it, soften into and through it.

There’s a free Bow Demo in this video… Transmutation
And here’s our guided meditation which you can download… The Openhand Bow

3. Expand into Multidimensionality

When you’ve broken through any resistant density of that particular moment, then your soul starts to liberate and flow. This is where you can now open up and expand out into multiple dimensions of experience –
You are a Cosmic Divine Being!

The chakras are consciousness exchange points, each of which feeds into a different body of existence in a different dimension: the base into the 1st physical density; the sacral into the 2nd emotional density; the solar plexus into 3rd density on the plane of the intellect; the heart chakra into the 4th density causal body where karma is stored; the Throat into 5th density Higher Mind; the Third Eye into the 6th Density Celestial Body where reflections of authentic beingness are stored; the Crown Chakra into the 7th Density Spirit Light Body. Now is to apply subtle breathing techniques to progressively soften into each of the chakras to increase your sensitivity and awareness there. This channels soul consciousness into those densities experienced within you.

The feelings of this will be subtle initially. You won’t necessarily appreciate some major differences on the inner (nor the outer) in the beginning. But the more you practice, the more you start to appreciate the infusion of soul on the inner creates change in the outer, you start to navigate life differently.

Here are 3 clear ways that will change things:

1) Being more authentic in relationships – you establish stronger boundaries around your authenticity. You naturally demand more respect around how you are being. It makes your relationships more real and harmonious. It determines the depth of relationship you should be in. It then makes close relationships more understanding, empathic, non-judgmental and sensitive.
2) You start to naturally vision the kind of circumstances and living situation that best serves you. This happens without having to apply any fixed intention. You start to hold that in your being. It starts to crystallise new realities that are based upon those visions.
3) You feel more supported, held and cherished by different multdimensional aspects of the divine, realised through signs and synchronicity. Every step becomes a blessings, even when it leads you into challenging circumstances, because you’re constantly realising the growth opportunity.

Apply this Openhand chakra opening and attunement meditation.

Of course, Deep Consciousness Bodywork is also going to be essential to your personal shift. Firstly it can help channel soul through the bodymind, but also the appropriate practices can release blocked density in your biomagnetic field. Openhand’s soulmotion is perfect for this, which we teach on our courses and gatherings. But also of course yoga, tai chi and 5 rhythms dance. I would suggest around 3-5 sessions of these per week in addition to the other meditations.

4. Apply Ascension to Daily Life

I can palpably feel the compulsion growing by more and more people to begin the Ascension out of this defunct 3D construct. Who can blame them?! But it’s also essential to realise that to truly ascend, is to transcend THROUGH the drama. Because your soul drew you here to learn and to integrate through it all. There will be fragments of soul that have identified and will likely still be stuck in certain behaviourisms and activities – like in relationships for example. Or allowing yourself to be overly distracted by the drama. Crucially though, it is not simply the case to absolve yourself from interaction or to drop the situations like dropping the proverbial hot coals.

Yes, work to let go of the need for an outcome. Feel any contraction or tightness around that in any given situation. Soften into it first. Keep working towards the infinite potential of The One. But, then look for the authentic expression of soul that wants to now come through. Essentially, let this become your daily approach and practice in life.

Daily innovation is a crucial key. The soul is always wanting to flow spontanesouly and uniquely, it never does exactly the same thing twice. So work to continually adapt your daily rhythms by opening a space for the unknown to speak through them. Listen. Feel. Pick up new senses and nuances that gently cascade in. Your soul is wanting to actualise.

This is where the potential for alchemical transformation is at its strongest. Especially in daily interactions, with family at home for example, where you’re bound to hit the tightness of rigidity and degrees of conformity. It’s in exactly these moments to open up and soften through, BUT, then to also find that new sense of authentic soul expression that now wants to define itself more accurately and establish a different landscape – requiring of the outer to respect and respond to the new you.

Practice Daily Regressions

If you don’t catch the reactivity the first time, or the second, or if it takes you many attempts to break the cycles, no worries, just keep working with them. It helps enormously to reflect afterwards:

Visualise the situation, regress back into it and feel once more the contraction. What were you attached to? How did you need the situation to go a particular way? Or what were you afraid to express?

This is how we infuse soul and transcend through.
Check out this Openway process for finding your Authentic Soul Orientation.

5. Opening the Spirit Light Body – Living the Higher Paradigm

The Spirit Light Body connects through the Crown Chakra and is our heavenly vehicle of Ascension. But crucially it’s not something to wait for in your next incarnation or somehow after the shift. It is to open it and live it now. This will start to happen naturally as you open the chakras and process through inner density…

But you must also consciously connect into the spirit light body, through the crown chakra, in meditation – to practice opening into the expanded higher dimensional lightness and focussing consciousness there.
It’s a key part of Openhand’s work in our Ascension Academy.

As you do your daily breathing meditations, you’ll start to feel a lightness above the crown. You can amplify this by paying attention to the feelings and most importantly, breathing the sense of lightness down through you. So you develop an embodied feeling sense of it here and now.

Please note: plenty of people will have energy implants in the crown chakra designed to close down the spirit light body. This is one of the strategies of the Interdimensional Intervention. So you might initially find difficulty accessing the lightness above the crown, or else when you do, you might find a spiralling sense pulls the soul out of body. These are both symptoms of a potential implant there. You’ll therefore need to work to remove implants through directed awareness and empowerment. Here below is Openhand’s popular removing entities article and download meditation. I would also suggest gaining support and guidance from an experienced facilitator.

Removing Entites and Implants Article
Removing Entities and Implants Download Meditation
Openhand Facilitator Network

When the crown chakra is clear, you’ll start to feel the sense of expansive lightness. Here’s when your Ascension really begins to take off. When you’re walking out in nature, and also out in the town, look out into the physical, but get the sense of the alchemical spiritual – the field all around you. Let your wakeful dreaming vision create a new landscape that you’re also perceiving and experiencing. What might those subtle light feelings of interconnectivity and flow look like in the higher vibration? What signs and synchronicities support this new landscape?

Start to feel yourself living in the higher vibration, but crucially, embodied here and now, creating here and now from that state. Go more with this sense of flow and watch the new landscape shape around you.

Here’s Openhand’s Video sense of the Spirit Light Body

Ascension: A Daily Process

There is a silver lining in every grey cloud. The veils over the delusion of society have spectacularly fallen. Ever more of us can see the ‘beast’ for what it is, AND CRUCIALLY, a growing wave of us are prepared to actually do something about it – to shift our consciousness BEYOND it.

Thus the revelation of the shadow side becomes a golden opportunity to expand out. It all depends on how you choose to perceive the situation and respond to it in an empowered way. We’re definitely not absconding to some rosy la la land by withdrawing or distracting either. This approach is to transcend through and then expand out. We’re building a New 5D Paradigm, yes, but we’re doing it thread by thread, action by action, moment by moment. You become an unstoppable force of liberation. That’s the golden opportunity of these times.

Take back your power. Decide how to approach your day. What meditations work best at what particular times? What inner densities will you need to break through? Bring attention to these and ask the Universe to help with illumination. Build closer feeling connection with your Team in the ether. Give those subtle flutterings and felt senses the possibility to build through deeper attention and awareness. Ask them the all-important question, “Show me!”

Ascension is now. It’s begun right now. Be prepared for the journey to take time though. Have patience. The 5D Ascension Shift is a long road. Be mindful of where we’re going yes, BUT crucially it’s NOT a destination to aim for. Rather it is something that grows and builds within you on a daily basis. You gain a sense of where it’s heading, then use that as motivation to keep building it on the inside, thus actualising it progressively on the outside.

One day, in our near future, no matter what external shenanigans the system has played, it will lay its last card. And the Universe will inevitably trump it. Because all physical situations come and go. We’ve entered the corridor of a marvellous shift – profound evolutionary change. One that will bring you home to a spectacular rebirth in new dimensions of living and being. Crucially though, don’t wait. Seize this day. Now. And the next.

If you resonate, come and get involved with Openhand’s Ground Breaking work at our Ascension Academy. Here’s a flavour of what’s involved…

If you resonate with the Openhand Approach to the shift and the requirements of your daily practice, get involved with our work:

Openhand Ascension Academy

In loving support


Originally published at Openhand and republished here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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