Surrender to Fear – Shed Your Skin – BE YOURSELF!

The Courage to BE Yourself - Individuality by BeccaPeace on

By  Caroline Diana Bobart

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Have you ever had the feeling that the relationship, job or community you were in was simply the wrong fit? Did  it seemed no one could see you and you may as well have been, for all intents and purposes, invisible? Did you ache to  break out and do something different, even if you weren’t sure exactly what?

Oftentimes this feeling of restlessness and being an outsider to situations in the  external world, is your Spirit’s way of giving you a nudge. It is Spirit’s way of trying to open your eyes to the fact that you are ready to shed  your skin and try on a new way of being, thinking and living for size.

It can be unnerving to be in this place of ‘no man’s land’, where you are considering leaving behind the lifestyle or community that doesn’t validate you on the most fundamental of soul levels but as yet, you don’t have an inkling of where you are headed or what your new and improved reality ought to be, or how.

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This is the point at which anxiety can kick in, along with thoughts and questions such as these;

“Well, what am I supposed to DO now? There must be something I can DO to find my soul family, perfect relationship or job! How will I recognise it when I find it and will they recognise me?

“I can see that the road ahead is going to be lonely. Wouldn’t it be better – safer even – to stick with what I know?

“How do I know that this isn’t the start of me becoming a recluse and being side-lined from society? The thought of me feeling even more isolated is not one that I relish…”

Sometimes this internal dialog can go on to the extent that you end up completely paralysing yourself with fear. This is the kind of fear that disables you from taking decisive action to shut old doors and embark on the adventure of finding and opening new more exciting, fulfilling ones in your life.

Isn’t it funny that in this very place of potent fear lies your intuition and life-ward instinct? Your greatest ally, resource and strength?

If this strikes a chord (even if you can’t put your finger on why) celebrate the fact that you have arrived at a  place where you your inner wisdom has been speaking lovingly and persistently to you! Speaking about what? Why not listen and find out?

This  inner wisdom  speaks to us  about the most  important needs in  our life, firstly, immersing yourself in healing, forgiveness and self-love.  If you can take the plunge to surrender to the experience of the external situations and relationships that have been keeping your Spirit contained, and turn your attention on yourself within, what usually follows is a natural subconscious process of teasing out the enchanted life path that Spirit has in store.

Think of it as if you  must  go through a process of seeing and validating yourself before Spirit can lead you  down the right path – one where people and circumstances can meet you where you are, and see and validate your uniqueness too.

Inherent in this understanding is the acceptance that you are your own greatest ally. Even more than that, you are the supreme ruler of your life. All that is required is an internal switch from relying on external situations to honour and fulfil you, to the realisation that this is a gift that only you can truly give yourself. In other words, you are the primary co-creator of your life and when you decide to fully step into your ownership of that role, you give your gentle, wise Spirit the stage upon which to build a more meaningful and connected life.

Previous articles by Caroline:

About the author:

Caroline Diana Resistance – An Opportunity For Meaningful Life Change

Caroline is an  Intuitive Life Coach and Intuitive Skills Teacher. She is also the creator and facilitator of  Everyday Alchemy: Intuition at Work and Play, a system of intuitive self-healing programs,  thoughtfully designed to help you heal the areas in which you feel disconnected, unseen or in pain, in order that you can reveal your essential energetic, intuitive and creative nature, and effect positive, meaningful life change.

You can experience Caroline’s work directly by joining the  Everyday Alchemy Personal Empowerment Community, a platform created to give you greater self-understanding and alignment with your inner knowing, highest vision for yourself and deepest soul-level needs.  In this confidential and sacred space you are invited via online teleconference each month not only to show up as your most authentic self, but to participate in powerful combinations of transformative group discussion, journaling exercises, guided meditations, intuitive coaching and energy-based self-healing techniques.

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Main image: Individuality by BeccaPeace on


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