The Wise Woman Within

The Wise Woman Within - Image by Gregory Colbert

15th January 2015

By  Caroline Diana Bobart

Guest Writer  for Wake Up World

There is no denying this powerful truth – as a woman, a Spirit manifesting in this lifetime through a female body, you are much more intuitive, wise, dynamic, creative and capable than you are externally given credit for – not least, perhaps because you haven’t really yet settled into a true, complete and grounded understanding of this within yourself.

I know this because it forms the very basis of the work  I do with female clients.  Every day I speak to strong, magnificent, intelligent, educated, self-motivated women who despite the brave face they show to the world, feel frustratingly disempowered inside. They are earnestly searching for the gilded route back to an understanding of themselves in which they can reconnect with their inner knowing and literally ‘crack’ the holding pattern that will liberate them from the ‘crosses’ or otherwise soul-stifling situations they can no longer bear.

These crosses are generally what contribute to their feeling of being ‘stuck’ – self-imposed inner limits on what they have been able to enjoy, do, be, have, and create, as well as externally imposed expectations, identities and limits that make them feel boxed-in and labelled by those who simply do not see the golden value, inherently free nature and deep truth of the Wise Woman within.

If you identify with this portrayal and are one of these women yourself, consider this…

The disconnect between who you have been conditioned to portray and believe you are, how you are treated and viewed, and who you really are  – therein lies a  place of pain.

The reasons for this disconnect vary and at first glance often appear completely unique. Women can come from happy or troubled backgrounds, they might be in supportive or troubled relationships, fulfilling or unfulfilling careers, effectively coping or struggling to maintain the intricate balance between motherhood, running a household, self-care and pursuing a career. The vast majority of us exist within some subtle, unique combination of the above.

What is not unique however are the feelings of being unseen, invalidated, misunderstood, and frustrated that these disconnect s cause. They are the same for each of us as women regardless of the subtle blend of contributing factors that give rise to this point of pain.

If this resonates with your own experience, take a moment now to close your eyes and offer gratitude for having arrived at a place with these words before you.  You see, your Inner Spiritual Light, your intuition – despite the fact that you feel so disconnected from it – has quietly guided you to these words and thoughts.  Ponder that this article you are reading may now simply be a mirror that reflects back to you your  innate understanding about who you really are.

And So The Journey Began…

What if you were born into this lifetime because, as a  spiritual  being, you ‘knew’ it would help you to heal some of your past hurts  and  traumas so that you could more fully step into your magnificence and become more self-actualised than before?  According to this theory, you chose the precise family/social/cultural/economic situation, geographic location, prevailing influences and circumstances that would trigger your Spiritual unfolding and actualisation, and  we all  have just the exact combination of factors before us  working together to illuminate our connection and soul-level understanding of our real  self.

It might be a bitter pill to swallow to think that you ‘chose’ a lifetime of unhappiness, hardship or suffering but herein lies the key to its lesson…  The only way you can truly change your situation, your relationship with yourself and your life is to take ownership of  it as though it was a ‘choice’, and determine that you  are going to do something about it.  You can choose to be a victim of circumstance or you can step out, be brave and  change your life.

Spiritual Restlessness Is The Key

Spiritual restlessness is the key that unlocks the door to the greater freedom, enjoyment, fulfilment, purpose and peace that you have been longing for.  And in order to find that door, you must journey inward and be willing to behold, claim and love all of yourself, your lighter, capable, everyday characteristics as well as your deeper submerged pain.

You can only step into the life you dream of if you are able to reach a place of true appreciation, love and acceptance of exactly who you are, as you are. This is where your treasure, your sacred message and gifts lie. This is the version of yourself that it is absolutely imperative you share with the world.

And in spite of this, the funny thing is, we often feel a need to adapt ourselves, dim our light, not be so ‘in your face’, to become what we perceive as being more ‘palatable’ or acceptable to others. But remember, when you do so, you start going down the slippery slope of selling yourself short.

In sharing a lesser version of yourself, you create for yourself a certain level of separation, grief and pain.  When you misrepresent and undervalue who you really are, you create a divide between the part of you that instinctively knows  who you are and that part of you that seeks validation and approval from the outside.  When you unconsciously share only the part of yourself you feel deserves to shine, to succeed and be seen, you often have the sense that something is not quite right, neither on the inner nor on the outer. Life and its experiences just don’t seem to ‘flow’.

The moment you decide however to embrace and express the entirety of who you are, not only does your spiritual information and innate knowing about your life’s journey emerge more readily, the sacred path begins to reveal itself and beckons to you as well.  You may find yourself creating ways forward where previously there was no discernible way. You step into life’s creative flow and begin to harness your intuition as you move down the path towards the relationships, situations and experiences that are ready and want to support you in your process of ‘becoming’.

And so if you are ready…

Imagine that you can create another way of doing and being which honours both your highest vision for yourself as well as your deepest soul-level needs. You can imagine this as a point of light that you are instinctively being drawn to, like a moth to a flame; to  a place of greater ease, alignment, simplicity and peace.  These are states that are natural to your inner Wise Woman. Give yourself permission for them to emerge from your depths and to speak to you, to guide and lead you more consciously and intuitively towards the relationships, situations and spaces that honour and celebrate the silent knowing within you – and away from those that  don’t.

If you are ready, recognise that you are at a place of needing to draw on all the reserves of courage you can muster as you prepare for the journey into a future unknown. You are readying yourself to embark on an adventure where there are no guarantees and where each and every experience and encounter that comes to you is a reflection of your intuition in action, consciously creating for you new experiences, new ways of being, doing, viewing and responding to the world. You are reaching the end of your relationship with the former limits that kept you safe, yes, but stuck and smothered too.

A New Year’s Gift for You!

If you want to learn more about consciously co-creating your life  and  greeting your circumstances and experiences with ‘intuitive eyes’,  I am just thrilled to invite you to attend my FREE 75 minute, live online tele-class Reconnect With Your Inner Wise Woman  on Saturday, January 24th, 2015.  I would love nothing better than to celebrate your courage and commitment to your inner healing and self-realisation, and  share with you  ways to  start  feeling aligned and connected to your  Wise Woman within  in this free  intuition-based self-healing community experience.

Click here to reserve your place!

Previous articles by Caroline:

About the author:

Caroline Diana Surrender to Fear   Shed Your Skin   BE YOURSELF!

Caroline is an  Intuitive Life Coach and Intuitive Skills Teacher. She is also the creator and facilitator of  Everyday Alchemy: Intuition at Work and Play, a system of intuitive self-healing programs,  thoughtfully designed to help you heal the areas in which you feel disconnected, unseen or in pain, in order that you can reveal your essential energetic, intuitive and creative nature, and effect positive, meaningful life change.

You can experience Caroline’s work via  Everyday Alchemy, an online personal empowerment community  platform created to help you find greater self-understanding and alignment with your inner knowing, highest vision for yourself and deepest soul-level needs.  In this confidential and sacred space you are invited not only to show up as your most authentic self (including  online teleconference each month), but to participate in powerful combinations of transformative group discussion, journaling exercises, guided meditations, intuitive coaching and energy-based self-healing techniques.

Follow Caroline on Facebook at

Main image:  Gregory Colbert


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