By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World There is a mysterious element of order and wisdom that underpins the consciousness and energy of a group that gathers in sacred space...
Category - OTHER WRITERS >>
Diseases Cured – But Not By Medicines
By Tracy Kolenchuk Guest Writer for Wake Up World Can you name a disease that can be cured, but cannot be cured with medicines? Can you name two? Five? More? Can you name a common disease...
The Effect of External Energies in Your Space
By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World From an intuitive standpoint, your aura or personal space is separated from the outer world by a permeable membrane that turns you into a...
Understanding Medicines – From Deadly Drugs to Healthy Foods
19th November 2014 By Tracy Kolenchuk Guest Writer for Wake Up World You might think there are only two types of medicines – conventional medicines and alternative medicines. There are...
Overcoming Envy and Competition
By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World Competition in this sense is a game of one-upmanship that keeps us from being able to have and express our soul’s real wisdom...
How Modern Symptom-Based Medicine Can Make the Sick, Sicker
By Marie Be Guest Writer for Wake Up World The advancement of modern science and technology has allowed for ways of studying the incredibly small and the commensurably big. Technical...
What Story Do YOU Tell?
25th October 2014 By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World Your ancestral hunter-gatherer is a natural storyteller! As hunter-gatherer, your physical senses of sight...
Beware the Quack Quack Quack
18th October 2014 By Tracy Kolenchuk Guest Writer for Wake Up World What is Quack-Quackery? What is a quack? What is a quack quack? What is a quack quack quack? And why do we need...
Creative Day-Dreaming: Your Connection to Life’s Creative Flow
By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World The act of day-dreaming can be beneficial to so many aspects of our well-being. It allows us to tap into our spiritual...
Easy Dessert Recipe – Varya’s Old Fashioned Lemon Squares
By Varya Kapran Guest writer for Wake Up World This is hands-down one of my favourite recipes of all time. In fact, I made it every weekend for the last four weeks until I perfected it for you...
The Journey vs. The Dream
By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World It is a curious mindset – when you find yourself fixated on an outcome that you feel, once you have achieved it, will solve all of...
It Really Is Time To Wake Up World
By Michael J. Roads Guest writer for Wake Up World Years ago, I remember hearing a story of how God came to Earth to see how humanity was developing. Having created us, it is obvious that God had a...