Solstice Approaches: KNOW What You Want to Change About YOURSELF

December 21st, 2022

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Solstice swings around once more at the end of another tumultuous year in the shift. It’s a time of death and rebirth, of preparing yourself for regeneration. There’s always a new you that you can find. It’s buried under the layers we heap up over the years. As this density begins to crack, you’ll feel the new sense of you that wants to break through. Give time and space to that. Pay homage to it. Express it and call it forth. This is the greatest act of creation you can undertake.

The Festive Season is Upon Us

It’s a busy time of year no doubt: things to do, presents to buy, cards to write, friends and family to meet, but the person you need to greet most of all is yourself – that new you that wants to break through and break out. It’s essential to give time to this, because it’s the greatest gift you’ll ever receive AND be able to give.

Usually, at these times, there’s an elevation of alchemy in the field, people are searching for something at a soul level, often without even knowing what they’re looking for. And we’re in a sacred portal: 12:12 to 21:12, where flows of energy are heightened. But they’re not going to have that uncovering, emergent effect unless we pay homage to the next grandest iteration of ourselves.

How do you do this?

3 Key Ways to Uncover the New You

1) Firstly there’s taking dedicated time out for yourself, in stillness, in nature or at a scared site that you know stimulates your consciousness – especially at the time of the solstice.

2) I find that archetypes work well. You might be shown the sense of a new energy, a new way of being wanting to come through: maybe the sense of an archangel or and ascended master. How does that energy speak into you? What about it are you being invited to embody? Pay attention, feel it, see what wants to activate and come through.

3) Power animals can help tremendously. You might start seeing a particular creature on your travels, either in nature, in the dreamtime or in symbology. How does the creature make you feel? Again get a sense of the energy you feel to embody and work on sitting with it, stepping into it. How does this beingness want to be?

Do you have a spiritual deck? Then pull a card and see how it speaks into this new beingness.

Greet the New You in the Mirror

All the while you’re developing a new sense of the new you – the next iteration, the next highest version. It may not necessarily be a massive change and therefore you could easily miss the unravelling. But with each new integration, even if small, you’re increasing the transformation momentum in you, and the world around you.

When you do get a sense of a new you, speak it out. Share it in a place where you know you’ll be heard and seen. That way, the feedback loop you get, amplifies the energy coming through. Hence I invite you to share here below and I’ll readily offer a reflection.

So, what’s the new sense of yourself that wants to come through this solstice?

Explore the New You with Openhand

The Openhand work is all about helping you unveil the next grandest version of your higher self. Explore the infinite possibility with the Openhand Ascension Academy:

Essential Openhand: Unveiling a new You

Bright blessings for the solstice and into 2023.


Originally published at Openhand and republished here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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