Mushroom and Cardamom Squash Soup Recipe (Vegan & Gluten Free)

Mushroom & Cardamom, Squash Soup - Main

13th November 2014

By  Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Here in Avalon (UK) the autumn chill has well and truly started. I’m beginning to enjoy some hearty, nurturing dishes whilst snuggled around my open fire. The recipe I am sharing in this article is a gorgeous warming soup that uses squash as the base. The inviting fragrance of cardamom, warming hint of ginger, earthy mushrooms, tomato, coconut and fresh herbs weave together to create a delightfully pleasing soup.

You can use any sort of mushrooms for this recipe, although I prefer flavourful ones like chestnut or even shiitake. I use the seeds from the cardamom pods, which imbue a richer, more aromatic flavour than it’s pre-ground version. Plus,  Cardamom and ginger (like many quality herbs and spices) unleash a myriad of health benefits. As hypocrates once said – ‘Let food be thy medicine’.

Mushroom Cardamom & Squash Soup Recipe

Serves: 2 hearty bowls

Cooking & preparation: 30 minutes

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  350g of peeled squash (equivalent to about 2 ½ cups when the squash is cubed)

  300 – 400ml   (1 ¼ to 1 ¾ cups) water (depending on preferrence)

  125ml coconut cream (5 tablespoons)

  1 heaped teaspoon   ginger (freshly grated)

  4 cardamom pods

  1 teaspoon celtic sea salt

  250ml (1 cup) passata (also known as strained or sieved tomatoes)

  1 medium sized leek

  200g (couple of large handfuls) mushrooms

  Dash of coconut oil

  A handful of fresh herbs (either parsley or basil)


You will need two pans for this recipe. It is simple to make, created in two parts, which are added together to create one delicious soup. The first part involves creating a squash sauce/soup base. While that is cooking, you will need to sauteé the leek and mushrooms separately.

Creating the squash soup base:

  1. Peel and dice approximately 350g of squash. Chopping into cubes (under an inch cubed in size will work fine).
  2. Open your cardamom pods and take out the seeds. Finely chop these seeds with a sharp knife by going over and over them again and scraping your tiny pile back to centre a few times; until the seeds seem well chopped (as best you can anyway).
  3. Peel and finely grate 1 heaped teaspoon worth of fresh ginger.
  4. Add all the cardamom and ginger to your squash pan with the water, coconut cream, passata and sea salt. Bring to the boil and then allow to simmer for at least 15 minutes (or until the squash is soft enough to easily pierce with a fork).
  5. Blend until smooth, right there in the pan with a hand blender (immersion blender) if you have one; or blend in a jug blender.

Cooking the leek and mushrooms:

  1. Whilst you are waiting for the squash to cook… Melt a dash of coconut oil in a pan, turn on the heat.
  2. Roughly chop your mushrooms and chop leeks quite small.
  3. Add to the pan and gently sauteé for a few minutes until soft.

Bringing it all together:

  1. Add the mushroom and leek into the main squash base and gently mix in along with a generous handful of fresh basil or parsley.
  2. Serve with fresh healthy bread or delicious home-made savoury rosemary oatcakes (try my oatcake recipe here:  Rosemary Oatcakes) and enjoy!

From my heart to yours  â™¥


Trinity's Mushroom & Cardamom, Squash Soup

More  articles by Trinity Bourne:

About the author:

TrinityTrinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’, a recipe book designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free cuisine.

Around 18 years ago, during a profound spiritual awakening, the world around her shattered. She became engulfed in a white, universal, timeless, formless light until nothing else existed – other than the nameless truth at the core of all sentient beings. During this life-changing experience Trinity experienced the soul of all other sentient beings, trees, creatures, people as one pulsating energy. Transcending her into a higher realm of unity and oneness, this experience imparted a divine energy that she has been sharing through spiritual work ever since.

Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious vegan cuisine.  She is the co-founder of the  Openhand Foundation, an organisation dedicated to the evolution of humankind. She works as the divine complement to her soul mate  Open  to help facilitate the global Ascension process and feels incredibly blessed to be of divine service.

For more conscious  recipe ideas, pick up  Trinity’s book  Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, an inspiring collection of vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free recipes for the body, heart and soul.


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