Soul Mates and Twin Flames – Birds of a Feather, or Feathers Off the Same Bird?

By Open and Trinity Bourne

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

We’ve been receiving many questions of late concerning the subject of soul mates. It seems many are out to find their “ideal” partner in life.

So what’s it all about?

Do we meet on a dreamy white cloud and sail off into an eternal sunset whilst cherubims play their sweet soul music? Or is there a bit more to it than that?

The Twin Flame

The subject of soul mate would be totally incomplete with out first addressing the phenomenon of the “twin flame” because the former arises from the later. Please allow us to share…

The purpose of our soul  (from our perspective) is to undergo countless incarnations in order that it may fully and completely express itself as a unique glorification of the One Life. In order to do this, the soul needs a powerful mirror. It achieves this by dividing into two. The division is notional just as all separation between individual parts of the One Life is an illusion. Both are complete, whole and yet the soul is comprised of two complimentary parts. Yes it’s a paradox of creation — the ultimate divine paradox that generates the experience of relativity and therefore the miraculous experience of life itself.

The purpose of twin flames is balance; they are directly complimentary to one another. This polar equation is necessary to create momentum and direction on the path of a soul. Without it, our journey would likely be random, chaotic and meaningless or even non-existent. Our twin flame draws us back to the source like a universal magnet; it is our memory of the original condition of absolute completeness expressed through the finest quintessence of form; she is almost, but not quite, completely formless.

Upon incarnation, one half of the soul remains in the highest levels of consciousness close to the source. Its purpose is to continually draw the other back to its true nature. It does this by manifesting reflections of itself through the weave of life surrounding its ‘other half’. For example, the half that is incarnated may suddenly find themselves drawn to a particular cloud formation, the awesome beauty of an animal or the miracle of mother nature. As we feel the stirrings of love, joy and harmony within, it is our twin flame that we’re likely connecting with reminding us of who and what we are. She creates our pathway and the beauty we experience on it. The connection generates safe, unattached passage through the external drama and helps unwind the conditioning that limits our limitlessness.

When we finally realise the presence and beauty of our twin flame, rather than getting engrossed within the mirror of them (believing our partner is them for example and attaching to that), we are blessed with the most profoundly magical state of being possible within incarnation. It is as if a hundred thousand angels are constantly positioned all around us, helping, guiding, nurturing and above all, unconditionally loving us. When the essence of our twin flame draws close, it is as if a divine being is sitting above our heads pouring a continual cascade of love downwards through our being. We will only feel this fully though when we give up the external search for an object of our love (a soul mate for example). If there is still residual need for another half to make the whole complete, this magical experience of divine self love is not possible.

Frequently the twin flame will appear in symbolic representation — a spiritual vision for example such as a unicorn or some other mythical animal. Sometimes it will appear in the people we are attracted to or form relationships with. A twin flame may even cast an energetic ‘enhancement’ (a rose tinted filter) around someone close to us in order that we may see the reflection and find the self love within. Earlier in our journey it is likely we’ll be seduced into thinking this partner is our twin flame. Indeed we may get duped in this way many times thinking “this is it”, “I’ve met the partner I’ve been looking for through countless incarnations”. If we have such feelings, what may have happened is that we’ve possibly met up with our ultimate soul mate. So what exactly is a soul mate and how does it relate to the twin flame?

Soul Mates

The term soul mate has a tendency to arouse romantic images of a pre-destined, ideal mate, upon which reunion results in the blissful, harmonious ‘answer to all things’. However, (at least in our experience) the truth is very different indeed. So what is the purpose of our soul mate? From our perspective it is this…

A true soul mate represents the closest reflection of the twin flame that is possible in physical incarnation. The soul mate is not our twin flame, but has agreed to partner through many incarnations to help us connect with our ultimate holy grail.

So the true soul mate presents a continually updating mirror to their partner in order that we may peel away distortions, find inner completeness and dissolve into union with our twin flame. Of course looking in the mirror is not always something we wish to do – especially if what we see doesn’t agree with us! To intensify matters, there is simply no escaping the mirror once its shown to us – all of our buttons seem to get pressed at once. We are continually exposed to the ‘good’, the ‘bad’ and the ‘ugly’! We might be forgiven for wanting to run a mile but then the love that unites both by a common cause pulls them back together for another round of intense navel gazing.

For a soul that is just beginning to emerge, this process would be too destructive and so union with our soul mate doesn’t usually happen at the same place or time until they have released sufficient karma and let go of remaining emotional attachments along the path. From our experience soul mates don’t incarnate together at all until each are ready to move on a higher plane of existence as part of their spiritual journey.

When soul mates unite there is no allowance for anything other than pure honesty and clarity between them. Remaining distortions surface rendering union almost incomprehensible before most of our ‘stuff’ has been released. It doesn’t serve any of us to connect before we are ready. Frequently people go through many relationships that help to fine tune and release attachments until they are sufficiently evolved to move on to higher paradigms with their soul mate. Of course we may often experience deeply fulfilling relationships with someone other than our soul mate before we get there. It is all part of the grand unfolding of a unique soul.

In conclusion

Frequently we read of people searching for their true soul mate. Unfortunately this is just another alluring deception of the matrix in which we live, attaching us to the endless spinning wheel of need or desire for physical and emotional fulfilment through something external to the divine within (our twin flame). When we release our attachment and reconnect with who we really are, peel away our distortions and allow our beingness to magically and effortlessly shape our reality, then first our twin flame will come calling, inviting us to unite in solitude. When this divinely magical event takes place, we may well be blessed by an encounter with our true soul mate in order that we may experience divine union in physical form but that’s unlikely to happen if we’re efforting for it.

It may well be a long wait, and the journey may be winding, but from our experience, it’s definitely a destination worth not striving for!


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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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About the author:

Trinity Bourne - bio

Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’ and ‘Angelicious’, recipe books designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free and gluten-free cuisine.

22 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious, plant-based cuisine. She is also the co-founder of Openhand, an organisation dedicated to the conscious evolution of humankind.

For more, visit and follow Trinity’s Kitchen on Pinterest and Facebook!

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